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Stomping a {{Tooltip|Revenant}}:
Stomping an enemy {{Tooltip|Revenant}}:
* Their autoattack is mildly annoying when you're cleaving because of the {{Tooltip|Slow}} but it doesn't affect stomping. Anti-projectile skills can negate the autos.
* Their autoattack is mildly annoying when you're cleaving because of the {{Tooltip|Slow}} but it doesn't affect stomping. Anti-projectile skills can negate the autos.
* They only have a single target CC. Animation: they slowly raise their right hand to make a pushing gesture.
* They only have a single target CC. Animation: they slowly raise their right hand to make a pushing gesture.
* {{Tooltip|Stability}}, {{Tooltip|Blind}}, {{Tooltip|Stealth}}, bodyblocking, invulnerabilities and double port all work against them.
* {{Tooltip|Stability}}, {{Tooltip|Blind}}, {{Tooltip|Stealth}}, bodyblocking, invulnerabilities and double port all work against them.
Stomping others as a {{Tooltip|Revenant}}:
* {{Tooltip|Herald}} players with Glint could prevent Mesmers and Thieves from entering stealth with {{Skill|Gaze of Darkness}}. While Revenants can't port after them, with this they can help allies stomp or cleave. The skill also applies {{Tooltip|Blind}} to negate downed CC.
* {{Skill|Legendary Dwarf Stance}} has plenty of {{Tooltip|Stability}}.

Revision as of 09:33, 1 May 2023


A PvP guide to stomping downed enemies in PvP as well as how to survive stomp attempts on each profession.

These are tips for dealing with downed enemies based on their profession.


Stomping an Elementalist Elementalist:

  • There's not much you can do here, their Vapor Form allows them to go invulnerable and travel around for a few seconds. They get to avoid any stomp attempts. Best advice is to start cleaving or stomping as soon as possible to quickly force out the Vapor Form, after that they're a free kill.

Downed tips for Elementalist Elementalist players:

  • Running away with Vapor Form could counter every stom and cleave attempt. You even get to pass through gates like the ones in the base on Foefire where you should be safe to self-rez with Bandage, or take Mesmer/Thief portals to safety.
  • After building distance with Vapor Form Grasping Earth's immob could buy you a few extra seconds by snaring enemies who are trying to reach you.

Stomping others as an Elementalist Elementalist:

  • Eles have a lot of anti-projectile skills like Swirling Winds, Magnetic Wave and Magnetic Aura.
  • Mist Form could cover the entire stomp animation, but you have to start stomping BEFORE you use this skill.
  • Plenty of Stability Stability access.
  • Scepter builds with Blinding Flash or any ele build with Signet of Air could negate downed CC.
  • Lightning Flash is good for porting after Thieves and Mesmers.


Stomping a Engineer Engineer:

  • They have not one but 2 downed CC skills. The first one which is instantly available is a ranged pull called Grappling Line. Their character pulls their right hand back as they charge up the skill, that's your sign to dodge if you can't negate the attack.
  • The second one becomes available after a few seconds in downed state, Booby Trap is an AoE knockback. Animation: they raise their right hand towards the sky.
  • Stability Stability works on both and so does Blind Blind (if your timing is good) or invulnerabilities like Mist Form. Grappling Line could also be shut down with Swirling Winds or any other anti-projectile skill. If you don't waste any time then they don't get to use their Booby Trap, but if they do then the projectile denial won't be enough.
  • Double teleports could work but Grappling Line is ranged so there's a chance they could snipe you and interrupt the cast.
  • Stealth Stealth might work on Grappling Line but not Booby Trap, and even with Grappling Line you should be behind the target to avoid them getting lucky with a random Grappling they throw forward.

Downed tips for Engineer Engineer players:

  • Spamming the auto works well enough when it comes to denying cleave attempts as the autos could inflict Weakness Weakness.
  • Having 2 CCs is quite strong in most cases.
  • If they're trying to leave you behind to bleed you could try pulling them back with Grappling Line and then hitting them with a Booby Trap right as they're about to get up. From then on keep spamming autos hoping for Chill Chill applications to make them travel slower.

Stomping others as an Engineer Engineer:

  • Many Engi builds have access to Stealth Stealth, one with Elixir S have both stealth and an invulnerability.
    • Elixir S must be used AFTER beginning the stomp.
  • Mechanist Mechanist players could use the Mech to bodyblock Revenants, Warriors and other Engineers.
  • Scrappers might have Defense Field against projectiles and CC.
  • Elixir U is available to all Engineers.
  • Flamethrower builds could use Smoke Vent for instant AoE Blind Blind.


Stomping an enemy Guardian Guardian:

  • Downed AoE CC skill Wave of Light is available to them right away. Animation: they raise their right hand towards the sky.
  • Stability Stability and invulnerabilities are a safe bet.
  • Blind Blind and double teleports work with proper timing.
  • Their downed skill #3 is an AoE rez with multiple pulses. Not a major threat on its own but could make it easier for their allies to pick them up, and stomping them while they have high enough downed HP could give them enough time to self-rez.

Downed tips for Guardian Guardian players:

  • Against Blind Blind stomps you could use Symbol of Judgment's pulses to eat the blind and time Wave of Light to go off right after the symbol deals damage, securing the AoE interrupt. This tactic is quite useful when sitting in a Black Powder for example.
  • Stealth Stealth stomps are easy enough to disrupt with your AoE CC.
  • Being an AoE CC you could interrupt teleport stomps with Wave of Light if your timing is good enough. For this you might need to start casting the skill a split second before they port back to you. If you're able to see the stomp in the distance or count the seconds then you might be able to anticipate it.
  • If there's any chance of allies reviving you always use Symbol of Judgment the moment it becomes available.

Stomping others as a Guardian Guardian:

  • Every Guardian should have some access to Aegis Aegis and sometimes even other instant blocking skills like Shield of Wrath.
  • Most Guardians have Stability Stability from Virtue #3 or some other source.
  • Core Guardians with the Radiance Radiance specialization have an instant AoE blind on the active of Virtue of Justice.
  • Builds with Judge's Intervention could port after Thieves and Mesmers.


Stomping an enemy Mesmer Mesmer:

  • Mesmers have a teleport skill that gives them Stealth Stealth and summons a clone.
  • The clone appears before they leave stealth, so always stomp the Mesmer that appears second - they're the real one.
  • This one's a bit tricky but if you have an instant teleport skill that's either ground targeted or takes you right to the target like Steal then with proper timing you could stomp them.
  • To efficiently stomp a Mesmer you must begin stomping, interrupt your own cast about halfway through by sidestepping then start stomping again. With a little luck they fell for your first attempt and used their Deception right as you begin the second stomp. Deception's stealth duration is 2 seconds, stomping takes 3, you'll have a little less then 1 second to locate the downed Mesmer coming out of stealth and teleport close enough that your stomp connects. You mustn't move during the second stomp!
  • Honestly just cleave them, this isn't worth it but hey, if you like a challenge you could try.
  • Be careful with their downed skill #3, Phantasmal Rogue hits like a truck. If you're below ~7k HP you should definitely dodge this Phantasm just to be safe.

Downed tips for Mesmer Mesmer players:

  • Try to teleport out of the range of the stomp because the stealth on Deception is shorter than the stomp animation, if you reappear in range then you'll get stomped all the same even if you ported.
  • Deception is ground targeted, you could get closer to allies, escape to the highground or just get out of harm's way in general.
  • Phantasmal Rogue does a ton of damage, it could even force enemies into downed state. Blind however prevent the Phantasm from being summoned, so if you're blinded then do an autoattack first to get rid of it. While the condition UI is hidden you can spot the blind from the visuals at the edges of your screen and the smoke around the eyes of your character.

Stomping others as a Mesmer Mesmer:

  • Every Mesmer has Distortion, even just a second of it is enough to avoid CC.
  • Many Mesmer builds have access to Stealth Stealth.
  • Melee clones could be used to bodyblock.
  • Mirage Mirage players can dodge CC while stomping.


Stomping a Necromancer Necromancer:

  • Their downed CC isn't very dangerous, long cast time and obvious animation (black symbol above their head, raised right arm).
  • Easy to stomp with Stability Stability, Blind Blind, Stealth Stealth and invulnerabilities.
  • Blind Blind and double teleports work with proper timing.
  • The real danger here isn't even their CC but the damage. Skill #1 Life Leech makes them quite durable as they steal health while channeling. The damage is quite good too, so stomping them on low HP may not be the best idea, even if you have Stability Stability or a single Blind Blind for their CC. It gets even more rough once they can use their #3 which is Fetid Ground. This is a pulsing AoE that scale with both Power and Condition damage and they get to keep channeling Life Leech on top of it. The Poison Poison even impacts your incoming healing.
  • TL;DR don't stomp a Necro on low HP unless you can avoid most of their damage, and even cleaving could be problematic. Sometimes after a 1v1 it's smarter to block line of sight so they can neither damage nor heal with Life Leech until you manage to recover some health.

Downed tips for Necromancer Necromancer players:

  • With skill retargeting enabled and a little luck you could interrupt stealth stomps. Start casting Fear without a target and hope that you're about the click on the reappearing enemy at the last moment.
  • In terms of damage Necromancers have some of the most threatening downed abilities.
  • Life Leech and Fetid Ground are amazing when it comes to downed 1v1s too. You should be able to beat anyone except maybe a downed Ranger or a Warrior who uses Vengeance.
    • Against Mesmers and Thieves you might want to wait with Fetid Ground until after they teleport to a new location.
  • While Life Leech makes you more durable, sometimes you might want to stop attacking with it. As this skill heals you it effectively delays your respawn, so if a fight is lost and you can't contribute to a kill then there's no point in healing yourself.

Stomping others as a Necromancer Necromancer:

  • Reapers have Stability Stability on shroud #3.
  • The combination of Summon Flesh Wurm and Spectral Walk allows for teleport stomping.
  • Start the stomp cast Spectral Walk Necrotic Traversal teleport back with Spectral Recall near the very end of the stomp animation.
  • Builds with Corrosive Poison Cloud could stomp projectile users freely.
  • Well of Darkness could be used to Blind Blind downed enemies.


Stomping a Ranger Ranger:

  • Rangers have arguably the strongest downed toolkit in the game: an AoE CC, an insanely good self-rez and even full control over their pets.
  • It's best to stomp them as soon as possible and don't even try to bleed them.
  • Stability Stability and invulnerabilities are the best bets here.
  • Blind Blind could work with proper timing but you might need more than 1, as they might use their pets for extra CC.
  • Stealth Stealth sometimes works but certain pets like Wolf Wolf with their AoE Fear Fear could interrupt you even then.
  • Double teleport can work if you can outrange Thunderclap (ranger) and time it well.

Downed tips for Ranger Ranger players:

  • On most builds your biggest asset isn't even your downed bar but your pet. Despite the pet UI being hidden while downed you have full control over your pet, from skills to pet swapping.
  • Your goal is to survive until Lick Wounds becoms available, which could easily rez you without any help from teammates. For this you need to pace out your pet CC skills and Thunderclap (ranger), interrupting stomps right at the end or disrupting hard hitting abilities when you're getting cleaved.
  • It's worth pet swapping right before using Lick Wounds unless your pet was dead. The only way to cancel this skill is to kill your pet so you want your pet to be at max health. Starting the skill revives your pet if he was dead, but doesn't heal ones that were simply already low HP.
  • With Smokescale Smokescale you might even be able to Stealth Stealth yourself if you have the trait Clarion Bond. All you need to do is make the Smokescale drop a Smoke Field then swap to your other pet which should trigger a blast finisher proc.

Stomping others as a Ranger Ranger:

  • With Smokescale Smokescale and Leap/Blast finishers you could combo Stealth Stealth to cover the stomp.
  • Some builds might have access to Stability Stability, for instance Wilderness Survival builds with Shared Anguish.
  • You could use your pet to bodyblock Engineer, Revenant and Warrior CC skills.


Stomping an enemy Revenant Revenant:

  • Their autoattack is mildly annoying when you're cleaving because of the Slow Slow but it doesn't affect stomping. Anti-projectile skills can negate the autos.
  • They only have a single target CC. Animation: they slowly raise their right hand to make a pushing gesture.
  • Stability Stability, Blind Blind, Stealth Stealth, bodyblocking, invulnerabilities and double port all work against them.

Stomping others as a Revenant Revenant:

  • Herald Herald players with Glint could prevent Mesmers and Thieves from entering stealth with Gaze of Darkness. While Revenants can't port after them, with this they can help allies stomp or cleave. The skill also applies Blind Blind to negate downed CC.
  • Legendary Dwarf Stance has plenty of Stability Stability.


Stomping a Thief Thief:

  • Their autoattacks aren't too dangerous most of the time, but Deadly Arts Deadly Arts could buff it especially for condition thieves. Anti-projectile skills could shut down the damage.
  • Thieves get to use Shadow Escape to teleport away and move out of stomping range.
  • Instant teleport skills and good timing is the only thing that works here. You must use something like Judge's Intervention to teleport after them while channeling the stomp, and you must port AFTER they use Shadow Escape which is instant cast. Sometimes your window here is less then 0.1 second. This is kind of easy with teleport skills that target enemies, but with ground targeted ones like Blink there's some luck involved too.
  • If they survive long enough to use skill #3 Smoke Bomb they get to Stealth Stealth themselves, interrupting the stomp that way.
  • They're rather squishy so usually you're better off going for the cleave instead of trying to get the stomp.


Stomping a Warrior Warrior:

  • Skills 1-2 are probably the worst across all professions.
  • Their damage is low and everything works against them: Stability Stability, Blind Blind, Stealth Stealth, bodyblocking, invulnerabilities, projectile hate and even double port.


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