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Scout - Longbow + Crossbow Small Scale PvP Build

Under construction.webp This build has been archived and should not be used in-game.
Class: Scout
Weapons: Longbow and Crossbow
Designed for: PvP (small-scale)
Focused on: DPS
  • High Burst Damage
  • Easy to Play
  • Squishy
  • Low Mobility


Longbow and Crossbow build for small-scale PvP perfect for both lone wolves and players that enjoy small scale PvP. This combination offers incredible DPS and kill potential while remaining at long range. It excels in 1v1 encounters, capable of quickly bursting down targets with ease.



Your main priority with this build should be Dexterity for increased damage. Aim to reach level 30 in Dexterity before focusing on Perception, which also boosts your damage. Allocate any remaining points into Wisdom for extra mana regeneration and maximum mana but it shouldn't be your priority stat. You do this because going past 30 points into one attribute will come with additional cost.


Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Quick Fire
Thorn GaleUsed frame.webp
Thorn Gale
Weak Point ShotUsed frame.webp
Weak Point Shot
Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webp
Selfless Diffusion
Wind SnatcherUsed frame.webp
Wind Snatcher
BlitzUsed frame.webp
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Ensnaring Arrow
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Decisive Sniping
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Zephyr's Nock
Deadly MarkerUsed frame.webp
Deadly Marker
Merciless BarrageUsed frame.webp
Merciless Barrage
StrafingUsed frame.webp
Eagle VisionActive frame.webp
Piercing StrikeActive frame.webp
AmbidexterityActive frame.webp
Devoted ShieldActive frame.webp
Sniper's SenseActive frame.webp
Roxie's ArrowheadActive frame.webp
Distorted SanctuaryActive frame.webp
Steady AimActive frame.webp
Rupturing ParryUsed frame.webp
Lady Knight Kamarshea Guardian

Skill Priority

Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
StrafingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Nature's BlessingUsed frame.webp

Prioritize upgrading Quick FireUsed frame.webpQuick Fire, Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webpZephyr's Nock, Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webpDecisive Sniping, and Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webpEnsnaring Arrow as they are your main DPS abilities. StrafingUsed frame.webpStrafing, is one of your earliest rare abilities and a powerful skill that gets used a lot and only gets better when upgraded to epic.

Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webpSelfless Diffusion not only provides an escape from roots but also increases your off-hand weapon attack chance once its upgraded. It can be used instead of Thorn GaleUsed frame.webpThorn Gale for the extra damage as well.

Passives Priority

AmbidexterityActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Steady AimActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Eagle VisionActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Sniper's SenseActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
AmbidexterityActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Steady AimActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Eagle VisionActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Distorted SanctuaryActive frame.webp

As far as passives go, this build uses a lot of high level ones, allowing you to focus more on the active skills and using the books you come across. The main goal is to improve damage potential while passives like Distorted SanctuaryActive frame.webpDistorted Sanctuary and Devoted ShieldActive frame.webpDevoted Shield offer some defensive capabilities.Sniper's SenseActive frame.webpSniper's Sense and Steady AimActive frame.webpSteady Aim increases your critical hit when attacking people rooted by Ensnaring ArrowActive frame.webpEnsnaring Arrow from a distance and helping you proc StrafingUsed frame.webpStrafing & Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webpDecisive Sniping more often while Eagle VisionActive frame.webpEagle Vision increases your flat damage.


Elite Resistance Crossbow
Elite Resistance Crossbow
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Elite Resistance Longbow
Elite Resistance Longbow
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Elusive Hexweaver Hat
Elusive Hexweaver Hat
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Melee Endurance
Deadeye's Cloak
Deadeye's Cloak
Max Mana
Silence Resistance
Skill Damage Resistance
Heroic Armor of the Resistance
Heroic Armor of the Resistance
Max Health
Melee Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Glade Stalker Gloves
Glade Stalker Gloves
Ranged Endurance
Magic Endurance
Mana Regen
Elusive Hexweaver Pants
Elusive Hexweaver Pants
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Melee Endurance
Glade Stalker Boots
Glade Stalker Boots
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Melee Endurance
Necklace of Clarity
Necklace of Clarity
Skill Damage Boost
Buff Duration
Bracelet of Conquest
Bracelet of Conquest
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Violent Signet
Violent Signet
Max Health
Skill Damage Boost
Buff Duration
Ring of Precision
Ring of Precision
Max Health
Skill Damage Boost
Belt of the Midnight Hunt
Belt of the Midnight Hunt
Skill Damage Resistance
Max Mana
Weaken Resistance
26/09/2024 UPDATE: As of Throne and Liberty Early Access Release, Amazon changed the sources of loot in the game. These gearing suggestions are currently being revised in order to provide the best choices.

These are the first items you should strive for after leveling as they are very easy to get and upgrade or trait as needed. However, you shouldn't try to trait these items too much as you won't be spending too much time playing with this setup. The green accessories however are very easy to trait as you can craft many of them quickly in order to get the correct traits so you should consider traiting them until you change into purples.

Rex Chimaerus's Rake Bow
Rex Chimaerus's Rake Bow
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Toublek's Strafing Bow
Toublek's Strafing Bow
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Heroic Hood of the Resistance
Heroic Hood of the Resistance
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Ancient Tapestry Mantle
Ancient Tapestry Mantle
Max Health
Silence Resistance
Skill Damage Resistance
Phantom Wolf Tunic
Phantom Wolf Tunic
Max Health
Melee Endurance
Magic Endurance
Heroic Grips of the Resistance
Heroic Grips of the Resistance
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Max Mana
Reaper's Interring Pants
Reaper's Interring Pants
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Max Mana
Shadow Harvester Boots
Shadow Harvester Boots
Move Speed
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Clasp of the Conqueror
Clasp of the Conqueror
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Silence Chance
Bracers of the Primal King
Bracers of the Primal King
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Silence Resistance
Amber Dimensional Band
Amber Dimensional Band
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Band of Universal Power
Band of Universal Power
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Flamewrought Bindings
Flamewrought Bindings
Max Health
Debuff Duration
Skill Damage Resistance
26/09/2024 UPDATE: As of Throne and Liberty Early Access Release, Amazon changed the sources of loot in the game. These gearing suggestions are currently being revised in order to provide the best choices.

This is the gear you should be wearing during the midgame. It is comprised of gear you can get either from dungeons or by grinding contracts, they are relatively easy to trait up and you will spend most of the time wearing this set before advancing into the late game so traiting these items is very important.

Queen Bellandir's Annihilation Crossbow
Queen Bellandir's Annihilation Crossbow
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Tevent's Screaming Bow
Tevent's Screaming Bow
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Winged Wind Storm Hood
Winged Wind Storm Hood
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Cooldown Speed
Ancient Tapestry Mantle
Ancient Tapestry Mantle
Max Health
Silence Resistance
Skill Damage Resistance
Winged Wind Storm Armor
Winged Wind Storm Armor
Magic Evasion
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
World Tree's Origin Gloves
World Tree's Origin Gloves
Melee Endurance
Magic Endurance
Winged Wind Tsunami Pants
Winged Wind Tsunami Pants
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Ranged Endurance
Winged Wind Gale Boots
Winged Wind Gale Boots
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Move Speed
Slayer's Quicksilver Pendant
Slayer's Quicksilver Pendant
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Silence Chance
Bracers of the Primal King
Bracers of the Primal King
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Silence Resistance
Sapphire Dimensional Band
Sapphire Dimensional Band
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Band of Universal Power
Band of Universal Power
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Belt of Bloodlust
Belt of Bloodlust
Max Health
Silence Resistance
Skill Damage Resistance
26/09/2024 UPDATE: As of Throne and Liberty Early Access Release, Amazon changed the sources of loot in the game. These gearing suggestions are currently being revised in order to provide the best choices.


This is the the best in slot gear and the most difficult to acquire. It is comprised of gear you won't get easily, requiring large amounts of Lucent to buy off the auction house or requiring you to be part of a dominating guild on your server. Some of the pieces come from tier 2 dungeons and are difficult to acquire and trait up.

Weapon Masteries

Regen Health Regen
Magic Defense
Dynamic Duo
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Ultimate Healing
Debuff Duration
Cooldown Speed
Refined Touch
Move Ranged Hit
Mana Regen
Plains Shooter
Enfeeble Chance
Mana Cost Efficiency
Cold Vision
Magic Defense
Ranged Crit Hit
Quick Steps
Chain Fire Base Damage
Skill Damage Boost
Cold Rage
Base Damage
Buff Duration
Cooldown Speed
Mana Regen
Brutal Wound
Support Max Health
Magic Defense
Vitality of Dew
Move Speed
Buff Duration
Anti-magic Arts
Magic Evasion
Grace Song
Check Ranged Hit
Move Speed
Wedge of Oppression
Max Mana
Mana Regen
Gale Arrowhead
Range ↑
Mana Cost Efficiency
Phantom Snare
Sniping Ranged Hit +20
Ranged Crit Hit
Pointy Throns
Damage Bonus
Base Damage
Critical Nock
Attack Speed
Ranged Crit Hit
Brutal Shooter

Crossbow: Allocate 9 points into Chain Fire to enhance your raw damage and increase your ability to secure kills. Invest the remaining 3 points into Regen to further increase the amount healed by Amitoi Heal by an additional 6%.

Longbow: Spend 9 points into Sniping for its significant damage boost. Then, invest the remaining 3 points into Check for additional damage and bind chance, which will aid your Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webpEnsnaring Arrow skill.


Short Medium Range Burst ↴
Deadly MarkerUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Merciless BarrageUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
BlitzUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Wind SnatcherUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
StrafingUsed frame.webp
  • Use this rotation when you want to quickly kill a target that is either low HP or less geared than you. Boost your critical hit rate against them by using Deadly MarkerUsed frame.webpDeadly Marker before following up with Ensnaring Arrow and Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webpZephyr's Nock for the start of your damage. Come close enough to channel the full cast of Merciless BarrageUsed frame.webpMerciless Barrage and then reset its cooldown with BlitzUsed frame.webpBlitz. Use Wind SnatcherUsed frame.webpWind Snatcher to slow down the target and increase your movement speed for better kiting and then finish off the target using Quick FireUsed frame.webpQuick Fire & StrafingUsed frame.webpStrafing.
Range DPS ↴
Deadly MarkerUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Thorn GaleUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
BlitzUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
StrafingUsed frame.webp
  • The ranged DPS rotation is meant for single target burst. Start your rotation with Deadly MarkerUsed frame.webpDeadly Marker to apply a debuff on your target that increases your critical rate when hitting them, followed by buffing yourself with Thorn GaleUsed frame.webpThorn Gale, allowing the next skills to launch additional projectile. Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webpEnsnaring Arrow sets up your target for the high damage output of Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webpZephyr's Nock, further boosted by Steady AimActive frame.webpSteady Aim. Utilize BlitzUsed frame.webpBlitz to reset Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webpZephyr's Nock, then use it again while your target remains rooted. You can then follow up with StrafingUsed frame.webpStrafing for the kill.

Weak Point ShotUsed frame.webpWeak Point Shot: You can use this ability instead of Deadly MarkerUsed frame.webpDeadly Marker as it offers a similar buff to your damage but it also extends to your other party members but instead of increasing critical rate, it increases max critical damage.

Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webpSelfless Diffusion: This remains your only defensive active ability, perfect for situations where you get immobilized by bow users using Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webpEnsnaring Arrow or if a foe with an upgraded Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webpShadow Strike targets you.

Useful Information

  • Select Lady Knight Kamarshea as your guardian; it provides essential protection with its shield, capable of absorbing damage equal to 50% of your mana. This not only aids in mitigating damage but also increases your cooldown speed in order to let you cast your abilities more often.


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