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Crusader - Greatsword + Sword PvP Build

Class: [[Builds|]]
Weapons: Greatsword and Sword
Designed for: [[|]]
Focused on: Melee AOE DPS
  • High AOE damage
  • Best Large Scale Melee DPS
  • Tanky
  • High Skill Ceiling
  • Squishy
Missing "class" property.


This build is designed for group PVP in small and large scale content such as riftstones, sieges, etc. It excels at doing high AOE damage as a frontline melee player while having some protection with the use of SnS. The build boasts good movement as well and it's capable of moving between groups of stacked enemies with ease but also retreat when needed.


With the unique stats and attributes system in Throne and Liberty, it can be difficult to determine exactly where to invest your attribute points at each stage of the game. This is because gear pieces provide attributes just like leveling up does, meaning everyone will have a different number of attribute points depending on what gear they are wearing at the time.
Given this variation, it's best to reset your attributes regularly to adjust to the new gear you acquire. Aim to reach the achievement effects, which provide extra benefits at milestones like 30, 50, and 70 points.
  • Prioritize Dexterity as your primary attribute until it reaches 30. Afterward, allocate points into Perception until it also hits 30, and distribute the remainder into Strength to bolster your HP. Investing in Wisdom isn't worth it as it brings little damage and some mana regen. Beyond 30 points in Dexterity and Perception, you should put the rest of your points into strength because of Vital ForceActive frame.webpVital Force giving you extra damage for extra HP.


Annihilating SlashUsed frame.webp
Annihilating Slash
Provoking RoarUsed frame.webp
Provoking Roar
Counter BarrierUsed frame.webp
Counter Barrier
Stalwart BastionUsed frame.webp
Stalwart Bastion
Strategic RushUsed frame.webp
Strategic Rush
DaVinci's CourageUsed frame.webp
DaVinci's Courage
Devastating TornadoUsed frame.webp
Devastating Tornado
WillbreakerUsed frame.webp
Precision DashUsed frame.webp
Precision Dash
Valiant BrawlUsed frame.webp
Valiant Brawl
Gaia CrashUsed frame.webp
Gaia Crash
A Shot at VictoryUsed frame.webp
A Shot at Victory
Aegis ShieldActive frame.webp
Barbarian's DashActive frame.webp
Raging FrenzyActive frame.webp
Indomitable ArmorActive frame.webp
Vital ForceActive frame.webp
Robust ConstitutionActive frame.webp
Spectrum of AgonyActive frame.webp
ImpenetrableActive frame.webp
Iron Point ParryUsed frame.webp

Skill Priority

Counter BarrierUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Valiant BrawlUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Precision DashUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Strategic RushUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Provoking RoarUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
DaVinci's CourageUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Precision DashUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Valiant BrawlUsed frame.webp

As we make use of many high level abilities, there aren't many active abilities you should upgrade, this makes the build rather cheap and lets you focus on upgrading your passives so anyone could realistically switch to this build for group PVP with relative ease.

Passives Priority

Robust ConstitutionActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Vital ForceActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Spectrum of AgonyActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Vital ForceActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Robust ConstitutionActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Aegis ShieldActive frame.webp

Just like the actives, we use a lot of high level passives which makes this build shine once you are level 50 and isn't something you should use before that. However, this also makes the build very cheap.

Weapon Masteries

Charge Ranged Defense
Melee Evasion
Firm Will
Max Health
Cooldown Speed
Overcome Snare
Buff Duration
Skill Damage Resistance
Bold Steps
Incapacitate Mana Regen
Melee Hit Chance
Ultimate Impact
Mana Regen
Complete Stun
Melee Hit Chance
Stun Chance
Firm Resolution
Face Off Melee Hit Chance
Rough and Wild
Melee Critical Hit Chance
Mana Cost Efficiency
Fierce Attack
Skill Damage Boost
Melee Hit Chance
Fierce Glare
Provoke & Counter Melee Defense
Health Regen
Decayed Sword God
Max Health
All Evasion
Impregnable Stance
Buff Duration
Damage Reduction
Indomitable Spirit
Boss Melee Hit
Undefeated Perseverance
Max Health
Stun Resistance
Desperate Evasion
Mana Cost Efficiency
Melee Hit Chance
Subjugator's Punishment
Collision Max Health
Melee Hit Chance
Calculated Rush
Damage Reduction
Weaken Chance
Steely Physique
Melee Defense
Blade of Rage

Greatsword: Face Off gives you a lot of damage and heavy attack chance so 9 points in this is a nobrainer. Rest of the points will go into Charge for some defense and extra Amitoi heal.

Sword: Collision provides extra damage, weaken chance and some cooldown speed for 9 points. Two points should go into the Boss line for extra damage and the last point goes into Provoke & Counter for that sweet melee defense.


Damage Drop Rotation ↴
Precision DashUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Provoking RoarUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Annihilating SlashUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
A Shot at VictoryUsed frame.webp
  • This is your main damage drop rotation. You want to look for spots where enemies are clumped up together and engage with Precision DashUsed frame.webpPrecision Dash then following up with Provoking RoarUsed frame.webpProvoking Roar to apply weaken and then follow up with Annihilating SlashUsed frame.webpAnnihilating Slash for AOE damage all around you that procs Spectrum of AgonyUsed frame.webpSpectrum of Agony. A Shot at VictoryUsed frame.webpA Shot at Victory will be used for cleaning up as enemies move out of the clump and you can finish off low health survivors.
Damage Drop Rotation 2 ↴
Strategic RushUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
WillbreakerUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Gaia CrashUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Devastating TornadoUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Valiant BrawlUsed frame.webp
  • Your twin rotation is quite similar and the skills used can be interchangeable depending on cooldowns. The theory is the same but instead of proccing Spectrum of AgonyUsed frame.webpSpectrum of Agony with Provoking RoarUsed frame.webpProvoking Roar, we do it with WillbreakerUsed frame.webpWillbreaker for a similar but longer lasting effect. Gaia CrashUsed frame.webpGaia Crash is used for the damage while Devastating TornadoUsed frame.webpDevastating Tornado is used for cleanup alongside Valiant BrawlUsed frame.webpValiant Brawl

Counter BarrierUsed frame.webpCounter Barrier: Use this as you start getting focused and use your defense skill to reflect damage when the pressure is put on you or an engage fails.

Stalwart BastionUsed frame.webpStalwart Bastion: Use when going for a push with your team or when getting pushed. This is usually requested by your shotcaller but you can use it yourself if your shotcaller doesn't call for it.

DaVinci's CourageUsed frame.webpDaVinci's Courage: Use this before every engage for max HP to people around you but also gives you damage cause of Vital ForceActive frame.webpVital Force and attack speed once it's made epic.

Useful Information

  • Use Green Ranger Elowen as your guardian, it roots people around you and can help you deliver your rotation. If you do manage to root using this guardian, you can do both rotations and wipe out clumps on your own with ease.
  • For gear you want to get the Reaper Set as its currently Best in Slot armor set for DPS but it also gives you a lot of dexterity and perception. Tevent's Despair BladeTevent's Despair Blade is the greatsword you want as it creates an AOE explosion on targets you collide with when you use Strategic RushUsed frame.webpStrategic Rush, creating explosions everywhere as you pass through clumps.

Morokai's Corrupt SwordMorokai's Corrupt Sword and Magnaduke's Berserk BladeMagnaduke's Berserk Blade are also decent choices but your goal should remain Tevent's Despair BladeTevent's Despair Blade.

Queen Bellandir's BladeQueen Bellandir's Blade is an incredible weapon for this build as it creates a quicksand area on the spot you use Annihilating SlashUsed frame.webpAnnihilating Slash which holds people in for yourself and your team. Cornelius's Explosive BladeCornelius's Explosive Blade is an option until you get that SnS for some good extra perception but cannot be compared.

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MetaBattle is recruiting!
We are seeking an experienced Build Admin for Throne and Liberty with a deep understanding of the meta across most weapons and game modes. Get in touch with Galaxian on Discord if you're a good fit for the role or know someone else who is. This is a paid position.
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