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Mistpiercer ZvZ PvP Build: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 15:39, 10 May 2024


Weapon: Bow
Focus: Range DPS
Mode: ZvZ


  • Great Burst
  • Easy to Play


  • High Skill Ceiling
This build is up to date for the November 6, 2024 Horizons Patch #1.


This build focuses on the high damage of the Lucent HawkLucent Hawk coupled with Avalonian BeamAvalonian Beam. The build performs very well in defensive positions like castles or territory defense as the high range of the Elder's MistpiercerElder's Mistpiercer. With a straight-forward rotation that is easy to execute, this build can be used well by new players.


Elder's Mistpiercer
Main Hand Weapon
Elder's Mistpiercer
Ray of Light
Lucent Hawk
Slow Poison
Elder's Cowl of Purity
Elder's Cowl of Purity
Avalonian Beam
Elder's Lymhurst Cape
Elder's Lymhurst Cape
Energy Reserve
Elder's Hunter Jacket
Elder's Hunter Jacket
Balanced Mind
Elder's Royal Sandals
Elder's Royal Sandals
Defenseless Rush
Major Gigantify Potion
Major Gigantify Potion
Beef Stew
Beef Stew
Keep in mind: Gear shown in this build is meant as a reference. Choosing the correct tier of gear is very tricky as there are many variables. Some of them being your budget, your spec and minimum Item Power requirements of your guild if used for ZvZ.

You should always check prices based on IP of the items. For example, a masterpiece quality 4.3 Elder's CryptcandleElder's Cryptcandle could be cheaper while providing roughly the same IP as an 8.0.


Elder's MistpiercerElder's Mistpiercer

MultishotMultishot — This AOE knockback is a great choice as it hits multiple targets and pushes them away while also interrupting them. You can use this over walls in order to disrupt enemies when given the chance.

Ray of LightRay of Light — You want to use this to setup your kills and to help your team. This ability will root all enemies and can be very useful for both yourself and your team as it forces defensive CDs off your enemies and offers your offensive tanks to engage.

Lucent HawkLucent Hawk — You can cast this ability up to 4 times, dealing equal damage every hit to any enemy hit. If possible, try to always use this on chokepoints where enemies are stacked close together so you can deal maximum damage.

Slow PoisonSlow Poison — Each auto-attack will slow the enemy. This will help chase enemies after winning fights but otherwise you don't have other good options for the passive skill.

Elder's Hunter JacketElder's Hunter Jacket

HasteHaste — You want to use this in combination with Defenseless RushDefenseless Rush for a total of 40% damage increase. The auto-attack speed increase is irrelevant as you shouldn't be auto-attacking anyway as the main damage output is provided by Lucent HawkLucent Hawk.

Balanced MindBalanced Mind — Another passive that increases your damage and even increases your defense by a little bit.

Elder's Cowl of PurityElder's Cowl of Purity

Avalonian BeamAvalonian Beam — Use this to deliver a quick burst of damage and interrupt spellcasting. As the beam travels a lot like the Lucent HawkLucent Hawk, you should use this in the same way on chokepoints where enemies clump up or on top of enemies caught in a OnslaughtOnslaught.

AggressionAggression — This passive increases your damage which is perfect for the build.

Elder's Royal SandalsElder's Royal Sandals

Defenseless RushDefenseless Rush — A good damage increase on demand, great for increasing the damage of all your skills but most importantly increasing the damage you do with Avalonian BeamAvalonian Beam and Lucent HawkLucent Hawk. Keep in mind however that this will also lower your defenses and make you even squishier.

AggressionAggression — This increases your damage even further, can't go wrong with it.

Elder's Lymhurst CapeElder's Lymhurst Cape

Energy ReserveEnergy Reserve — As the build can be rather mana intensive, this will help a lot with mana sustain as it triggers once your mana falls below 40% and it restores 80% of your total mana.


Burst Damage ↴
Defenseless Rush
Arrow right.webp
Arrow right.webp
Ray of Light
Arrow right.webp
Avalonian Beam
Arrow right.webp
Lucent Hawk
  • Start the rotation with Defenseless RushDefenseless Rush and HasteHaste in order to boost all your damage by 40% as you look for a clump to use Ray of LightRay of Light on, this will make it easier for you to land Avalonian BeamAvalonian Beam. Follow with Lucent HawkLucent Hawk, casting it 4 times in order to maximize the damage done.


Major Gigantify PotionMajor Gigantify Potion — Use this as your defensive, pop it if you see enemies trying to catch you or if you get slowed down and you cannot avoid damage coming onto you. Can also be used during an engagement to soak damage while you do your rotation.

Beef StewBeef Stew — As damage is the most important part of this build, you want to use the Beef StewBeef Stew to improve that. Try to use an 8.1 or 8.2 for best return on your investment.


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