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Disciple - Staff + Sword Small Scale PvP Build

Class: Disciple
Weapons: Staff and Sword
Designed for: PvP (small-scale)
Focused on: Ranged and DPS
  • Good Mobility
  • Tanky
  • Versatile
  • Low damage compared to other DPS builds
  • Off-meta
This build is up to date for the January 20, 2025 patch.


This Disciple Staff and Sword build combination for Small Scale PVP is perfect for newer players that want an alternative off-meta choice over other builds like Staff + Longbow or Staff + Dagger. This build is considerably more tanky than other alternatives and offers great sustain for all PVP content, exceling in defending through Counter BarrierUsed frame.webpCounter Barrier and passives like ImpenetrableActive frame.webpImpenetrable and Aegis ShieldActive frame.webpAegis Shield.


Strength Strength
Dexterity Dexterity
Perception Perception
Wisdom Wisdom
With the unique stats and attributes system in Throne and Liberty, it can be difficult to determine exactly where to invest your attribute points at each stage of the game. This is because gear pieces provide attributes just like leveling up does, meaning everyone will have a different number of attribute points depending on what gear they are wearing at the time.
Given this variation, it's best to reset your attributes regularly to adjust to the new gear you acquire. Aim to reach the achievement effects, which provide extra benefits at milestones like 30, 50, and 70 points.

With this build, your primary attribute focus should be strength and dexterity, especially as Strength provides high max HP and boost your defensive stats, improving your resistance to ranged, magic, and melee attacks, along with enhancing health regeneration allowing you to remain very tanky while going into PVP fights, capable of drawing a lot of attention to yourself while your team kills your opponents. Your secondary focus should be perception for extra damage while wisdom increases your cooldown speed but shouldn't be a priority as it doesn't provide all that much to the build.


Counter BarrierUsed frame.webp
Counter Barrier
Counter Barrier - Cooldown ▼
Fireball BarrageUsed frame.webp
Fireball Barrage
Fireball Barrage - Fireball Frenzy
Fireball Barrage - Hastened Arc
Stalwart BastionUsed frame.webp
Stalwart Bastion
Frost SmokescreenUsed frame.webp
Frost Smokescreen
Judgment LightningUsed frame.webp
Judgment Lightning
Judgment Lightning - Consecutive Use
Judgment Lightning - Damage Transfer (1)
Judgment Lightning - Damage Transfer (2)
Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webp
Serial Fire Bombs
Serial Fire Bombs - Focused Fire Bombs
Serial Fire Bombs - Directional Tempest
Serial Fire Bombs - Bursting Echo
Chain LightningUsed frame.webp
Chain Lightning
Chain Lightning - Damage Transfer (1)
Chain Lightning - Damage Transfer (2)
High FocusUsed frame.webp
High Focus
High Focus - Base Damage Boost
High Focus - Victorious Energy
Inferno WaveUsed frame.webp
Inferno Wave
Inferno Wave - Frenzied Lightning Wave
Chain HookUsed frame.webp
Chain Hook
Ice SpearUsed frame.webp
Ice Spear
Ice Spear - Ice Spear Bombardment
Ice Spear - Bind
Ice Spear - Burst Bonus
Icebound TombUsed frame.webp
Icebound Tomb
Icebound Tomb - Bind
Icebound Tomb - Icy Mire
Gerad's PatienceActive frame.webp
Flame CondensationActive frame.webp
Aegis ShieldActive frame.webp
Forbidden SanctuaryActive frame.webp
Echoic BarrierActive frame.webp
ImpenetrableActive frame.webp
Morale BoostActive frame.webp
Mana AmpActive frame.webp
Shield Survival TechniqueUsed frame.webp
Green Ranger Elowen Guardian
Quality Vegetable Stir-fry
Quality Laslan-Style Fish Stew

The most important skill remains Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webpSerial Fire Bombs as the specialization turns it into a large fireball capable of dealing high burst damage to a target and in an area around it. The staff also provides a great mobility skill to pair with Strategic RushUsed frame.webpStrategic Rush, and while it doesn't lower your cooldowns, Frost SmokescreenUsed frame.webpFrost Smokescreen is great for moving around the battlefield. Fireball BarrageUsed frame.webpFireball Barrage is a fantastic skill for burning down enemies when your main cooldowns are already used.

The Judgment LightningUsed frame.webpJudgment Lightning and Chain LightningUsed frame.webpChain Lightning skills further add high burst damage while also spreading to multiple nearby enemies. This build also offers good CC with Ice SpearUsed frame.webpIce Spear being able to catch an enemy with considerable damage, allowing you to take quick kills by only pressing a single button if they are already low.

The main defensive skill from the Staff side of the build is High FocusUsed frame.webpHigh Focus, greatly increasing your evasion rate, making it difficult for enemies to land hits on you during the duration of this skill while also boosting your offense. Keep in mind that evading attacks will also trigger Gerad's PatienceActive frame.webpGerad's Patience.

The Counter BarrierUsed frame.webpCounter Barrier Sword & Shield skill remains a core defensive tool, making it a priority to upgrade first. It allows you to effectively counter both ranged and magical attacks, significantly boosting your survivability. In addition, Stalwart BastionUsed frame.webpStalwart Bastion extends protection not only to yourself but also your party members.

This build enhances your survivability with Sword passives that bolster your defenses in PVP fights. The key focus is remains upgrading Aegis ShieldActive frame.webpAegis Shield, which scales your defense based on your shield block chance, making it essential to use swords with a high shield block rate. Furthermore, Skillful EvasionActive frame.webpSkillful Evasion and ImpenetrableActive frame.webpImpenetrable significantly increase your defenses when surrounded by enemies. These passives work exceptionally well when combined with High FocusUsed frame.webpHigh Focus, allowing you to stay alive much more during fights.

The Staff comes into play with some defensive passives too while also helping you sustain mana as Mana AmpActive frame.webpMana Amp increases both max HP and mana. The main damage improvement comes from Forbidden SanctuaryActive frame.webpForbidden Sanctuary and Flame CondensationActive frame.webpFlame Condensation though as it increases all your fire damage potential.


Blade of the Resistance
Blade of the Resistance
Heavy Attack Chance
Max Health
Hit Chance
Staff of the Resistance
Staff of the Resistance
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit Chance
Hit Chance
Duskblood Mask
Duskblood Mask
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Cooldown Speed
Warlord's Shroud
Warlord's Shroud
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Debuff Duration
Plate Armor of the Resistance
Plate Armor of the Resistance
Max Health
Melee Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Feathered Drakeskin Gloves
Feathered Drakeskin Gloves
Added Attack Speed
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Trousers of the Resistance
Trousers of the Resistance
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Feathered Drakeskin Boots
Feathered Drakeskin Boots
Ranged Evasion
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Necklace of Clarity
Necklace of Clarity
Skill Damage Boost
Buff Duration
Bracelet of Conquest
Bracelet of Conquest
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Sophia's Ring of Strength
Sophia's Ring of Strength
Ring of Precision
Ring of Precision
Max Health
Skill Damage Boost
Belt of Deftness
Belt of Deftness
Skill Damage Resistance
Max Health

These are the first items you should strive for through the leveling period as they are very easy to get and upgrade or trait as needed. However, you shouldn't try to trait these items too much as you won't be spending too much time playing with this setup before you start changing pieces into the Midgame. The green accessories however are very easy to trait as you can craft many of them quickly in order to get the correct traits so you should consider traiting them until you change into purples. The same goes for the blue ring as you keep it for a long time.

Karnix's Netherblade
Karnix's Netherblade
Heavy Attack Chance
Max Health
Hit Chance
Staff of the Umbramancer
Staff of the Umbramancer
Heavy Attack Chance
Max Health
Hit Chance
Visage of the Executioner
Visage of the Executioner
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Mana Regen
Blessed Templar Cloak
Blessed Templar Cloak
Collision Resistance
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Plate Armor of the Resistance
Plate Armor of the Resistance
Max Health
Melee Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Resolute Crusader Gauntlets
Resolute Crusader Gauntlets
Max Health
Ranged Endurance
Melee Endurance
Trousers of the Resistance
Trousers of the Resistance
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Max Health
Heroic Shoes of the Resistance
Heroic Shoes of the Resistance
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Melee Endurance
Guardian Torque
Guardian Torque
Skill Damage Boost
Mana Regen
Buff Duration
Ruby Bangle
Ruby Bangle
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Debuff Duration
Sapphire Dimensional Band
Sapphire Dimensional Band
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Imperial Ring
Imperial Ring
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Flamewrought Bindings
Flamewrought Bindings
Max Health
Debuff Duration
Skill Damage Resistance

This is the gear you should transition to once you're leveled to 50 and start grinding gear. It is comprised of gear you can get either from dungeons or by completing Litographs, they are relatively easy to trait up and you will spend most of the time wearing this set before advancing into the late game so traiting these items is very important and should be your main focus.

Nirma's Sword of Echoes
Nirma's Sword of Echoes
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit Chance
Hit Chance
Staff of the Umbramancer
Staff of the Umbramancer
Heavy Attack Chance
Max Health
Hit Chance
Shock Commander Visor
Shock Commander Visor
Mana Regen
Ranged Endurance
Melee Endurance
Blessed Templar Cloak
Blessed Templar Cloak
Collision Resistance
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Shock Commander Plate Armor
Shock Commander Plate Armor
Max Health
Melee Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Shock Commander Gauntlets
Shock Commander Gauntlets
Added Attack Speed
Melee Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Phantom Wolf Breeches
Phantom Wolf Breeches
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Shock Commander Sabatons
Shock Commander Sabatons
Max Health
Ranged Endurance
Melee Endurance
Thunderstorm Necklace
Thunderstorm Necklace
Skill Damage Boost
Mana Regen
Buff Duration
Eternal Champion Bindings
Eternal Champion Bindings
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Debuff Duration
Sapphire Dimensional Band
Sapphire Dimensional Band
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Etched Alabaster Band
Etched Alabaster Band
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Flamewrought Bindings
Flamewrought Bindings
Max Health
Collision Resistance
Skill Damage Resistance

This is the current endgame gear you should aim for, and while it isn't easy to acquire, it offers great power without the need of acquiring archboss gear pieces. However, items like Tevent's Fangs of FuryTevent's Fangs of Fury or other archboss weapons are superior but difficult to acquire for the majority of players. If you do manage to get the archboss weapons for your build, feel free to use them over the weapons shown here.

Rune Information Attack runeDefense runeSupport rune
While runes can be applied to different types of gear, you should make sure that you invest into the gear pieces that you plan on using for a long time. However, if the build you are using uses the same items between Mid Game and End Game, you can invest into adding runes to them as early as you get the items.

Weapon Masteries

Melee Defense
Health Regen
Weaken Chance
Max Health
Melee Evasion
Block Chance
Buff Duration
Damage Reduction
Stun Resistance
Block Chance
Melee Hit
Boss Endurance
Max Health
Stun Resistance
Boss Damage
Mana Cost
Melee Hit
Bonus Boss
Max Health
Hit Chance
Collision Chance
Damage Reduction
Weaken Chance
Collision Resistance
Melee Defense
Cooldown Speed
Melee Defense
Mana Regen
Mana Cost
Magic Hit
Melee Evasion
Mana Regen
Mana Regen
Melee Defense
Silence Resistance
Mana Regen
Magic Hit
Magic Critical
Hit Chance
Mana Regen
Skill Damage
Cooldown Speed
Bonus Damage
Cooldown Speed
Mana Regen
Weaken Chance
Burning Damage
Max Mana
Magic Hit
Burning Chance
Weaken Chance
Magic Damage

Sword: Focus 9 points on Provoke & Counter to improve your Shield Block Chance, Stun Resistance, and overall defensive capabilities. Then, upgrade Collision with your remaining points to increase both its effectiveness and resistance. Add the final 1 point to Boss for extra damage.

Staff: Start by putting 9 points into Destroy to reduce cooldowns and boost damage output, a key advantage for this build. Follow up with Attribute to amplify burning damage and chance but also magic damage dealt. Use the last 1 point on Mana for a minor defense increase.


Burst Damage Rotation ↴
Icebound TombUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Judgment LightningUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Judgment LightningUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Ice SpearUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Inferno WaveUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Chain LightningUsed frame.webp
  • Start by binding your target with Icebound TombUsed frame.webpIcebound Tomb before channeling Judgment LightningUsed frame.webpJudgment Lightning followed by a re-bind using Ice SpearUsed frame.webpIce Spear and a fully charged Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webpSerial Fire Bombs then finish them off with Chain LightningUsed frame.webpChain Lightning and Inferno WaveUsed frame.webpInferno Wave

Fireball BarrageUsed frame.webpFireball Barrage: This skill can be used after every Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webpSerial Fire Bombs when other skills are on cooldown, it is the perfect follow-up for when your main burst rotation is on cooldown.

Icebound TombUsed frame.webpIcebound Tomb: This ability is fantastic for resetting engagements or immobilizing a target to help with your escape. This skill allows you to fully cast skills like Judgment LightningUsed frame.webpJudgment Lightning or Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webpSerial Fire Bombs while also improving the damage you do to the target by lowering their resistances.

Counter BarrierUsed frame.webpCounter Barrier: Use this skill when you expect heavy damage, but it can also be used during the beginning of a boss fight.

High FocusUsed frame.webpHigh Focus: Use this in the same manner as Counter BarrierUsed frame.webpCounter Barrier as it increases your evasion and makes it so you can evade mob hits.


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