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This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 28 votes.
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5 stars
GentooMonk gave this build 5 stars • October 2016
Extremely useful now after the ranger changes and it is the current meta.
5 stars
Syrene gave this build 5 stars • October 2016
This is THE build for inexperienced raiders/puggers who just need a kill and aren't looking for speed clears. High healing for inexperienced teammates and high survivability for people who aren't used to mechanics and roles yet. The ultimate babysitter build. As people get more experience, they can transition to less heal and support oriented builds and start focusing on glassier higher DPS builds like the power and condi ones.
1 star
Fredor gave this build 1 star • August 2016
There is no scenario in the raid that requires that much constant healing and this build doesn't provide anything to get more offensive if you don't need that much heal. Even if you want a full healer that can simply outheal everything, as long as all goes well or you are in a phase were that much healing isn't required there is no reason for a druid to camp on staff. A full Zealot Druid with Monk Rune and Transference Sigil for example will only lose about ~12% Healing in average but will do 82% more DPS and can therefore be much more flexible.
5 stars
Beanna gave this build 5 stars • August 2016
This is a very comprehensive build that definitely needs to be in the Meta category. Any Magi build needs to be put in the Meta category at this point because a new player won't look past the DPS variants (Viper/Zerk) featured in the Meta category and will fail miserably at healing a whole raid on his first attempt at VG. Magi is a Meta build, experienced groups - not pushing for time records - use one Magi Druid on a weekfly basis for a safe clear. Please mods, change that, this is misleading for new Druid players and needs to be addressed.
5 stars
Chairman Panda gave this build 5 stars • August 2016
This build provides a huge margin of error if you are running with PUGs, which is worth sacrificing the minimal DPS that a power or condi druid can put out. It can also be used effectively in T4 fractals as well. This build might not be worth running in dedicated raid groups, but for the majority of situations, it can be used to great effect.
5 stars
Haksilence gave this build 5 stars • August 2016
this build deserves to be meta, virtually no group runs without this. the fact that the A/T condi is considered meta but this is not is ridiculous. A/T is one of the lowest dps condi builds currently floating around and cannot support a group as a solo healer in almost any boss, its only role is to be a secondary healer ins a 4/4/2 group comp. regardless of rating, this build is part of the meta game more so than 9/10 of the other builds.
5 stars
Crazy Branden4458 gave this build 5 stars • July 2016
I just started to gear for raids, this I the build I will be using. I like the staff/staff because its makes its a full heal build my one question is why not use healing spring for the aoe heal when fighting bosses. Overall I give this build a 8.5 out of 10
5 stars
IrishDog gave this build 5 stars • June 2016
This build will lack in your damage but you make it up in healing and buffing. I've taken this through both raid wing 1 and 2, high level fractals, and some of wing 3. This build is very helpful for newer groups or groups that take lots of damage, for power healing your party through high damage encounters/mechanics, and it allows your high damage team mates to worry less about there own healing. You can up your damage by running zealot’s (mainly weapons and armour) it doesn’t impact your healing noticeably and taking Bountiful Hunter (nature magic, tier 1, top) can greatly improve damage.
5 stars
Frauzio gave this build 5 stars • June 2016
Best duid build here. It is valid not only for raids, but for high level fractals too (instead of useless berserk build). Best one for doing everything in group (dungeon, raid, events, ..) You have high healing power to keep allies always full and you can use precision to activate sigil/rune effect. Magi stats gain to you a lot of vitality that permits you to stay alive and provide a costant healing.
5 stars
Sina gave this build 5 stars • June 2016
This is a great build to make sure you kill Slothazor & Matthias on the first try. On other bosses the dual dps ranger comps are recommended.
5 stars
Mechalibur gave this build 5 stars • May 2016
Probably the most reliable build if your only goal is to complete raid encounters. It works great at keeping pugs alive, and even in a static group I would still consider using this build for the complete security and versatility it offers. Obviously, this isn't the best build for speed running or low manning raid encounters, but it excels at keeping the group safe, while still providing respectable damage bonuses. Compared to the viper druid, this build offers much more healing at the cost of damage. However, most bosses are quite lenient on their enrage timers, and you should still be able to kill most of them with plenty of time remaining despite your lower personal DPS.
5 stars
Papatoo gave this build 5 stars • May 2016
i used this build for all bosses, wing1 and 2. It's the best choice to keep alive allies and maintain the 10% bonus scholar rune. When you go in raid with pugs , this build prevent some mistakes of players, its potential of huge healing is awesome against sabetha last phase, mathias or sloth; it can help a lot too with tank who have low thougness on vg and with it you can heal and tank gorse
5 stars
Wosie gave this build 5 stars • May 2016
This build may as well be in the meta list because it is a great build. It isn't meant for record breaking, but it is perfect at what it aims to do.
5 stars
Jemikwa gave this build 5 stars • April 2016
I use this build for my raiding group and it works very well for us. We're still working on nailing down mechanics to be perfect, so not everyone dodges mechanics and end up taking an excess amount of damage. Pure zerker druid may work for groups that know the fights and mechanics and rarely take damage, but for my raiding guild this build is superior in every way because it keeps the group up. Our dps-ers typically make up any dps I could spit out with zerker druid.
5 stars
Narth gave this build 5 stars • April 2016
I've found that this build is great for raids, especially for newer players compared to other builds for druid. It is also really good in higher level fractals, though I did change out the trinkets for berserker trinkets and used magi gear for clearing fractals as it helped speed things up a little bit. The best part about this build is you can vary the gear to increase your damage as your group gets a better grasp of the mechanics.
5 stars
Scootts gave this build 5 stars • April 2016
It's not suited for speed runs, but druids fully dedicated to healing are an important part of most raid groups. No reason to try to squeak a few thousand dps out of your healer when the other 9 members aren't fully geared, avoiding 100% of mechanics, and running perfect rotations.
5 stars
AnoraMakani gave this build 5 stars • April 2016
It isn't a full DPS Build, and because the high healing is good for beginner parties or teams that aren't harmonised, they can make a few errors and won't die.
5 stars
BennyMC93 gave this build 5 stars • March 2016
In my opinion this is the best healer build for the majority of the playerbase. When you don't have the perfect composition and "leet skills", shaving a few seconds on the timer is not going to matter if your team is dead. Having so much healing gives you more room for errors and mistakes, things that do happen in normal runs.
5 stars
Geekgirl101 gave this build 5 stars • March 2016
Replace Frost Spirit with Grasping Vines during Gorseval to root the spirits during the spirit phase. Your party won't be getting the bonus from Frost Spirit for the majority of that fight.
5 stars
MoonKK gave this build 5 stars • March 2016
This build is the highest possible healing for a druid and brings along all of the offensive support associated with the class. Raid timers are not tight enough that you would need to squeeze DPS out of your healer. Now that 5/6 man Vale Guardian, Gorseval, and Sabethas have been done, it is apparent that you could have half your team do no damage or minimal damage and you still won't run out of time. As such, the true groups that struggle are not the ones that need would need fully invested healers, but the who need the DPS variant because their group DPS is so low that they would even need the healer to do damage. In the wake of Salvation Pass and the even more lenient enrage timers, pure healing variants of the druid appear ever more useful. A team who is consistently up and doesn't have to worry about their health generally operates more effectively than a team who has to worry about their health themselves. When all you're aiming for are clears and not speed runs, the healing power invested druid is superior to the DPS one any day.
1 star
Coolyellow42 gave this build 1 star • March 2016
Good for carrying complete idiots but otherwise not required. Brings too much healing and the DPS loss is noticeable. If you're playing with people who need this build you're better off with another group. Only worth taking in the worst of scenarios, and if your team can make up the lost DPS.
5 stars
Paprikaspice gave this build 5 stars • March 2016
This build is better than the zerker build for sure. It brings a lot of party dps, and nm keeps your pet dps decent enough. It allows for mistakes even in an experienced group. you can survive bad moves on vg and heal ele clearing orbs on gors. Im not sure about the glyph of unity, i generally prefer the revives on nature spirit for further aid to progression. may add SnR now as an alt utility since that skill can be useful for Sab or Sloth
5 stars
TristanTzara gave this build 5 stars • March 2016
The best healer build for the pug raiding with random guys.
5 stars
Upas gave this build 5 stars • February 2016
Yes, this build lacks DPS. But druids aren't really meant to DPS in raids when they are healing. If you're running a druid in a raid, you're either with a good group, or a bad group. Bad groups can be really really bad, and every little extra bit of healing helps to keep those Scholar buffs active. With a good group, you should just straight out run berserker gear. Objectively, this is a great build, and has a place in the meta. If you need the healing to keep your pug group or bad group up, this is the build to run. Subjectively, you will definitely want to avoid this build if your group is good and doesn't need the healing.
5 stars
XDeadzX gave this build 5 stars • February 2016
To preface this, if you have a static comp of experienced players that regularly clears, you should not run this build. Now, if this is not the case, you should run this build (albeit with minor tweaks.) I would not run more than 3 pieces of clerics, accessories should be zerker or magis, never clerics. This build does a LOT of healing, and has a lot of effective health. The build has the ability to correct a lot of mistakes (like outhealing lit sections on vale for a missed green.) It is going to give you the most even GOTL buffing due to your high healing power, and it's going to be great. You can swap pets around to cover gaps in a pug group (fury generation, break bar damage, extra healing) and can outheal even some of the worst players who seem to find extra places to take damage from. For a variant, if you find yourself with a lot of healing downtime, taking a DPS weapon over the second staff would be viable.
5 stars
Octavianrb gave this build 5 stars • February 2016
Thor is right, this build can heal monkeys through the raid. Anything that can get monkeys through spirit vale is pretty epic in my opinion. But seriously, this build is commonly used by a sizable portion of the raid community because it can carry your team through egregious mistakes. It minimizes risk to the team, while arguably providing greater party wide DPS than either Zealot's or Berserker's variants due to more uptime on health DPS bonuses and less downed players and broken DPS rotations. It only gives about 800 less personal DPS than a Zealot's druid in staff, and gains 50% more effective health. This build never goes down, and since a downed druid can quickly lead to a wipe, it's a solid backbone to the party. It does 16-20% more healing than the Zealot's with monk runes and transference sigils as well, which can make a significant difference if things go south.
1 star
Neijala gave this build 1 star • February 2016
There is no scenario in the raid that requires that much constant healing and this build doesn't provide anything to get more offensive if you don't need that much heal. Even if you want a full healer that can simply outheal everything, as long as all goes well or you are in a phase were that much healing isn't required there is no reason for a druid to camp on staff. A full Zealot Druid with Monk Rune and Transference Sigil for example will only lose about ~12% Healing in average but will do 82% more DPS and can therefore be much more flexible.
1 star
Thor gave this build 1 star • February 2016
This build basically doesn't do anything than healing and buffing your team. Cleric's gear forces your tank to get more toughness and tweak down his personal dps. You will constantly overheal even when you could do dmg. It is prolly made to heal monkeys, cause a normal group should not get that much dmg the build offers healing for. I would not recommend this build at all.


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