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Xunlai Jade Junkyard Strike Mission Strategy Guide



Like Captain Mai Trin, Ankka’s first few attacks cause her to jump around a lot, so some classes may need to adjust their rotations to avoid dropping AoEs in the wrong place.

Almost every attack in this encounter applies Poison Poison, so you may find you need a lot of condition cleanse or extra healing to deal with it.


The fight starts with no preamble as soon as you move close enough to Ankka.

- Immediately as the first starts, Ankka launches three AoEs around her, plus an additional one for each player that is too far away. The AoEs last for three seconds and pulse a small amount of damage, Torment Torment, Cripple Cripple and Poison Poison.

Then, she will Jump towards and past the closest target, evading attacks as she moved - this can include minions and clones. This can be used to control her movement by getting the group to stack in the direction you wish her to move, and will be useful later in the encounter and particularly in challenge mode. If this movement takes her too close to the edge of the arena(s), she will teleport back to the middle. She repeats this every ~30 seconds.

Next, she fires an - a repeated conal attack that she uses every 5-10s.

Death’s Hand
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Approximately 15 seconds into the fight three players are targeted by a large AoE - the targeted players should have a yellow screen border - after five seconds, these AoEs stop tracking and drop a highly damaging field that lasts 16 seconds. In normal mode, it is ideal to stack these AoEs together to increase the playable space. The field pulse for heavy damage, Poison Poison and Torment Torment.

Challenge Mode only: attempting to stack AoEs will kill the players involved.

Hallucinating Shot

Approximately 20s into the encounter, she fires a at the group. This attack is unavoidable, and will create one of three random effects.

Each of these effects deal heavy damage the first time you are hit, and each subsequent time you are hit it will deal a multiple of that damage (so twice as much on the second hit, three times as much on the third etc).

The three random effects are:

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Wall of Fear

A group of krait spawn at the edge of the arena and move directly across across it. Surrounding each krait is a large AoE that pulses damage and also pulls nearby players towards it. Players should position themselves in one of the gaps and use whatever means they have to avoid being pulled into the AoEs. They always appear at the same locations:

In the first phase, three krait appear at the southern edge and move north.
In the second phase, three krait appear at the western edge and move east.
In the third phase, two krait appear at the southern edge and move north.

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Terrifying Apparition

A random player is fixated upon by a , which slowly walks towards the player for 18 seconds. The apparition is surrounded by a dangerous AoE similar to the krait, but only the fixated player is affected by the pull. This is by far the easiest hallucination to deal with as it moves slowly and only requires one player to kite it away, and if the fixated player is downed the apparition will immediately fixate on a new target.

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Wave of Torment

A series of hallucinatory Quaggan appear near random players and explode with a . The explosion AoEs can overlap so it’s important to avoid them, though the positioning of this can often force you away from the boss. A quaggan spawns every second, but each individual player can be targeted at most once every two seconds. [Sometimes a player getting downed ends this attack early - why?]

Challenge Mode Only: the AoEs are significantly larger, but explode much more slowly which can actually make it easier to deal with.

In phase 1, quaggan spawn for 12 seconds.
In phase 2, quaggan spawn for 16 seconds.
In phase 3, quaggan spawn for 18 seconds.

Death’s Embrace
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45s into the encounter, Ankka teleports to the middle of the arena and starts dragging all players towards her. She is surrounded by a large AoE that ticks for 6 seconds.

The first time you are hit it deals heavy damage and each subsequent time you are hit it will deal a multiple of that damage (so twice as much on the second hit, three times as much on the third etc).

After Death’s Embrace ends, Ankka’s defiance bar will unlock. Breaking her will make her Stunned Stunned and Exposed Exposed for 10 seconds.

Soon afterwards, Ankka fires another and then repeats again from . Just before she starts , her defiance bar will lock again.

She will follow the same pattern throughout the phase, but as she can be stunned, the timings will vary.

→ Repeat

Phase 2

At 75% health, Ankka will become invincible and flee to a new area. The group should follow the path to the east, avoiding the AoEs that spawn to block you.

Ankka remains invincible once you reach her, and launches out three Reanimated Spites. These spites can be killed, but they also die then their defiance bars are broken, which should be much quicker. After 20 second, any remaining reanimated Spites are destroyed, buffing Ankka with one stack of Power of the Void per spite. A number of reainimated malices also spawn during this phase, but they should die easily enough to cleave that they don’t cause a problem.

When all Spites are gone, Ankka is vulnerable again. She starts with an and shortly after will backflip away. Ankka doesn’t do much for a while, mainly just spamming basic attacks? And .

20 seconds after becoming vulnerable, a number of Zhaitan’s Reaches spawn around the area and perform a spin attack that pulls any players within their ring AoE towards them. They follow this up with a slam attack that launches/knocks nearby players back, before repeating the spin+pull attack once more, then dying.

Shortly after, it’s time for another .

Phase 3

At 40% health, Ankka becomes invulnerable and flees once more. Follow her north as before.

Phase 3 starts similarly to Phase 1, with and , followed by a Backflip.

Shortly after, she uses .

~35s into the phase, she becomes invulnerable and repeats Necrotic Ritual.

After this, she follows her Phase 2 pattern.


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