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1H Dagger DPS Group PvE Build


Weapon: Dagger
Focus: Melee DPS


  • High Single Target DPS
  • Good Self Healing


  • Low Mobility
This build is up to date for the February 12, 2025 Rogue Frontier Patch 1.


The Elder's DaggerElder's Dagger build focuses on dealing high single target DPS in group PvE content. It performs well in Group Dungeons, Avalonian Dungeons, Hardcore Expeditions and Statics. This is a great alternative for someone that normally plays Elder's ShadowcallerElder's Shadowcaller as the build makes use of similar items but focuses more on single target damage while still offering good AOE DPS when using the Elder's Specter JacketElder's Specter Jacket.


Elder's Dagger
Main Hand Weapon
Elder's Dagger
Sunder Armor
Throwing Blades
Bloodthirsty Blade
Aggressive Rush
Elder's Cryptcandle
Off Hand Weapon
Elder's Cryptcandle
Alternatives ⇅
Elder's Muisak
Elder's Stalker Hood
Elder's Stalker Hood
Mortal Agony
Quick Thinker
Alternatives ⇅
Elder's Assassin Hood
Elder's Morgana Cape
Elder's Morgana Cape
Mark of the Raven
Elder's Specter Jacket
Elder's Specter Jacket
Self Ignition
Quick Thinker
Elder's Shoes of Tenacity
Elder's Shoes of Tenacity
Blind Spot
Quick Thinker
Major Energy Potion
Major Energy Potion
Alternatives ⇅
Major Poison Potion
Roast Pork
Roast Pork
Alternatives ⇅
Beef Stew
Keep in mind: Gear shown in this build is meant as a reference. Choosing the correct tier of gear is very tricky as there are many variables. Some of them being your budget, your spec and minimum Item Power requirements of your guild if used for ZvZ.

You should always check prices based on IP of the items. For example, a masterpiece quality 4.3 Elder's CryptcandleElder's Cryptcandle could be cheaper while providing roughly the same IP as an 8.0.


Elder's DaggerElder's Dagger

Sunder ArmorSunder Armor — Use this coupled with auto-attacks to maintain a permanent defense debuff on the mob you are attacking, try to always keep the maximum of 3 stacks active.

Throwing BladesThrowing Blades — Try to always hit atleast 3 mobs when using this ability in order to maximize the damage increase you get from using it.

Bloodthirsty BladeBloodthirsty Blade — This is your main DPS ability but also your way of sustaining yourself while Self IgnitionSelf Ignition is active and you constantly lose HP. The ability buffs your auto-attacks and pairs nicely with Mark of the RavenMark of the Raven as you want to do as many auto-attacks as possible while this skill is active.

Aggressive RushAggressive Rush — The passive triggers every time you do 4 auto-attacks and grants you a bit of extra damage which is good to have.

Elder's Specter JacketElder's Specter Jacket

Self IgnitionSelf Ignition — Use this skill to do high damage to mobs while constantly losing HP, the large AOE burn lasts up to 20 seconds and its your healer's job to keep you alive while you do this. It is meant to be used alongside the Bloodthirsty BladeBloodthirsty Blade heal coupled with the use of Roast PorkRoast Pork.

Quick ThinkerQuick Thinker — The cooldown decrease is good to have as it lets you use your abilities more often.

Elder's Stalker HoodElder's Stalker Hood

Mortal AgonyMortal Agony — You should use this whenever the group of mobs is below 50% HP in order to strip all their defensive resistances but also boost your damage.

Another good option is the Elder's Assassin HoodElder's Assassin Hood as it refreshes all your cooldowns but keep in mind that you will have to wait for the active period of your abilities to end before using this or the cooldowns won't be reset!

Quick ThinkerQuick Thinker — Just another cooldown decreasing passive.

Elder's Shoes of TenacityElder's Shoes of Tenacity

Blind SpotBlind Spot — This should be used on cooldown in order to boost your overall damage. It also turns you invisible for a few seconds but this only works against players and not mobs. Keep it in mind if you are being 'ratted' by players in static dungeons or such.

Quick ThinkerQuick Thinker — Because cooldowns are most important in this build, this is an obvious choice.

Elder's Morgana CapeElder's Morgana Cape

Mark of the RavenMark of the Raven — While this cape is normally used for the cast speed increase when using fire or frost staffs, it works prefectly with this build as the Mark of the RavenMark of the Raven offers good attack speed, greatly increasing the damage you deal.


PvE DPS Rotation ↴
Blind Spot
Arrow right.webp
Throwing Blades
Arrow right.webp
Self Ignition
Arrow right.webp
Sunder Armor
Arrow right.webp
Bloodthirsty Blade
Arrow right.webp
Mark of the Raven
Arrow right.webp
Sunder Armor
Arrow right.webp
Sunder Armor
Arrow right.webp
Mortal Agony
  • You want to start the rotation only after your tank already pulled enemies. Activate Blind SpotBlind Spot before moving into the group of mobs. Next, boost your damage with Throwing BladesThrowing Blades before using Self IgnitionSelf Ignition and debuffing a target with Sunder ArmorSunder Armor. Follow up by activating Bloodthirsty BladeBloodthirsty Blade which triggers Mark of the RavenMark of the Raven. Continue using auto-attacks coupled with Sunder ArmorSunder Armor and switch targets only after killing one. Don't forget to also use Mortal AgonyMortal Agony whenever most mobs are under 50% HP.


Major Energy PotionMajor Energy Potion — Because the build is rather mana hungry, you want to use some sort of energy potion. Its best to use a t6 one as it offers 50% max mana regen coupled with 28% more over 7 seconds. Keep in mind that this potion ALSO lowers your cooldowns!

You can also use Major Poison PotionMajor Poison Potion if you have enough time between pulls to regenerate mana or if you have a Elder's Druid CowlElder's Druid Cowl in your party.

Roast PorkRoast Pork — While the Inner ShadowInner Shadow offers good healing, the use of Roast PorkRoast Pork helps you even more with healing while in combat, becoming essentially unkillable while you fight.

You can also use Beef StewBeef Stew for extra damage assuming they can afford to help healing you during pulls.


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