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Claws Ganking PvP Build


Weapon: Dagger
Focus: Melee DPS


  • High Mobility
  • High Single Target Damage
  • Versatile


  • No Self-healing
  • Squishy
This build is up to date for the February 12, 2025 Rogue Frontier Patch 1.


This Claws build is one of the top builds to use in ganking, especially when you are part of a group. The versatility provided by the build is hard to match while remaining quite easy to play even for new players and performing well in Open World Ganking scenarios and decently well in solo mists. It is great in duo mists when you have another player to rely on for extra damage while you use DisembowelDisembowel to lock them down.


Elder's Claws
Main Hand Weapon
Elder's Claws
Deadly Swipe
Deep Cuts
Elder's Fiend Cowl
Elder's Fiend Cowl
Elder's Demon Cape
Elder's Demon Cape
Opening to Hell
Alternatives ⇅
Elder's Undead Cape
Elder's Assassin Jacket
Elder's Assassin Jacket
Balanced Mind
Alternatives ⇅
Elder's Stalker Jacket
Elder's Fiend Robe
Elder's Royal Sandals
Elder's Royal Sandals
Defenseless Rush
Major Poison Potion
Major Poison Potion
Alternatives ⇅
Major Healing Potion
Deadwater Eel Stew
Deadwater Eel Stew
Alternatives ⇅
Beef Stew
Keep in mind: Gear shown in this build is meant as a reference. Choosing the correct tier of gear is very tricky as there are many variables. Some of them being your budget, your spec and minimum Item Power requirements of your guild if used for ZvZ.

You should always check prices based on IP of the items. For example, a masterpiece quality 4.3 Elder's CryptcandleElder's Cryptcandle could be cheaper while providing roughly the same IP as an 8.0.


Elder's ClawsElder's Claws

Deadly SwipeDeadly Swipe — You should use Deadly SwipeDeadly Swipe for the mobility it provides but also keep in mind that every time you hit an enemy with this, you will gain an Assassin Spirit Charge that will increase your damage.

Another option would be using the Sunder ArmorSunder Armor as it also lowers enemy resistance, boosting your follow-up damage when you use DisembowelDisembowel.

DashDash — This is a fantastic movement ability, letting you catch up to enemies while also kite away easier if you want to retreat from a fight and remain mobile.

If you are fighting a healer, you should switch DashDash to Forbidden StabForbidden Stab to negate their healing. Another option would be Shadow EdgeShadow Edge providing you with a good way to catch targets.

DisembowelDisembowel — This is your main damaging ability and locks down a target for a few seconds while you do damage to them. This pairs perfectly with Opening to HellOpening to Hell and forces targets to take damage from both!

Deep CutsDeep Cuts — As you will be staying on top of your targets, the bleeds provided by this passive are great.

Elder's Assassin JacketElder's Assassin Jacket

AmbushAmbush — This ability offers you much needed stealth and allows you to camp bridges or spots. It also increases your damage with every moment spent in stealth and increases the damage of all your abilities.

Another option is the Elder's Stalker JacketElder's Stalker Jacket for extra damage if you are playing with a group or even the Elder's Fiend RobeElder's Fiend Robe as it provides great fear CC, giving you a nice defensive cooldown to use until your group catches up.

Balanced MindBalanced Mind — This is a flat increase of your damage, very good for the build.

Elder's Fiend CowlElder's Fiend Cowl

PurgePurge — Your main ability to use whenever enemies try to get away using their runs. It also offers incredible versatility and you can use this to purge skills like Life Steal AuraLife Steal Aura. The main use however remains purging runs in order to overwhelm enemies with your superior mobility.

AggressionAggression — A good damage increase for the weapon.

Elder's Royal SandalsElder's Royal Sandals

Defenseless RushDefenseless Rush — Stay aware that this skill not only increases your damage but also increases the damage you take. The damage increase makes it a top choice though as you can use any extra damage for your DisembowelDisembowel.

AggressionAggression — The standard choice for DPS builds. Remember that you can always switch to CourierCourier to carry more weight when you loot items off corpses.

Elder's Demon CapeElder's Demon Cape

Opening to HellOpening to Hell — This cape spawns a pool of lava below the feet of whatever enemy you hit with your auto-attack. You can also use the Elder's Undead CapeElder's Undead Cape as it provides a little more versatility with the stealth but your damage will be lowered considerably.


Lockdown Rotation ↴
Arrow right.webp
Defenseless Rush
Arrow right.webp
Arrow right.webp
Poison Potion
Arrow right.webp
Arrow right.webp
Opening to Hell
Arrow right.webp
Arrow right.webp
Deadly Swipe
  • Your goal is to catch targets out of stealth as that is when your damage is highest. This works best against transporting players using oxes in red zone or tunnels but the same can be used on any travelers.

Pop your Defenseless RushDefenseless Rush to boost your damage and then DashDash to get in a good position for DisembowelDisembowel but make sure to use your Poison PotionPoison Potion to help with burning down your target. Once you use DisembowelDisembowel, your cape will proc with Opening to HellOpening to Hell and create the lava pool below your target. The whole combo will deal high damage and should be enough to dismount any ox or almost kill most players. You should use PurgePurge on the target if they use a run skill before continuing to brawl them using Deadly SwipeDeadly Swipe and staying on top of them using Dash as you wait for your allies.


Major Poison PotionMajor Poison Potion — The main potion you'd want to use when ganking as it deals high damage and also slows down enemies that are hit while under the poison effect.

Deadwater Eel StewDeadwater Eel Stew — This food offers a good combination of damage and cooldown reduction much needed during ganks. Another good option is Beef StewBeef Stew for flat damage increase.


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