Weaver - Earth Hammerweaver
The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good
Focused on: Condition damage and Sustain
Designed for: PvP Conquest
This build was last updated on October 23, 2024 and is up to date for the December 10, 2024 patch.
A condition damage based bunker Weaver build for PvP with good damage and high survivability. Primarily serves as a duelist but also has enough AoE damage to be relevant in teamfights.
The build's extremely durable against direct damage thanks to Earth and the high uptime, but condition matchups can take some practice.
Skill Bar
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- is also a viable option, adding more passive survivability to the build.
Equipment Variants
- Chill as it messes with attunement swap cooldowns, and the mediocre cleansing can make it hard to get rid of it sometimes. Svanir rune's -66% chill duration could solve this problem if you expect the enemy team to have a lot of chill access (from Necromancers for instance, Reaper especially). You could also take on Earth with this rune in order to build up further resistance to this condition. - the build's greatest counter is
- or over - if you can afford to give up condition removal for more damage.
- Alacrity as a bonus. - solid option if more cleansing is needed via synergy, and you get some
- - provides extra healing much like Nayos.
- Chill too if you're not opting for Svanir rune. Also makes it easier to maintain Swiftness in general, you could even consider using a charge of your healing skill while roaming between capture points with this relic. - better cleansing via synergy, solid option against
- - adds a new cover condition to the build for slightly higher damage and to make it harder to cleanse your more important conditions.
Elite specialization basics
- Weaver allows the Elementalist to attune to 2 elements at the same time, and skills 1-5 are decided based on both. Let's call them primary and secondary attunements.
- If you swap to then fire becomes your primary attunement and weapon skills 1-2 will be fire skills. Afterwards if you switch to for example then water is now your primary attunement and fire's moved to secondary - now skills 1-2 are water and 4-5 are fire. Skill 3 is a dual skill influenced by both active attunements.
- Hammer trivializes the dual attack mechanic quite a bit, since every dual attack does the same thing: activates a swirling orb with passive bonuses. The attunements will determine the bonuses. You don't really have to learn new skills if you were already familiar with Hammer.
- The order of the attunements doesn't matter here, water primary with fire secondary has the same dual attack as fire primary and water secondary.
- Swapping attunements counts as a weapon swap which means it procs and (once every 9 seconds).
- Dual attuning to the same element isn't really recommended here. You don't gain any new Hammer skills and won't proc your on-swap traits either.
- Skill #3 on each attunement is an orb skill, consider this your secondary profession mechanic. Air and Fire grant offensive bonuses while Water and Earth supply you with defensive ones. All 4 orbs also pulse damage and apply conditions around you while active, and as a Weaver you can activate up to 2 new orbs at once thanks to the dual attuning mechanic:
- on Fire increases your damage.
- on Water grants condition damage reduction.
- on Air increases crit chance.
- on Earth reduces direct damage.
- Each orb has a duration of 8 seconds, but whenever you add a new orb to the mix the duration of all previous orbs is refreshed. Once you've rotated through all 4 attunements the orbs will inevitably fall off - this is when you should use the chain skill which shoots them at your target for damage.
- Whenever you swap to a new attunement you should always start with activating its dual orb skill.
- On Weaver it's already easy to get whichever aura you want since it's based on your primary attunement, but let's say you're on Fire/Earth, if you activate Shocking Aura if you time it right. and immediately swap to Air you can still get a
is a channeled block - the aura is applied after you block something. This gives you a little bit of time to swap attunements before that happens and get an aura of your choice as the aura is granted based on your current attunement.
- You can cancel the spinning animation of by stowing your weapon. This also cancels the evade frame but sometimes you may want to do this so you can start attacking sooner, for example if you were cleaving a downed enemy but got CC'd you can quickly break the CC with ToF then cancel the spin to keep cleaving.
- Try to have and active before beginning to unload your harder hitting skills.
- has the most damage, followed by Earth.
- is more about CC than damage.
- can do quite a bit of damage on Hammer but it has no damaging conditions which sets it back a bit on Sage amulet. While it's primarily a defensive attunement the damage is fine and it has , which is the only gapcloser in the build.
- Skill #2 on every attunement is a decent offensive ability, so you can keep pressuring targets regardless of which attunement you're swapping to next.
- Skill #5 becomes Immobilize which can then be used to set up skills with long cast times such as or . It's also good for forcing enemies to tank multiple ticks of which is one of your most important offensive skills. after you swap out of Earth primary. Not only does this do heavy damage but also applies
- Swapping out of Air can be used in a similar way to set up burst, as skills #4 and #5 on Air CC targets.
- has the highest raw damage output.
- Vulnerability stacking, but this condition's effectivenes severely depends on how pressured your target already is. If the target doesn't have any damaging conditions and isn't being focused by your team, Vulnerability doesn't do much, in that case Earth is superior. is also a good choice because of the
- Chill is one of Elementalist's greatest weaknesses. does not directly help with damage, but the snare and CD increase can still be valuable - especially in mirror matchups, as
can instantly add burst to any attack sequence:
- You can obtain up to 47% extra crit chance through traits and skills:
- is a cone attack best used in melee range to make sure all 3 projectiles hit the target.
- creates 3 AoEs on the ground - try to position this in a way that your opponent is in the center of this skill so they get hit by all 3.
- Burning. All the other Fire skills apply Burning so that shouldn't be hard. is rather straightforward, just a big smash you should aim to land when the target has
Burst combo example
- Let's assume you're on Earth/Air.
- for CC.
- Vulnerability (for 1-2 seconds) before you're completely out of Air. You can activate this while casting Whirling Stones. to stack some
- Swap to Fire.
- Immediately activate the orb skill
- in point-blank range.
- Swap to Stability, Protection, damage reduction from various traits and immunity to critical hits via .
- Stone Heart briefly reactivates when you leave Earth!
- Attuning to Earth twice in a row offers no benefits.
whenever you're getting pressured. This will give you barrier,
- Keep attuning to Earth every second time you swap attunements if you want to play things extra safe. For example: Water ⇒ Earth ⇒ Air ⇒ Earth ⇒ Fire ⇒ Earth, repeat.
- High uptime on Air's orb skill Weakness can shut down Power builds on its own. Since it's instant you're able to reactivate it even while stunned. is crucial in melee as
- Earth skill #2 destroys projectiles, offering protection against some ranged specs on quite a low CD.
- Most of your condition cleansing will come from Water and Air attunement.
- On the first dodge you perform heals and cleanses 1 condition from you and nearby allies. On Water secondary you also have access to which is the closest thing this build has a mass cleanse and its effectiveness scales with the number of enemies struck, much like the healing of .
- Another important tool for fighting conditions is Swiftness or Superspeed (once every 5 seconds). Several skills provide these buffs:
- Swapping to .
- Using (Air #4).
- The utility skill .
- Potentially your healing skill when playing with .
, which makes you lose 1 condition when you gain
- Air's Shocking Aura can deal with melee attackers, Earth's Magnetic Aura shuts down projectiles and Water's Frost Aura offers direct damage mitigation.
on Earth is one of your best defensive skills. It blocks an attack and grants a huge amount of barrier + an aura based on your current primary attunement.
- Resistance once every 15 seconds via trait synergy. This boon allows you to ignore conditions such as Immobilized, Weakness or Chill. can give you
- Keep swapping in and out of Swiftness when roaming between capture points! Dual attuning to Air won't work. It doesn't really matter which other attunement you're swapping to, but Water has for extra mobility. for
Slow and can't always get a kill, but bunkers great, can hold it's own 1v2, and it's very easy to play
It definitely works, I'll say that, but there are too many weaknesses to ignore here:
Weak cleanse, making condi duelists a nightmare. Lack of aggressive traits results in common cases of stalling a duelist until someone from either team rotates into the node, lack of defense against cc, lack of range, lack of projectile denial, lack of speed. If you are dead set on playing a duelist elementalist, the condi sword weaver is by far the superior choice. And if you are dead set on hammer as a weapon, play catalyst.
I've found the damage lacking. Don't get me wrong this is enough for 1v1s and the sustain's good enough to stall outnumbered especially against power builds. But it really falls off in 2v2 and above, the damage becomes negligible compared to some other sidenoders especially once Primordial stance runs out. Therefore it's heavily reliant on the team making good rotations which is always a gamble in soloq. If Anet ever adds 1v1 tournys I'm defo playing this build, but in conquest there are better alternatives including hammer Catalyst even if that's harder to play.
The idea isn't completely new but no build has managed to make it viable in the past because not having Fire meant the damage or cleansing were too low. That is where Hammer comes into play. This weapon coupled with Primordial Stance has all the damage you'd ever need without any further investment. 5/5 damage and sustain against power builds, but the cleansing aspect remains unsolved. If Woven Stride ever gets a CD reduction this will be unstoppable, but as things currently stand the build has a defined weakness which is holding it back in some games. For now I'll have to detract 1 point for that since it falls behind the Cata version in that regard.
Very unique and surprisingly effective build. Extremely tanky thanks to all the Earth traits which add a bunch of instant procs. High Stone Heart uptime is especially great and can be a huge help when you're trying to survive a 1v2. Weaver's considered to be one of the hardest elite specs to play but Hammer removes much of the initial learning curve too since there are no dual attacks to memorize and work into your combos (all the dual attacks are just passive orbs). Several important survival tools are available right on attunement swap which means you don't have to stress too much about planning ahead with skill 4-5 access for defensive purposes either (although on water and earth there are still some powerful ones). Damage is good both in 1v1s and teamfights, but killing high cleansing specs can take a while.
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