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Abyssal Grace PendantAbyssal Grace Pendant
Bindings of the UnstoppableBindings of the Unstoppable
Blessed Templar ChokerBlessed Templar Choker
Clasp of the ConquerorClasp of the Conqueror
Clasp of the OverlordClasp of the Overlord
Collar of DecimationCollar of Decimation
Ecliptic PendantEcliptic Pendant
Guardian TorqueGuardian Torque
Icy Necklace of DexterityIcy Necklace of Dexterity
Icy Necklace of PerceptionIcy Necklace of Perception
Icy Necklace of StrengthIcy Necklace of Strength
Icy Necklace of WisdomIcy Necklace of Wisdom
Mitran Leaf CollarMitran Leaf Collar
Necklace of ClarityNecklace of Clarity
Necklace of EnduranceNecklace of Endurance
Necklace of ForesightNecklace of Foresight
Necklace of VitalityNecklace of Vitality
Ornate ChokerOrnate Choker
Robert's Necklace of FocusRobert's Necklace of Focus
Rutaine's Necklace of WonderRutaine's Necklace of Wonder
Simple NecklaceSimple Necklace
Slayer's Quicksilver PendantSlayer's Quicksilver Pendant
Sophia's Necklace of StrengthSophia's Necklace of Strength
Spider Silk CollarSpider Silk Collar
Thunderstorm NecklaceThunderstorm Necklace
Wrapped Coin NecklaceWrapped Coin Necklace


Abyssal Grace CharmAbyssal Grace Charm
Ancient Saurodoma BracersAncient Saurodoma Bracers
Ascended Guardian BraceletAscended Guardian Bracelet
Astral ArmletAstral Armlet
Bracelet of BufferingBracelet of Buffering
Bracelet of ConquestBracelet of Conquest
Bracelet of LiberationBracelet of Liberation
Bracelet of RevitalizationBracelet of Revitalization
Bracers of UnrelentingBracers of Unrelenting
Bracers of the Primal KingBracers of the Primal King
Enraged Buffering BracersEnraged Buffering Bracers
Enraged Liberation BracersEnraged Liberation Bracers
Enraged Never Losing BracersEnraged Never Losing Bracers
Enraged Roaring BracersEnraged Roaring Bracers
Enraged Vigor BracersEnraged Vigor Bracers
Eternal Champion BindingsEternal Champion Bindings
Forged Golden BangleForged Golden Bangle
Gilded Infernal WristletGilded Infernal Wristlet
Imperial BraceletImperial Bracelet
Kunzite BangleKunzite Bangle
Robert's Bracelet of FocusRobert's Bracelet of Focus
Ruby BangleRuby Bangle
Rutaine's Bracelet of WonderRutaine's Bracelet of Wonder
Serpentine WristletSerpentine Wristlet
Skillful Charging BraceletSkillful Charging Bracelet
Skillful Corrupted BraceletSkillful Corrupted Bracelet
Skillful Oppress BraceletSkillful Oppress Bracelet
Skillful Shock BraceletSkillful Shock Bracelet
Skillful Silence BraceletSkillful Silence Bracelet
Sophia's Bracelet of StrengthSophia's Bracelet of Strength


Abyssal Grace BandAbyssal Grace Band
Amber Dimensional BandAmber Dimensional Band
Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power
Band of the Chosen OneBand of the Chosen One
Band of the Silent OneBand of the Silent One
Cold Iron BandCold Iron Band
Dark Seraph RingDark Seraph Ring
Eldritch Ice BandEldritch Ice Band
Embossed Granite BandEmbossed Granite Band
Etched Alabaster BandEtched Alabaster Band
Imperial RingImperial Ring
Platinum Skull BandPlatinum Skull Band
Regal Jade BandRegal Jade Band
Ring of ImpactRing of Impact
Ring of PrecisionRing of Precision
Ring of RobustnessRing of Robustness
Ring of WillpowerRing of Willpower
Robert's Ring of FocusRobert's Ring of Focus
Rutaine's Ring of WonderRutaine's Ring of Wonder
Sapphire Dimensional BandSapphire Dimensional Band
Simple RingSimple Ring
Sophia's Ring of StrengthSophia's Ring of Strength
Violent SignetViolent Signet


Belt of BloodlustBelt of Bloodlust
Belt of Combat ProwessBelt of Combat Prowess
Belt of DeftnessBelt of Deftness
Belt of DeterminationBelt of Determination
Belt of Divine RefreshmentBelt of Divine Refreshment
Belt of MeditationBelt of Meditation
Belt of VigorBelt of Vigor
Belt of the Midnight HuntBelt of the Midnight Hunt
Butcher's BeltButcher's Belt
Demonic Beast King's BeltDemonic Beast King's Belt
Flamewrought BindingsFlamewrought Bindings
Forbidden Arcane ChainForbidden Arcane Chain
Forbidden Eternal ChainForbidden Eternal Chain
Forbidden Sacred ChainForbidden Sacred Chain
Girdle of Spectral SkullsGirdle of Spectral Skulls
Gladiator's GirdleGladiator's Girdle
Regeneration LoopRegeneration Loop



Acolyte HoodAcolyte Hood
Alacritous Invoker HoodAlacritous Invoker Hood
Arcane Shadow HatArcane Shadow Hat
Armored Suede TricorneArmored Suede Tricorne
Ascended Guardian HoodAscended Guardian Hood
Augmented Leather HeadgearAugmented Leather Headgear
Beast HoodBeast Hood
Blackened Plate HelmetBlackened Plate Helmet
Blessed Templar HelmetBlessed Templar Helmet
Canvas HatCanvas Hat
Common CircletCommon Circlet
Decorated Champion CrownDecorated Champion Crown
Divine Justiciar MaskDivine Justiciar Mask
Duskblood MaskDuskblood Mask
Elusive Hexweaver HatElusive Hexweaver Hat
Feathered Drakeskin MaskFeathered Drakeskin Mask
Felt HatFelt Hat
Forged HelmetForged Helmet
Forgotten TricorneForgotten Tricorne
Fortune Telling CowlFortune Telling Cowl
Gilded Raven MaskGilded Raven Mask
Glade Stalker CircletGlade Stalker Circlet
Gloom Guard Winged HelmetGloom Guard Winged Helmet
Helm of the Field GeneralHelm of the Field General
Heroic Hat of the ResistanceHeroic Hat of the Resistance
Heroic Helmet of the ResistanceHeroic Helmet of the Resistance
Heroic Hood of the ResistanceHeroic Hood of the Resistance
Heroic Tricorne of the ResistanceHeroic Tricorne of the Resistance
Hide MaskHide Mask
Hood of the ResistanceHood of the Resistance
Incantation HatIncantation Hat
Intricate Leather HoodIntricate Leather Hood
Iron HelmetIron Helmet
Ironclad Plate VisorIronclad Plate Visor
Layered Iron HelmLayered Iron Helm
Leather TricorneLeather Tricorne
Mask of the ResistanceMask of the Resistance
Mystic HatMystic Hat
Nature's End CowlNature's End Cowl
Ornate Battle HelmOrnate Battle Helm
Permafrost HoodPermafrost Hood
Phantom Wolf MaskPhantom Wolf Mask
Prayer HoodPrayer Hood
Reinforced Buckskin TricorneReinforced Buckskin Tricorne
Resolute Crusader HelmetResolute Crusader Helmet
Ritual HatRitual Hat
Runed HatRuned Hat
Ruthless Enforcer HelmetRuthless Enforcer Helmet
Shadow Harvester MaskShadow Harvester Mask
Shock Commander VisorShock Commander Visor
Silk HoodSilk Hood
Soul Mirror TurbanSoul Mirror Turban
Sparring HelmetSparring Helmet
Steel HelmetSteel Helmet
Swirling Essence HatSwirling Essence Hat
Visage of the ExecutionerVisage of the Executioner
Visor of the Infernal HeraldVisor of the Infernal Herald
Visor of the ResistanceVisor of the Resistance


Alacritous Invoker OvercoatAlacritous Invoker Overcoat
Arcane Shadow RobesArcane Shadow Robes
Armored Suede TunicArmored Suede Tunic
Ascended Guardian RaimentAscended Guardian Raiment
Attendant RobeAttendant Robe
Augmented Leather JerkinAugmented Leather Jerkin
Blackened Plate BreastplateBlackened Plate Breastplate
Blessed Templar Plate MailBlessed Templar Plate Mail
Canvas RobesCanvas Robes
Cloth VestmentCloth Vestment
Coat of the ExecutionerCoat of the Executioner
Decorated Champion ArmorDecorated Champion Armor
Divine Justiciar AttireDivine Justiciar Attire
Duskblood GarbDuskblood Garb
Elusive Hexweaver DrapeElusive Hexweaver Drape
Feathered Drakeskin TunicFeathered Drakeskin Tunic
Fortune Telling RaimentFortune Telling Raiment
Gilded Raven TunicGilded Raven Tunic
Glade Stalker ScalesGlade Stalker Scales
Gloom Guard Plate ArmorGloom Guard Plate Armor
Heroic Armor of the ResistanceHeroic Armor of the Resistance
Heroic Garb of the ResistanceHeroic Garb of the Resistance
Heroic Robes of the ResistanceHeroic Robes of the Resistance
Heroic Tunic of the ResistanceHeroic Tunic of the Resistance
Incantation GarbIncantation Garb
Infiltrator ArmorInfiltrator Armor
Intricate Leather TunicIntricate Leather Tunic
Iron ArmorIron Armor
Ironclad Plate CuirassIronclad Plate Cuirass
Lamellar TunicLamellar Tunic
Layered Iron GambesonLayered Iron Gambeson
Leather TunicLeather Tunic
Magithread RobesMagithread Robes
Manasteel ChainmailManasteel Chainmail
Nature's End RaimentNature's End Raiment
Ornate Battle Chest PlateOrnate Battle Chest Plate
Permafrost VestmentPermafrost Vestment
Phantom Wolf TunicPhantom Wolf Tunic
Plate Armor of the ResistancePlate Armor of the Resistance
Plate of the Field GeneralPlate of the Field General
Plate of the Infernal HeraldPlate of the Infernal Herald
Prayer VestmentsPrayer Vestments
Reforged CuirassReforged Cuirass
Reinforced Buckskin JerkinReinforced Buckskin Jerkin
Reinforced ChainmailReinforced Chainmail
Reinforced RaimentReinforced Raiment
Reinforced TunicReinforced Tunic
Resolute Crusader ArmorResolute Crusader Armor
Robes of the ResistanceRobes of the Resistance
Ruthless Enforcer Chest PlateRuthless Enforcer Chest Plate
Scouting ArmorScouting Armor
Sentinel ArmorSentinel Armor
Shadow Harvester TunicShadow Harvester Tunic
Shock Commander Plate ArmorShock Commander Plate Armor
Silk RaimentSilk Raiment
Soul Mirror CarapaceSoul Mirror Carapace
Studded Leather TunicStudded Leather Tunic
Swirling Essence RobeSwirling Essence Robe
Tunic of the ResistanceTunic of the Resistance


Ancient Tapestry MantleAncient Tapestry Mantle
Berserker's ShroudBerserker's Shroud
Bile Drenched VeilBile Drenched Veil
Blessed Templar CloakBlessed Templar Cloak
Cloak of AccuracyCloak of Accuracy
Cloak of BattleCloak of Battle
Deadeye's CloakDeadeye's Cloak
Eldritch WhispersEldritch Whispers
Forsaken EmbraceForsaken Embrace
Immortal ReckoningImmortal Reckoning
Mantle of CastingMantle of Casting
Nightslayer's MantleNightslayer's Mantle
Relentless AssaultRelentless Assault
Shroud of StrikingShroud of Striking
Sorcerer's CapeSorcerer's Cape
Supreme DevotionSupreme Devotion
Warlord's ShroudWarlord's Shroud


Acolyte ShoesAcolyte Shoes
Alacritous Invoker ShoesAlacritous Invoker Shoes
Apprentice BootsApprentice Boots
Arcane Shadow ShoesArcane Shadow Shoes
Armored Suede BootsArmored Suede Boots
Ascended Guardian ShoesAscended Guardian Shoes
Attendant ShoesAttendant Shoes
Augmented Leather BootsAugmented Leather Boots
Blackened Plate SabatonsBlackened Plate Sabatons
Boots of the ExecutionerBoots of the Executioner
Boots of the Infernal HeraldBoots of the Infernal Herald
Boots of the ResistanceBoots of the Resistance
Cloth ShoesCloth Shoes
Decorated Champion BootsDecorated Champion Boots
Divine Justiciar ShoesDivine Justiciar Shoes
Duskblood BootsDuskblood Boots
Ebon Roar SabatonsEbon Roar Sabatons
Elusive Hexweaver ShoesElusive Hexweaver Shoes
Feathered Drakeskin BootsFeathered Drakeskin Boots
Forged SabatonsForged Sabatons
Fortune Telling ShoesFortune Telling Shoes
Gilded Raven BootsGilded Raven Boots
Glade Stalker BootsGlade Stalker Boots
Gloom Guard SabatonsGloom Guard Sabatons
Heroic Boots of the ResistanceHeroic Boots of the Resistance
Heroic Boots of the ResistanceHeroic Boots of the Resistance
Heroic Footguards of the ResistanceHeroic Footguards of the Resistance
Heroic Shoes of the ResistanceHeroic Shoes of the Resistance
Incantation ShoesIncantation Shoes
Intricate Leather BootsIntricate Leather Boots
Iron SabatonsIron Sabatons
Ironclad Plate SabatonsIronclad Plate Sabatons
Lamellar BootsLamellar Boots
Layered Iron BootsLayered Iron Boots
Leather BootsLeather Boots
Leather BootsLeather Boots
Magithread ShoesMagithread Shoes
Nature's End ShoesNature's End Shoes
Ornate Battle SabatonsOrnate Battle Sabatons
Permafrost ShoesPermafrost Shoes
Phantom Wolf BootsPhantom Wolf Boots
Reinforced BootsReinforced Boots
Reinforced Buckskin BootsReinforced Buckskin Boots
Reinforced ShoesReinforced Shoes
Resolute Crusader SabatonsResolute Crusader Sabatons
Ruthless Enforcer SabatonsRuthless Enforcer Sabatons
Sabatons of the Field GeneralSabatons of the Field General
Sabatons of the ResistanceSabatons of the Resistance
Shadow Harvester BootsShadow Harvester Boots
Shock Commander SabatonsShock Commander Sabatons
Shoes of the ResistanceShoes of the Resistance
Silk ShoesSilk Shoes
Soul Mirror BootsSoul Mirror Boots
Sparring SabatonsSparring Sabatons
Steel SabatonsSteel Sabatons
Studded Leather BootsStudded Leather Boots
Swirling Essence ShoesSwirling Essence Shoes


Acolyte GlovesAcolyte Gloves
Alacritous Invoker GlovesAlacritous Invoker Gloves
Apprentice GlovesApprentice Gloves
Arcane Shadow GlovesArcane Shadow Gloves
Armored Suede BracersArmored Suede Bracers
Ascended Guardian GlovesAscended Guardian Gloves
Augmented Leather GlovesAugmented Leather Gloves
Beast GlovesBeast Gloves
Blackened Plate GauntletsBlackened Plate Gauntlets
Canvas GlovesCanvas Gloves
Common GlovesCommon Gloves
Decorated Champion GauntletsDecorated Champion Gauntlets
Divine Justiciar GlovesDivine Justiciar Gloves
Duskblood GlovesDuskblood Gloves
Ebon Roar GauntletsEbon Roar Gauntlets
Elusive Hexweaver GlovesElusive Hexweaver Gloves
Feathered Drakeskin GlovesFeathered Drakeskin Gloves
Felt GlovesFelt Gloves
Forged GauntletsForged Gauntlets
Forging GlovesForging Gloves
Fortune Telling GlovesFortune Telling Gloves
Gauntlets of the Field GeneralGauntlets of the Field General
Gauntlets of the Infernal HeraldGauntlets of the Infernal Herald
Gauntlets of the ResistanceGauntlets of the Resistance
Gilded Raven GripsGilded Raven Grips
Glade Stalker GlovesGlade Stalker Gloves
Gloom Guard GauntletsGloom Guard Gauntlets
Gloves of the ResistanceGloves of the Resistance
Grip of the ExecutionerGrip of the Executioner
Handguards of the ResistanceHandguards of the Resistance
Heroic Gauntlets of the ResistanceHeroic Gauntlets of the Resistance
Heroic Gloves of the ResistanceHeroic Gloves of the Resistance
Heroic Grips of the ResistanceHeroic Grips of the Resistance
Heroic Mitts of the ResistanceHeroic Mitts of the Resistance
Hide GlovesHide Gloves
Incantation GlovesIncantation Gloves
Intricate Leather GlovesIntricate Leather Gloves
Iron GauntletsIron Gauntlets
Ironclad Plate GauntletsIronclad Plate Gauntlets
Layered Iron GauntletsLayered Iron Gauntlets
Nature's End GlovesNature's End Gloves
Ornate Battle GauntletsOrnate Battle Gauntlets
Permafrost GlovesPermafrost Gloves
Phantom Wolf GlovesPhantom Wolf Gloves
Prayer GlovesPrayer Gloves
Reinforced Buckskin GlovesReinforced Buckskin Gloves
Resolute Crusader GauntletsResolute Crusader Gauntlets
Ritual GlovesRitual Gloves
Runed GlovesRuned Gloves
Ruthless Enforcer GauntletsRuthless Enforcer Gauntlets
Shadow Harvester GripsShadow Harvester Grips
Shock Commander GauntletsShock Commander Gauntlets
Silk GlovesSilk Gloves
Soul Mirror Hand GuardsSoul Mirror Hand Guards
Sparring GauntletsSparring Gauntlets
Steel GauntletsSteel Gauntlets
Swirling Essence GlovesSwirling Essence Gloves


Acolyte PantsAcolyte Pants
Alacritous Invoker PantsAlacritous Invoker Pants
Apprentice PantsApprentice Pants
Arcane Shadow PantsArcane Shadow Pants
Armored Suede TrousersArmored Suede Trousers
Ascended Guardian PantsAscended Guardian Pants
Attendant PantsAttendant Pants
Augmented Leather BreechesAugmented Leather Breeches
Blackened Plate GreavesBlackened Plate Greaves
Breeches of the ExecutionerBreeches of the Executioner
Chainmail LeggingsChainmail Leggings
Cloth PantsCloth Pants
Decorated Champion GreavesDecorated Champion Greaves
Divine Justiciar PantsDivine Justiciar Pants
Duskblood TrousersDuskblood Trousers
Ebon Roar GreavesEbon Roar Greaves
Elusive Hexweaver PantsElusive Hexweaver Pants
Feathered Drakeskin BreechesFeathered Drakeskin Breeches
Fortune Telling PantsFortune Telling Pants
Gilded Raven TrousersGilded Raven Trousers
Glade Stalker TrousersGlade Stalker Trousers
Gloom Guard GreavesGloom Guard Greaves
Greaves of the Field GeneralGreaves of the Field General
Greaves of the Infernal HeraldGreaves of the Infernal Herald
Greaves of the ResistanceGreaves of the Resistance
Heroic Breeches of the ResistanceHeroic Breeches of the Resistance
Heroic Greaves of the ResistanceHeroic Greaves of the Resistance
Heroic Pants of the ResistanceHeroic Pants of the Resistance
Heroic Trousers of the ResistanceHeroic Trousers of the Resistance
Incantation PantsIncantation Pants
Intricate Leather TrousersIntricate Leather Trousers
Ironclad Plate GreavesIronclad Plate Greaves
Lamellar TrousersLamellar Trousers
Layered Iron GreavesLayered Iron Greaves
Leather TrousersLeather Trousers
Leather TrousersLeather Trousers
Magithread LeggingsMagithread Leggings
Magithread PantsMagithread Pants
Nature's End PantsNature's End Pants
Ornate Battle LeggingsOrnate Battle Leggings
Pants of the ResistancePants of the Resistance
Permafrost PantsPermafrost Pants
Phantom Wolf BreechesPhantom Wolf Breeches
Reforged GreavesReforged Greaves
Reinforced Buckskin TrousersReinforced Buckskin Trousers
Reinforced LeggingsReinforced Leggings
Reinforced PantsReinforced Pants
Reinforced TrousersReinforced Trousers
Resolute Crusader GreavesResolute Crusader Greaves
Ruthless Enforcer LeggingsRuthless Enforcer Leggings
Shadow Harvester TrousersShadow Harvester Trousers
Shock Commander GreavesShock Commander Greaves
Silk PantsSilk Pants
Soul Mirror TrousersSoul Mirror Trousers
Studded Leather TrousersStudded Leather Trousers
Swirling Essence PantsSwirling Essence Pants
Trousers of the ResistanceTrousers of the Resistance

MetaBattle is recruiting!
We are seeking an experienced Build Admin for Throne and Liberty with a deep understanding of the meta across most weapons and game modes. Get in touch with Galaxian on Discord if you're a good fit for the role or know someone else who is. This is a paid position.
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