Great Cursed Staff Solo PvP Build
- High Sustained Damage
- Easy to Play
- Low Self-healing
This Elder's Great Cursed Staff focuses on kiting enemies and burning them down through the use of Vile Curse. It performs very well against melee enemies that have no reliable way of catching you and it does a great job at dealing with different scenarios. The gameplay of the build remains quite straightforward once you've memorised the rotation and how you should play so even new players could have an easy time playing this as the build also happens to be quite cheap too.
Elder's Cursed Staff
Vile Curse — A single target curse bolt that applies a charge on the target every time it hits. While the dot damage is good and the main way you are going to burn down enemy health bars as it stacks to 4 times.
Desecrate — This is your main CC ability and the way you can lock down a target and keep kiting. It creates an AOE explosion and roots targets while also applying a charge like using Vile Curse but most importantly it lets you free cast Area of Decay on top of the unlucky enemy caught in it.
Area of Decay — You want to mostly use this ability after you manage to land a Desecrate as it allows you to channel the whole skill and do maximum damage without your enemy walking away from it. Keep in mind that this also applies charges of Vile Curse with each damage tick.
Bane — Perfect for your constant auto-attacking between casts of Vile Curse.
Elder's Assassin Jacket
Ambush — This ability offers you much needed stealth to help a lot with resetting fights and repositioning during fights. You can also use this to wait for cooldowns while your enemy HP is slowly going down under your curses. It also increases your damage with every moment spent in stealth and increases the damage of all your abilities once you come out of stealth.
Balanced Mind — This is your only relevant choice as it increases your flat damage and its good to have.
Elder's Hunter Hood
Retaliate — A valuable defensive option, Retaliate increases your damage resistance for a short duration while also reflecting 85% of incoming damage back to the attacker. Use this in order to reflect high damaging spells like Spinning Blades, Death Curse or Pyroblast. With experience you will be able to tell what other spells would be good to use this against but there is a long list.
Balanced Mind — You want to choose this passive for the raw damage increase.
Elder's Soldier Boots
Rejuvenating Sprint — This is a good run that regenerates your HP and is on a rather short cooldown too. You can also use Wanderlust if you want a run with a longer duration making it easier for you to kite.
Toughness — This defensive option is preferred over Authority as the 5% CC duration increase doesn't do enough.
Elder's Caerleon Cape
Opportunist — While the Caerleon Cape doesn't see much use in other builds, it works perfectly with the Great Cursed Staff due to it's high reliance on the first ability. It will automatically reset your Vile Curse whenever it is off cooldown allowing you to cast the ability twice and it helps with keeping the dots on your target.
- You should try to start every fight by casting Vile Curse twice with the help of Opportunist while you move to keep out of enemy's damage. Next, use Desecrate and follow up with Area of Decay and full channel it for maximum damage. Once thats done, you want to kite and keep at range until your cooldowns come back, throwing Vile Curse to keep the stacks up when you have the chance.
Major Gigantify Potion — This is one of your main defensives and helps you minimize damage taken when and if you get caught. Once you pop this, feel free to spam Vile Curse in order to deal damage while they cannot do much to you during the duration of the potion.
Beef Sandwich — You should use this to increase your max HP and outsustain fights but you can also use Roast Pork to heal yourself while in combat.
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