PvP Legendary Armor Crafting Guide


GW2 has 3 sets of legendary armors and one of them comes from PvP. In this step-by-step guide you'll learn how to craft the Legendary Glorious Hero's Armor.

While sPvP uses a different stat template and legendary armor is not helping you out in any way there, it's immensely useful for every other area of the game. Legendary armor incentivizes PvE/WvW players to try their luck in PvP while also making it easier for PvP players to jump straight into any other area of the game.

Legendaries are convenience items first and foremost. They're stored in your account wardrobe shared across all characters. Their stats can be changed for free any time out of combat, upgrades can be removed freely and transmuting new skins onto them is free.

We'll need 4 components to make a piece of armor:

  • A piece of Ascended PvP gear you seek to upgrade to Legendary.

Accountbound Materials

Before we get into the crafting details let's talk about all the things you'll need to earn from PvP in order to craft your desired set of armor.

  • - comes from the final reward chest of the Glorious Reward Track.
  • PvP League Ticket PvP League Ticket - final reward of every non-repeatable League Reward Chest, earned through playing ranked games.

Universal currencies that are not strictly tied to PvP but can be acquired there too:

  • - guaranteed drop from various loot boxes and the final reward chest of several reward tracks.
  • - minimum of 150. Found in Rank-Up Chests and most loot boxes that come from PvP Reward Tracks. Alternatively use on a level 80 character to earn shards instead of levels.
  • - contained in the final reward chest of many reward tracks, especially non-repeatable ones.
  • - guaranteed drop from salvaging Ascended Armor and Weapons using an , random drop from salvaging other Ascended gear. You can buy the tool from the Laurel merchant in Heart of the Mists.

Gift of Competitive Prosperity

The first gift is the true Gold Gold sink part of the crafting.

  • 1 - comes from the final reward chest of the Glorious Reward Track. Select this track while playing ranked PvP to gradually progress towards it while also gathering other accountbound currencies you'll need later. could speed up the process.
  • 15 - the Glorious Hero Reward Track's final chest drops this too if you want to farm it, but non-repeatable reward tracks offer the highest quantity of this item.
  • 1 - created in the Mystic Forge from smaller gifts requiring crafting materials.
  • 1 - created in the Mystic Forge from smaller gifts requiring crafting materials

Gift of Condensed Magic

You're going to have to create a Gift of Blood, Venom, Totems and Dust through crafting.

100 100 100 100
250 250 250 250
50 50 50 50
50 50 50 50

Combine these 4 lesser gifts in the Mystic Forge.

Gift of Condensed Might

Create a Gift of Bones, Claws, Fangs and Scales through crafting, just like the previous step.

100 100 100 100
250 250 250 250
50 50 50 50
50 50 50 50

Combine these 4 lesser gifts in the Mystic Forge.

Now combine the Gift of Might, Magic with the Mystic Clovers and the Mist Core Fragment in the Mystic Forge and move on to the next step.


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