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Blazing Staff Group PvE Build


Weapon: Fire Staff
Focus: Range DPS


  • Very high DPS
  • Easy to Play


  • Low Mobility
This build is up to date for the November 6, 2024 Horizons Patch #1.


This Elder's Blazing StaffElder's Blazing Staff build remains one of the top DPS builds in the game, great at dealing high AOE damage in group PvE content of all kinds like Hardcore Expeditions, Statics or Group Dungeons. It remains very easy to play with a straightforward playstyle that anyone can enjoy even without much knowledge of the game.


Elder's Blazing Staff
Main Hand Weapon
Elder's Blazing Staff
Burning Field
Raging Flare
Flame Tornado
Elder's Assassin Hood
Elder's Assassin Hood
Balanced Mind
Elder's Demon Cape
Elder's Demon Cape
Opening to Hell
Elder's Royal Robe
Elder's Royal Robe
Magic Rune
Elder's Shoes of Tenacity
Elder's Shoes of Tenacity
Blind Spot
Balanced Mind
Major Poison Potion
Major Poison Potion
Beef Stew
Beef Stew
Keep in mind: Gear shown in this build is meant as a reference. Choosing the correct tier of gear is very tricky as there are many variables. Some of them being your budget, your spec and minimum Item Power requirements of your guild if used for ZvZ.

You should always check prices based on IP of the items. For example, a masterpiece quality 4.3 Elder's CryptcandleElder's Cryptcandle could be cheaper while providing roughly the same IP as an 8.0.


Elder's Blazing StaffElder's Blazing Staff

Burning FieldBurning Field — You want to always have this active on a clump of mobs once the tank pulled as it deals high AOE damage without you doing anything else besides casting it down onto the ground.

Raging FlareRaging Flare — Use this as a follow up skill once you've already placed down a Burning FieldBurning Field onto a group of enemies, it does good damage without knocking enemies around like Fire WaveFire Wave

Flame TornadoFlame Tornado — This is your main DPS skill as it deals high AOE damage on a relatively short cooldown. Use this as the first skill once a group of mobs was pulled before using your other abilities.

BurnBurn — Because you will use your auto-attacks quite often between casts of Burning FieldBurning Field, you should always keep auto-attacking and this passive helps you deal extra damage.

Elder's Royal RobeElder's Royal Robe

Magic RuneMagic Rune — Place this rune onto the ground as the first skill used while your tank is pulling the mobs and then stay in it to passively increase your damage. You should also advice your other DPS players to stay inside the rune as everyone can make use of this skill.

AggressionAggression — This is your only good choice as it increases your flat damage and is perfect for the build.

Elder's Assassin HoodElder's Assassin Hood

MeditationMeditation — Use this ability to reset all your skills between pulls, this helps a lot with having your Magic RuneMagic Rune and Flame TornadoFlame Tornado up more often and use it twice in a row!

Balanced MindBalanced Mind — This passive offers you extra damage which is nice for the build.

Elder's Shoes of TenacityElder's Shoes of Tenacity

Blind SpotBlind Spot — The main use is that it deals extra damage the first time you do damage after activating it. You should try to use this whenever you have the chance for the extra damage.

You could also use Refreshing SprintRefreshing Sprint in order to lower your cooldowns even more but you'd lose some damage.

Balanced MindBalanced Mind — Yet another damage increasing passive.

Elder's Demon CapeElder's Demon Cape

Opening to HellOpening to Hell — This ability will create a pool of lava under the feet of whatever mob you hit with your auto-attack whenever the cape isn't on cooldown. This lava pool will deal high AOE damage to all mobs caught in it and its great to have, helping a lot with DPS.


PVE Damage Rotation ↴
Magic Rune
Arrow right.webp
Blind Spot
Arrow right.webp
Opening to Hell
Arrow right.webp
Flame Tornado
Arrow right.webp
Burning Field
Arrow right.webp
Raging Flare
  • Start off the rotation with Magic RuneMagic Rune to boost your damage before using Blind SpotBlind Spot to deal extra damage the first time you hit enemies. You can use your auto-attack to also trigger Opening to HellOpening to Hell Follow up with Flame TornadoFlame Tornado before continuing with Burning FieldBurning Field and Raging FlareRaging Flare. Once the clump is dead, use MeditationMeditation to reset your cooldowns and be ready for the next pull.


Major Poison PotionMajor Poison Potion — The poison has many uses but most important use would be onto bosses in order to both do damage and also decrease their defenses. Try to use a t6 version if you are tackling tier 7+ content. You can get away with using a t4 otherwise.

Beef StewBeef Stew — This is the best food to use as it improves your overall damage. Try to use an 8.2 version if you plan on tackling higher tier content.


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