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Damnation Staff ZvZ PvP Build


Weapon: Cursed Staff
Focus: Support


  • High AOE Damage
  • Good Utility
  • Easy to Play


  • Low Mobility
  • Bad 1v1
This build is up to date for the February 12, 2025 Rogue Frontier Patch 1.


This Elder's Damnation StaffElder's Damnation Staff ZvZ PvP build offers great utility through its ability to deliver damage in a very large AOE and strip the damage resistance of entire zergs on its own, allowing for high burst follow-ups by your team. The Elder's Damnation StaffElder's Damnation Staff damage isn't bad either even though it is applied in form of a dot, it puts pressure on enemy healers.


Elder's Damnation Staff
Main Hand Weapon
Elder's Damnation Staff
Cursed Sickle
Armor Piercer
Elder's Assassin Hood
Elder's Assassin Hood
Balanced Mind
Elder's Fort Sterling Cape
Elder's Fort Sterling Cape
Alternatives ⇅
Elder's Martlock Cape
Elder's Scholar Robe
Elder's Scholar Robe
Speed Caster
Elder's Scholar Sandals
Elder's Scholar Sandals
Focused Run
Alternatives ⇅
Elder's Cleric Sandals
Major Resistance Potion
Major Resistance Potion
Pork Omelette
Pork Omelette
Keep in mind: Gear shown in this build is meant as a reference. Choosing the correct tier of gear is very tricky as there are many variables. Some of them being your budget, your spec and minimum Item Power requirements of your guild if used for ZvZ.

You should always check prices based on IP of the items. For example, a masterpiece quality 4.3 Elder's CryptcandleElder's Cryptcandle could be cheaper while providing roughly the same IP as an 8.0.


Elder's Cursed StaffElder's Cursed Staff

Cursed SickleCursed Sickle — Use this as your main poke damaging ability during zerg stare-offs. Its long range allows you to cast it and let it move through multiple targets before returning to your position. Cursed SickleCursed Sickle applies a stack of Vile Curse each time it touches a target and can apply 2 stacks on the same target if it hits again during the return.

Armor PiercerArmor Piercer — Another great ability that strips damage resistances off everyone hit. The spell fires a beam and you should use this when enemies are clumped together or just as they are making a push and stand too close to eachother.

CataclysmCataclysm — This is your main ability zergs make use of. Try to always stay near the frontline so that when your team makes an engagement you can cast this and affect as many enemies as possible regardless if they are stacked together tightly or not. With it's huge AOE range, it is difficult to not hit many enemies!

FuriousFurious — The perfect passive for this build, increasing your damage every time you cast 5 spells. Make it your goal to keep this ability at 4 stacks before using Speed CasterSpeed Caster to trigger it right before you use CataclysmCataclysm.

Elder's Cleric RobeElder's Cleric Robe

Speed CasterSpeed Caster — This is the ability that allows you to cast CataclysmCataclysm and a big part of the build. Without Speed CasterSpeed Caster, you will be exposed for a long time before finally finishing the casting of CataclysmCataclysm.

AggressionAggression — This is the good choice as it increases the overall damage of all your abilities.

Elder's Assassin HoodElder's Assassin Hood

MeditationMeditation — Using MeditationMeditation allows you to cast a secondary CataclysmCataclysm in quick succession, allowing you to spread the damage and defense decrease to even more targets. Always use this ability when you are in a relatively safe position as it takes a few seconds to fully finish it's channel.

Balanced MindBalanced Mind — You want to choose this passive for the raw damage increase.

Elder's Scholar SandalsElder's Scholar Sandals

Focused RunFocused Run — Without any other defensive options, Focused RunFocused Run is a great choice to help with your survival as it offers CC immunity and stops you from relying on others using Displacement ImmunityDisplacement Immunity. Another good option would be Elder's Cleric SandalsElder's Cleric Sandals but Elder's Scholar SandalsElder's Scholar Sandals remain superior.

AggressionAggression — The damage increase is good, there isn't much else to it but you can still use CourierCourier if your bag is too full with loot.

Elder's Fort Sterling CapeElder's Fort Sterling Cape

UntouchableUntouchable — To help with your survivability, this cape instantly removes any hard CCs from you and is great whenever enemy tanks are trying to pin you down.


Poke and AOE ↴
Focused Run
Arrow right.webp
Cursed Sickle
Arrow right.webp
Armor Piercer
Arrow right.webp
Speed Caster
Arrow right.webp
  • This is the main rotation you need to know but you should still use Cursed SickleCursed Sickle on cooldown if enemies are in range. Use Focused Run to follow your frontline and cast Cursed SickleCursed Sickle to stack up FuriousFurious followed by Armor PiercerArmor Piercer against as many enemies as possible. Your FuriousFurious should be at 4 stacks when you use Speed CasterSpeed Caster which allows you to quickly cast CataclysmCataclysm with increased damage. Once you've done this, move back and use your MeditationMeditation to reset your cooldowns and go again or retreat if your team lost the engagement.


Major Resistance PotionMajor Resistance Potion — This remains one of the top potions for ZVZ, use it as a damage reduction cooldown or when caught out of position to negate a good chunk of damage and allow your healers to top you up.

Pork OmelettePork Omelette — The omelette decreases the cooldowns of your spell and is overall the best choice as it allows you to use both Cursed SickleCursed Sickle and Armor PiercerArmor Piercer much more often. Try to use atleast a 7.1 or 7.2 as the price isn't too high.


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