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Throne and Liberty Dagger Builds

Dagger Builds for Throne and Liberty. Wide variety of recommended TL Dagger Builds. For all our builds check out the Throne and Liberty Builds page.

Small Scale PvP Builds
Large Scale PvP Builds
PvE Builds
Bercant's Spineflower Crossbows
Bercant's Whispering Daggers
PvP SwordsPvEHardMeleeAssassinDPS
Mortal MarkUsed frame.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webp
Nimble LeapUsed frame.webp
Mother Nature's ProtestUsed frame.webp
Fatal StigmaUsed frame.webp
Inject VenomUsed frame.webp
Knife ThrowingUsed frame.webp
Brutal IncisionUsed frame.webp
Cleaving MoonlightUsed frame.webp
Mana ExchangeUsed frame.webp
Weak Point ShotUsed frame.webp
Murderous EnergyActive frame.webp
Destructive FangActive frame.webp
Wrathful EdgeActive frame.webp
Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webp
Piercing StrikeActive frame.webp
AmbidexterityActive frame.webp
Nature's PowerActive frame.webp
BloodlustActive frame.webp
Daigon's Charred Emberstaff
Bercant's Whispering Daggers
PvP SwordsPvEModerateDPSRangedAoE
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Inner PeaceUsed frame.webp
Ice SpearUsed frame.webp
Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webp
Chain LightningUsed frame.webp
Frost SmokescreenUsed frame.webp
Inferno WaveUsed frame.webp
Fireball BarrageUsed frame.webp
Inject VenomUsed frame.webp
Judgment LightningUsed frame.webp
High FocusUsed frame.webp
Icebound TombUsed frame.webp
Forbidden SanctuaryActive frame.webp
Mana AmpActive frame.webp
Flame CondensationActive frame.webp
AsceticismActive frame.webp
Destructive FangActive frame.webp
Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webp
Wrathful EdgeActive frame.webp
Assassin's StepActive frame.webp
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