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Hand of Justice ZvZ Build


Weapon: Hammer
Focus: Tank
Mode: ZvZ and Open World


  • Versatile
  • Great Mobility


  • Low Sustain
  • Bad 1vs1
This build is up to date for the September 18, 2024, Paths to Glory Patch #4 .


This Elder's Hand of JusticeElder's Hand of Justice ZvZ PvP build is focused around CC-ing and repositioning enemy players, pulling them along and out of position so your team can follow up and kill them. While the build mostly acts as an offensive build and is a great choice for a shotcaller, it can still be played well by skilled players. The build offers great CC options like Mythical WebMythical Web and Electric DischargeElectric Discharge, offering great utility for any zerg.


Elder's Hand of Justice
Main Hand Weapon
Elder's Hand of Justice
Iron Breaker
Inertia Ring
Stunning Strike
Elder's Judicator Helmet
Elder's Judicator Helmet
Electric Discharge
Alternatives ⇅
Elder's Cleric Cowl
Elder's Martlock Cape
Elder's Martlock Cape
Shield of Protection
Elder's Duskweaver Armor
Elder's Duskweaver Armor
Mythical Web
Protective Instinct
Alternatives ⇅
Elder's Guardian Armor
Elder's Boots of Valor
Elder's Boots of Valor
Alternatives ⇅
Elder's Graveguard Boots
Major Gigantify Potion
Major Gigantify Potion
Alternatives ⇅
Major Resistance Potion
Avalonian Pork Omelette
Avalonian Pork Omelette
Alternatives ⇅
Avalonian Beef Sandwich
Pork Omelette
Keep in mind: Gear shown in this build is meant as a reference. Choosing the correct tier of gear is very tricky as there are many variables. Some of them being your budget, your spec and minimum Item Power requirements of your guild if used for ZvZ.

You should always check prices based on IP of the items. For example, a masterpiece quality 4.3 Elder's CryptcandleElder's Cryptcandle could be cheaper while providing roughly the same IP as an 8.0.


Elder's Hand of JusticeElder's Hand of Justice

Iron BreakerIron Breaker — This is a great ability to use after you pulled and CC'd a group of players as it lowers their damage resistance but also breaks all shields like Arcane ProtectionArcane Protection, making it easier for your DPS players to deal damage.

Inertia RingInertia Ring — You want to use this ability to deny enemy zerg movement as it creates a large circle that greatly lowers movement speed when passing through. You can also use this after the use of OnslaughtOnslaught or simply to slow down enemy engages.

OnslaughtOnslaught — This is the most important ability for you and it should be used to pull enemies towards your zerg. You want to position deeper into the enemy zerg and then cast this skill behind them, travelling with the skill towards your zerg. 10 enemies hit will be pulled along in the path while also being stunned. Once you stop, the enemies will be thrown into the air and CC'd.

Stunning StrikeStunning Strike — This passive is great when you are on the move and can keep hitting the same target repeatedly to proc the stun on them but you shouldn't focus too much on auto-attacking, instead, focus on positioning yourself better so you can use your active skills.

Elder's Duskweaver ArmorElder's Duskweaver Armor

Mythical WebMythical Web — Use this skill to slow players that pass through it, especially in small corridors through which enemies have to push. The web also purges all movement speed buffs which can slow down a zerg considerably. This can also be used right after using OnslaughtOnslaught to deny their escape.

ToughnessToughness — As a tank you want to have high resistance, improving all your defense stats by a large amount.

Protective InstinctProtective Instinct - Neither of the two options actually matter as both are used for PvE but Protective InstinctProtective Instinct allows you to take aggro from mobs in the rare situations where you need to. This normally only happens if you are diving statics or move through Avalonian Roads.

Elder's Judicator HelmetElder's Judicator Helmet

Electric DischargeElectric Discharge — This AoE electricity expands outwards from your position and will stun all targets that get hit by it. You should use this to deny engages or as follow-up after OnslaughtOnslaught.

As an alternative, you should use Elder's Cleric CowlElder's Cleric Cowl for it's fantastic defensive ability (Ice BlockIce Block). This is more or less mandatory if you are shotcalling.

ToughnessToughness — This is another defensive increasing passive, awesome to have.

Elder's Boots of ValorElder's Boots of Valor

PremonitionPremonition — While a bit more difficult to use, this skill is great for ZvZ where you can run into slows, roots or stuns to boost your movement speed and also making you immune to all those effects. You want to use this skill when beginning an engage in order to boost your chances of successfully CC'ing enemies.

You can also use Elder's Graveguard BootsElder's Graveguard Boots as a cheaper alternative.

ToughnessToughness — This passive also increases your defensive stats which can help a lot when playing as an aggressive tank.

Elder's Martlock CapeElder's Martlock Cape

Shield of ProtectionShield of Protection — Use this cape for it's defense increase whenever your HP drops below 25%. The increased defense can save you from many deaths, be it while you are pushing into the enemy backline to make your plays or if you are caught out of position.


CC Pull ↴
Arrow right.webp
Arrow right.webp
Iron Breaker
Arrow right.webp
Mythical Web
Arrow right.webp
Electric Discharge
Arrow right.webp
Inertia Ring
  • Start by using PremonitionPremonition in order to boost both your movement speed anticipate CCs that might otherwise stop you from pushing through the enemy frontline. Position yourself so enemies are between yourself and your zerg before using OnslaughtOnslaught to pull them along and towards your zerg. Follow up with a quick Iron BreakerIron Breaker to lower enemy defenses then continue with Mythical WebMythical Web in order to keep enemies from using their runs and purging them if they do. Use Electric DischargeElectric Discharge to stun enemies caught but also other enemies that might try to come closer. You then can continue with Inertia RingInertia Ring if enemies are still caught but not dead, making it easier for your zerg to kill them.


Major Gigantify PotionMajor Gigantify Potion — This comes into use whenever your zerg has lost an engage and you need to move away or if you are too deep into the enemy backline and need to get back to your frontline. This can also be used to position yourself for the use of OnslaughtOnslaught. Most of the time however you should use this as a defensive option. Major Resistance PotionMajor Resistance Potion is also a good choice as it allows healers to heal you.

Avalonian Pork OmeletteAvalonian Pork Omelette — The special Avalonian Pork OmeletteAvalonian Pork Omelette is the perfect choice for a tank in ZVZ, lowering your cooldowns and also offers you great extra defense. Avalonian Beef SandwichAvalonian Beef Sandwich is also a great choice as it considerably improves your max HP and increases the duration of your CCs.


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