Scourge - Corrupter
This is a test build. You may comment and rate it.
Focused on: Condition damage and Boon removal
Designed for: PvP Conquest
This build was last updated on May 25, 2024.
A high condition damage PvP Scourge build made to win teamfights and smaller skirmishes.
Skill Bar
Weapon Variants
- Take Staff if you don't own SotO (and therefore must use Scepter instead of Pistol) or if you need the utility more than the damage/mobility of Scepter+Warhorn.
Utility Skill Variants
- - highest general teamfight value if you can afford to cut a stun break.
- - best against Harbingers and Guardians or comps with a Support Chronomancer.
- - huge single-target spike.
- - extra anti-Power stun break.
- - extra anti-Condi stun break.
- - missile block and weakness application.
- - Necro's "Get out of jail free card" for when under heavy pressure.
- - only for very coordinated teams or kiting in duels.
Template Code
- can be taken against very condi-heavy comps.
- will deal higher burst damage but lower teamfight DPS, especially if you miss one or more fears.
- deals less damage but is better vs. Condi comps.
- higher burst damage but lower sustain.
- cover condition and healing reduction.
Elite specialization basics
- is replaced by the Sand Shade mechanic. Effects that trigger on entering, while in, or while leaving shroud can be used with the new Shroud 5 skill: .
- Your main job is to dish out big AoE damage and CC and while corrupting boons for even more. As such, watch your target's boons and don't waste your attacks on boonless foes unless they are being focused down by your team.
Might and cleanses a condition on any ally (including yourself) that you grant barrier to via Scourge skills and traits. triggers this, so one of your main sources of sustain and cleanse is corrupting or stripping boons from enemies.
- and provide additional passive sustain through your damage. Play aggressively but position carefully, as you cannot reposition as easily as other builds.
- Always open with , even if you need to place it before combat, to benefit from and from the beginning of combat. Make sure there is always at least 1 shade active.
- Use
Fear it will CC and deal damage.
carefully but as often as possible. As a source of
- Use to rotate between points.
- Use (or ) to interrupt enemies that are blocking.
Stability) if you know you won't need it for combat soon.
can be used to safestomp enemies (thanks to the
- Scepter skills (including the auto attack chain) are not projectiles and can be used to play around projectile denial (such as
Magnetic Aura).

I wish I had something better to say about scourge than a 3, but I just really don't think it works in pvp anymore. There was hope for it when alacrity got added to barrier procs, but that has since been removed, leaving behind a build that hybradises damage and support. It pushes small barriers, but not enough to save anything, and it has damage and boon corrupts, but less of both than condi reaper. As Alton has also said, it has a weakness to burst damage due to the slow and sustained nature of its healing, which when the meta is full of willbenders, spear mesmers and even spear heralds, isn't fun. I don't think it's worth playing at all without a support, and even with one, I don't see why you would ever pick it. Reaper and Harbinger have been better for years, that hasn't changed, and it probably won't

It has good sustain and can deal massive condition damage for how easy it is to play. It has almost permanent max carapace uptime while in fights and plenty of might uptime as well, because any time you use a barrier, you gain 2 might and clense a condi, and anytime you clense a condi, you gain 3 carapace, which only makes it harder to kill because at max carrapace, you gain 50% protection uptime thanks to Corruptor's Fervor and Beyond the Veil, which gives it a 10% condition damage reduction done to itself. Also, thanks to Deadly Strength, you gain 300 power and 300 condi damage while at max carapace. Which can make this build quite tanky for how much damage it can dish out. Support is not mandatory with this build, but it is nice to have. However, it can hold its own in a duel and also in a team fight. The main reason you die with this build is when you get stun-locked or bursted. Overall, it's a great build and definitely one of the better condition damage builds right now, that can be very versatile in many situations and is very easy to play.
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