Holosmith - Burn Holo
This is a test build. You may comment and rate it.
Focused on: Burst damage and Condition damage
Designed for: PvP Conquest
Burn Holo is a hybrid damage based PvP build for Engineers. This is a fast-paced hybird damage duelist with mixed melee/ranged options. The build makes use of Spear's synergy with & to create a strong mixed Power & Condi duelist. This build is also a very strong
Might stacker.
Skill Bar
Skill Variants
Use with:
- - For more burst damage.
- - If you want more condi damage output.
Choices for utility over
Superspeed & a third Stunbreak.
& - Grants - - 3rd Stunbreak. Increased healing.
- - Improves burst defensive ability.
Stability with
- This is a niche pick but viable due to the it provides. Replaces access to Stability with
Stealth. Turret must be within 500 range of any enemy targets upon the 5 second overcharge to trigger .
- This is also a niche but viable pick due to the it provides. Replaces access to
Burn output. Sets up nice into burst combos.
- Greatly increases - - Can be used to improve stability uptime.
Template Code
Trait Variants
- - Increased cleanse.
Equipment Variants
- x
- - Condition damage alternative.
- - Power damage alternative.
- - Little bit of everything.
- This build is for taking 1v1s and bursting.
How to Play
Close the gap with your target using Burn options. Once closing the gap isn't necessary or possible use to keep applying pressure from range. Keep yourself alive using the same mobility skills you used to close the gap, to widen it.
While usage of Spear are already conventional and much like other classes, usage of kits can be a challange to figure out at times. This is my basic understand of how to use the kit skills in PvP for those who aren't very familiar with how it works. Be sure to remember that you aren't locked out of kits untill you enter photon forge, you don't have to use ALL the cooldowns before swapping out of a kit, instead mix and match skill combos as if it's one big weapon.
- - Good for hitting through walls.
Might this skill alone can do up 10k in
Burning/power damage.
- This is the best skill on and is made to be spam used. You'll want to use these as you'd use , running away and shooting behind you. Due to slow speed projectile has very small range when chasing. You'll basically always want to land the x2 hit, this is easiest to do at melee range. Having the projectile travel though the opponent the skill will do 50% more damage, with 25 Burning & will reflect projectiles for 1 second.
- This is the builds main CC and the fastest. Use it to combo or as a Get-Off-Me option. Applies burn if opponent is already - - Apply as soon as an enemy goes down. Also use to cover caps for extra damage.
- - Stunbreaks. Be very careful when entering as it will lock you out of your 2nd stunbreak for 6 seconds.
- - Trigger this skill as soon as it comes off cooldown, even when not in combat. If you expect a big cleanse then save it for the main burst.
Mortar Kit:
Might stacking. Doesn't suffer from dragback unlike other mortar skills therefore has the most range.
- Can still do moderate damage due to Weakness.
- Condi damage option. Apply to downed bodies. Can be used to apply Frost Aura
- Best cover condi option. Easy to Blind spam field, use it at melee range to make you hard to hit.
- - - Heal field when spamming blast and leap finishers. Use it when you have enough safety to spare 3-5 seconds to stop moving and heal.
A couple example bursts would be:
- -> -> -> ->
- -> -> -> ->
- -> -> ->
- -> / ->
- is your 2nd stunbreak.
- & - These are your main 2 options to escape pressure. Try to save these skills for avoiding damage.
- , & - Use these skills to widen gap in opportune times. To do this you need to get good at detargeting for use of mobility skills.
Regen and Healing
Might, this makes it a very strong regeneration ability. You can even use and other elixirs to do some minor healing when needed.
- This trait actually triggers per stack of - - When heal is on cooldown use this skill combined with your multiple leap and blast finishers.
Slowing Chasers
Frost Aura given from this skill is very strong when paired with this build. Since this build lacks covers, a reapplying
Chill can make the
Burn underneath a lot harder to deal with.
- The
Damage Mitigation
Blind every second. Very hard to attack you in this field on specific classes. Should be used as much as possible.
- Pulses Weakness.
- Leap and blast finishers will cause - - This skill is actually a projectile reflect for 1 second. Will reflect infront and behind.
Extra Techniques
- Leave & on downed bodies as soon as they fall.
- Once at 25 stacks of
Might you have a ~30% increase to both condi and power damage.
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