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Death's Abyss Dungeon Guide


Doomsday Judicator Karnix (Boss)

Teleport Attacks

Karnix teleports and targets the furthest player, slamming his scythe down. This occurs twice.

He will then teleport again and perform a blockable attack.

Recommended Positions (at the start of the battle):

  • The Tank should position themselves behind the boss.
  • One player should stay further away from the party.
  • The rest can stay relatively close to the boss.

Following the above positions guarantees that the boss teleports to the furthest away teammate, then back to the tank. If you're targeted by this teleport attack, direct the boss' attack away from your party, for example you could either:

  • Aim the boss' attack at the wall.
  • Instantly run behind the boss when he teleports to you.

Then of course block the final attack.

Spinning Attack

Karnix will rise and briefly spin to charge up an attack. This attack is blockable. Make sure to correctly time the block.

Scythe Marks

Karnix will mark the three closest players, spawing a scythe to follow each marked player. Marked players should morph and avoid getting hit by these scythes.

If you have been marked, try and stay around the edge of the battlefield and choose a position to run around in to avoid disrupting the fight for your other party members.

Blue Circle

Karnix will mark a player with a blue circle, then will teleport to perform a blockable attack. All players need to stay inside the circle. The marked player should instantly move towards the center to make it easier for the party to find them and get inside the circle.

Make sure to use damage reduction to reduce the damage from the final blow if needed.

Notable Encounters

Enchanted Arkeum Arbiter

An Arkeum Arbiter is a large mob with a variety of AOE attacks, most notably the "I'll wipe you all!" wipe AOE. When the dialogue appears above Arbiter, make sure to CC him!

Enchanted Arkeum Healer

When your party encounters an Arkeum Healer, you should prioritise them. You will find them paired with Arkeum Soldiers or Wizards. If you do not focus the healers, the fights will take much longer than necessary.

Elite Arkeum Shadowmancer (Elite)

Arkeum Shadowmancer is the first elite you will encounter. You must ensure that you have your CC skills ready. Shadowmancer will cast an attack on three players, trapping them and lifting them up in the air. You must CC him during this attack, failure to do so will kill the targeted players.

Elite Arkeum Riot Squad Captain (Elite)

The Arkeum Captain has a lot of health, this will be a longer fight.

A dialogue box "Impossible!" will appear, he will cast a blue barrier to reduce incoming damage. Continue DPSing him.

Afterwards, a dialogue box "Die!" will appear and his barrier will change to red. You must CC him here to avoid a wipe AOE.

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