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Ranger - Greatsword + Longbow Large Scale PvP Build

Class: Ranger
Weapons: Greatsword and Longbow
Designed for: PvP (large-scale)
Focused on: DPS
  • Good Burst Damage
  • Good AoE CC
  • Squishy
  • Low Mobility


First thing you should know is that this Greatsword and Longbow Large Scale PvP build is off-meta and not one of the top picks when it comes to large scale PVP but still a decent build as it offers great CC through Arrow VortexUsed frame.webpArrow Vortex while Flash ArrowUsed frame.webpFlash Arrow still does high AOE damage alongside Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webpDecisive Sniping. This build also offers good sustain to your party through the use of Healing TouchUsed frame.webpHealing Touch.


Strength Strength
Dexterity Dexterity
Perception Perception
Wisdom Wisdom

As far as attributes go... Strength and Dexterity are the key stats to focus on. They will boost your damage and increase the likelihood of heavy attacks, as well as improving skill damage through Vital ForceActive frame.webpVital Force. Strength also gives you more health, which is important for survival in PVP. As you upgrade your gear, target 60 points in Strength to get the extra HP and heavy attack boost. Dexterity will improve your critical hits, and any remaining points should be put into Perception.


Arrow VortexUsed frame.webp
Arrow Vortex
Arrow Vortex - Tornado
Flash ArrowUsed frame.webp
Flash Arrow
Flash Arrow - Flash Wave
Flash Arrow - Range ▲
Stunning BlowUsed frame.webp
Stunning Blow
Stunning Blow - Additional Damage Boost
Stunning Blow - Hit Rate ▲
Ascending SlashUsed frame.webp
Ascending Slash
Ascending Slash - Additional Damage Boost
Ascending Slash - Cooldown ▼
Guillotine BladeUsed frame.webp
Guillotine Blade
Guillotine Blade - Cooldown ▼
Death BlowUsed frame.webp
Death Blow
Death Blow - Cooldown ▼
Death Blow - Damage ▲
Gaia CrashUsed frame.webp
Gaia Crash
Gaia Crash - Attack Speed ▲
Gaia Crash - Critical Hit ▲
Devastating SmashUsed frame.webp
Devastating Smash
Devastating Smash - Effect Duration ▲
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Decisive Sniping
Decisive Sniping - Able to Move
Decisive Sniping - Decisive Bombardment
DaVinci's CourageUsed frame.webp
DaVinci's Courage
DaVinci's Courage - Duration ▲
DaVinci's Courage - Damage Reduction
BlitzUsed frame.webp
Healing TouchUsed frame.webp
Healing Touch
Healing Touch - Additional Health Recovery
Barbarian's DashActive frame.webp
Vital ForceActive frame.webp
Cold WarriorActive frame.webp
Robust ConstitutionActive frame.webp
Earth's BlessingActive frame.webp
Distorted SanctuaryActive frame.webp
Devoted ShieldActive frame.webp
Raging FrenzyActive frame.webp
Iron Point ParryUsed frame.webp
Lady Knight Kamarshea Guardian

The Greatsword & Bow build is a great choice for those looking to play an off-meta build while still supporting their team and being useful.

The highest single target damaging skills in your arsenal are Death BlowUsed frame.webpDeath Blow and Guillotine BladeUsed frame.webpGuillotine Blade. Meanwhile, your AOE skills are Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webpDecisive Sniping and Flash ArrowUsed frame.webpFlash Arrow. Level them to purple as soon as possible in order to boost your DPS.

Arrow VortexUsed frame.webpArrow Vortex is your main CC skill that can easily be reset with BlitzUsed frame.webpBlitz, allowing you to CC entire enemy frontlines on your own.

Healing TouchUsed frame.webpHealing Touch offers healing to both yourself and your group as it is boosted by your passives (Earth's BlessingActive frame.webpEarth's Blessing and Distorted SanctuaryActive frame.webpDistorted Sanctuary).

For passives, you should focus on upgrading Robust ConstitutionActive frame.webpRobust Constitution for additional health and health regen. Vital ForceActive frame.webpVital Force matches well with Robust ConstitutionActive frame.webpRobust Constitution and considerably increases your damage. Indomitable ArmorActive frame.webpIndomitable Armor is a great defensive passive alongside Devoted ShieldActive frame.webpDevoted Shield and Distorted SanctuaryActive frame.webpDistorted Sanctuary.


Elite Resistance Broadsword
Elite Resistance Broadsword
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Elite Resistance Longbow
Elite Resistance Longbow
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Corrupt Witch's Hat
Corrupt Witch's Hat
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Melee Endurance
Elite Gladiator's Cloak
Elite Gladiator's Cloak
Max Health
Debuff Duration
Skill Damage Resistance
Special Resistance Ancient Dragon Armor
Special Resistance Ancient Dragon Armor
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Mana Regen
Dark Destruction Iron Gloves
Dark Destruction Iron Gloves
Ranged Endurance
Melee Endurance
Added Attack Speed
Impure Witch's Linen Pants
Impure Witch's Linen Pants
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Melee Endurance
Moonlight Grace Leather Boots
Moonlight Grace Leather Boots
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Crude Wave Necklace
Crude Wave Necklace
Skill Damage Boost
Buff Duration
Crude Conquest Bracelet
Crude Conquest Bracelet
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Lethal Fortune Ring
Lethal Fortune Ring
Max Health
Skill Damage Boost
Buff Duration
Crude Wind Band
Crude Wind Band
Max Health
Skill Damage Boost
Elite Tracker's Belt
Elite Tracker's Belt
Skill Damage Resistance
Max Mana
Weaken Resistance

These are the first items you should strive for after leveling as they are very easy to get and upgrade or trait as needed. However, you shouldn't try to trait these items too much as you won't be spending too much time playing with this setup. The green accessories however are very easy to trait as you can craft many of them quickly in order to get the correct traits so you should consider traiting them until you change into purples.

Magnaduke's Berserk Blade
Magnaduke's Berserk Blade
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Karnix's Hell Bow
Karnix's Hell Bow
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Special Resistance Hawk Hood
Special Resistance Hawk Hood
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Hermit's Shroud
Hermit's Shroud
Max Health
Silence Resistance
Skill Damage Resistance
Ghost Wolf Alter Ego Armor
Ghost Wolf Alter Ego Armor
Max Health
Melee Endurance
Magic Endurance
Special Resistance Hawk Gloves
Special Resistance Hawk Gloves
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Max Mana
Reaper's Interring Pants
Reaper's Interring Pants
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Max Mana
Reaper's Footsteps
Reaper's Footsteps
Move Speed
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Abyss Conqueror's Necklace
Abyss Conqueror's Necklace
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Silence Chance
Beast King's Gilded Bracers
Beast King's Gilded Bracers
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Silence Resistance
Eternal Ring of Dimension
Eternal Ring of Dimension
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Transcendent Magic Ring
Transcendent Magic Ring
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Tukun's Cast Iron Belt
Tukun's Cast Iron Belt
Max Health
Debuff Duration
Skill Damage Resistance

This is the gear you should be wearing during the midgame. It is comprised of gear you can get either from dungeons or by grinding contracts, they are relatively easy to trait up and you will spend most of the time wearing this set before advancing into the late game so traiting these items is very important.

Tevent's Despair Blade
Tevent's Despair Blade
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Tevent's Screaming Bow
Tevent's Screaming Bow
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Winged Wind Storm Hood
Winged Wind Storm Hood
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Cooldown Speed
Hermit's Shroud
Hermit's Shroud
Max Health
Silence Resistance
Skill Damage Resistance
Winged Wind Storm Armor
Winged Wind Storm Armor
Magic Endurance
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
World Tree's Origin Gloves
World Tree's Origin Gloves
Melee Endurance
Magic Endurance
Winged Wind Tsunami Pants
Winged Wind Tsunami Pants
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Winged Wind Gale Boots
Winged Wind Gale Boots
Max Health
Magic Evasion
Move Speed
Thunder Cleaver Necklace
Thunder Cleaver Necklace
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Silence Chance
Beast King's Gilded Bracers
Beast King's Gilded Bracers
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Silence Resistance
Insightful Ring of Dimension
Insightful Ring of Dimension
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Transcendent Magic Ring
Transcendent Magic Ring
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Tycan's Bloodlust Belt
Tycan's Bloodlust Belt
Max Health
Silence Resistance
Skill Damage Resistance


This is the the best in slot gear and the most difficult to acquire. It is comprised of gear you won't get easily, requiring large amounts of Lucent to buy off the auction house or requiring you to be part of a dominating guild on your server. Some of the pieces come from tier 2 dungeons and are difficult to acquire and trait up.

Weapon Masteries

Support Max Health
Magic Defense
Vitality of Dew
Move Speed
Buff Duration
Anti-magic Arts
Magic Evasion
Grace Song
Check Ranged Hit
Move Speed
Wedge of Oppression
Max Mana
Mana Regen
Gale Arrowhead
Range ↑
Mana Cost Efficiency
Phantom Snare
Sniping Ranged Hit +20
Ranged Crit Hit
Pointy Throns
Damage Bonus
Base Damage
Critical Nock
Attack Speed
Ranged Crit Hit
Brutal Shooter
Charge Ranged Defense
Melee Evasion
Passionate Cheer
Max Health
Cooldown Speed
Overcome Snare
Buff Duration
Skill Damage Resistance
Bold Steps
Incapacitate Mana Regen
Melee Hit
Ultimate Impact
Base Damage
Mana Regen
Complete Stun
Melee Hit
Stun Chance
Firm Resolution
Face Off Melee Hit
Base Damage
Rough and Wild
Melee Critical Hit
Mana Cost Efficiency
Fierce Attack
Skill Damage Boost
Melee Hit
Fierce Glare

Longbow: Invest 9 points into Sniping for a substantial damage boost. Then, spend the remaining 6 points into Support for extra defenses.

Greatsword: With your main damage coming from the Greatsword combos, you want to put 9 points into Face Off for extra damage and heavy attack chance. The 6 remaining points will go into Incapacitate to increase your stun chance.


Single Target Kill Rotation ↴
Devastating SmashUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Ascending SlashUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Gaia CrashUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Stunning BlowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Death BlowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Guillotine BladeUsed frame.webp
  • This rotation serves as your primary kill rotation and it begins with Devastating SmashUsed frame.webpDevastating Smash to jump onto and stun your target. Follow up with Ascending SlashUsed frame.webpAscending Slash to Prone your target and then use Gaia CrashUsed frame.webpGaia Crash to deal quick damage while they are on the ground. Continue with Stunning BlowUsed frame.webpStunning Blow and Death BlowUsed frame.webpDeath Blow before finishing them off with Guillotine BladeUsed frame.webpGuillotine Blade.
AOE CC Rotation ↴
Arrow VortexUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
BlitzUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Flash ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Arrow VortexUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
  • This is a CC heavy rotation meant to offer opportunities to your team by floating groups of enemies into the air and dealing quick damage in order to cause chaos in the enemy team.
  • Start with Arrow VortexUsed frame.webpArrow Vortex into as many enemies as you can before resetting the skill cooldown with BlitzUsed frame.webpBlitz. Continue the rotation with Flash ArrowUsed frame.webpFlash Arrow and another Arrow VortexUsed frame.webpArrow Vortex before using Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webpDecisive Sniping to deal some extra AOE damage to the enemy group.

Healing TouchUsed frame.webpHealing Touch: Use this skill to heal yourself and your party members between fights, helping a lot with keeping your zerg alive and healthy as you manoeuvre the fight.

Useful Information

  • Choose Lady Knight Kamarshea as your guardian; it offers vital defense with its shield, capable of absorbing damage up to 50% of your mana. This not only assists in reducing incoming damage but also accelerates your cooldown rate, enabling more frequent use of your abilities.


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