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Scout - Crossbow + Longbow Large Scale PvP Build

Class: [[Builds|]]
Weapons: Bow and Crossbow
Designed for: PvP (large-scale)
Focused on: DPS
  • High Sustained DPS
  • Easy to Play
  • Squishy
  • Group Reliant
  • Low Movement
Missing "class" property.


This Bow & Crossbow build plays a crucial role in the backline of any zerg. Its capability to consistently deal ranged DPS and apply pressure on the enemy team is indispensable. Although it may not excel in 1v1 encounters, it can still fend for itself well enough to buy time for teammates to provide assistance if caught out of position.


With the unique stats and attributes system in Throne and Liberty, it can be difficult to determine exactly where to invest your attribute points at each stage of the game. This is because gear pieces provide attributes just like leveling up does, meaning everyone will have a different number of attribute points depending on what gear they are wearing at the time.
Given this variation, it's best to reset your attributes regularly to adjust to the new gear you acquire. Aim to reach the achievement effects, which provide extra benefits at milestones like 30, 50, and 70 points.

You want to maximizing damage output as it is crucial for this build, making Dexterity and Perception the primary attributes to focus on. While it doesn't make a big difference which one you pick first, both remain equally important in the end game. By allocating points into these stats, you can significantly enhance your damage potential, ensuring that you can swiftly deal with targets on the battlefield. The cost after you invest 30 points in one attribute is too much and that for it's preferred for you to start investing in Wisdom for extra mana regeneration can be beneficial to sustain your abilities during prolonged engagements, although the primary focus should remain on maximizing damage through Dexterity and Perception.


Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Quick Fire
Thorn GaleUsed frame.webp
Thorn Gale
Weak Point ShotUsed frame.webp
Weak Point Shot
Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webp
Selfless Diffusion
Nature's BlessingUsed frame.webp
Nature's Blessing
BlitzUsed frame.webp
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Ensnaring Arrow
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Decisive Sniping
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Zephyr's Nock
Deadly MarkerUsed frame.webp
Deadly Marker
Brutal ArrowUsed frame.webp
Brutal Arrow
StrafingUsed frame.webp
Eagle VisionActive frame.webp
Piercing StrikeActive frame.webp
AmbidexterityActive frame.webp
Devoted ShieldActive frame.webp
Sniper's SenseActive frame.webp
Roxie's ArrowheadActive frame.webp
Distorted SanctuaryActive frame.webp
Steady AimActive frame.webp
Rupturing ParryUsed frame.webp

Skill Priority

Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Mortal MarkUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Nimble LeapUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Brutal IncisionUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Mortal MarkUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Nimble LeapUsed frame.webp

Prioritizing the upgrades for this build is crucial for maximizing its effectiveness on the battlefield. Start by upgrading Quick FireUsed frame.webpQuick Fire and Mortal MarkUsed frame.webpMortal Mark to enhance your damage potential, as these abilities play a significant role in your damage output. Quick FireUsed frame.webpQuick Fire is your main damaging skill, while Mortal MarkUsed frame.webpMortal Mark debuffs your target, improving your overall damage. As far as mobility goes, Nimble LeapUsed frame.webpNimble Leap is our main mobility skill and it pairs perfectly with Shadow WalkerActive frame.webpShadow Walker, allowing us to almost always have the Shadow WalkerActive frame.webpShadow Walker extra evation and damage reduction active!

Additionally, upgrading Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webpSelfless Diffusion can provide valuable survivability, allowing you to escape challenging situations more effectively and escape roots from skills like Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webpEnsnaring Arrow or Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webpShadow Strike while remaining mobile. Because we mostly make use of high level skills, the only abilities you want to upgrade from the dagger side of the build would be Brutal IncisionUsed frame.webpBrutal Incision and Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webpShadow Strike, they pair perfectly with eachother and they will help you a lot when locking down targets.

Passives Priority

AmbidexterityActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Assassin's StepActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Eagle VisionActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Shadow WalkerActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
AmbidexterityActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Assassin's StepActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Eagle VisionActive frame.webp

Choosing the right passives is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of this build. Focus on upgrading passives that enhance your damage and provide additional resistances. Shadow WalkerActive frame.webpShadow Walker offers increased evasion, while Wrathful EdgeActive frame.webpWrathful Edge and Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webpAssassin's Instincts boost your critical hit damage, improving your overall damage output. Additionally, AmbidexterityActive frame.webpAmbidexterity and Eagle VisionActive frame.webpEagle Vision provide further damage bonuses. By prioritizing these passives, you can ensure that your build is optimized for dealing significant damage while offering you the defense you need to remain in prolonged fights.


Rex Chimaerus's Rake Bow
Rex Chimaerus's Rake Bow
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Lequirus's Thorny Edge
Lequirus's Thorny Edge
Heavy Attack Chance
Critical Hit
Reaper's Black Mask
Reaper's Black Mask
Magic Evasion
Ranged Evasion
Magic Endurance
Hermit's Shroud
Hermit's Shroud
Max Health
Health Regen
Skill Damage Resistance
Abyss Slayer's Insanity Armor
Abyss Slayer's Insanity Armor
Max Health
Ranged Evasion
Magic Evasion
Reaper's Hand of Death
Reaper's Hand of Death
Max Mana
Magic Evasion
Ranged Evasion
Special Resistance Ancient Dragon Pants
Special Resistance Ancient Dragon Pants
Max Health
Ranged Evasion
Magic Evasion
Abyss Slayer's Berserk Boots
Abyss Slayer's Berserk Boots
Move Speed
Ranged Evasion
Magic Evasion
Holy Warrior's Choker
Holy Warrior's Choker
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Buff Duration
Beast King's Gilded Bracers
Beast King's Gilded Bracers
Max Health
Skill Damage Resistance
Health Regen
Insightful Ring of Dimension
Insightful Ring of Dimension
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Health Regen
Eternal Ring of Dimension
Eternal Ring of Dimension
Skill Damage Boost
Max Health
Health Regen
Duke Magna's Belt
Duke Magna's Belt
Max Health
Health Regen
Skill Damage Resistance

Weapon Masteries

Regen Health Regen
Magic Defense
Dynamic Duo
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Ultimate Healing
Debuff Duration
Cooldown Speed
Refined Touch
Move Ranged Hit Chance
Mana Regen
Calm Aim
Weaken Chance
Mana Cost Efficiency
Cold Vision
Magic Defense
Ranged Crit Hit Chance
Quick Steps
Chain Fire Damage
Skill Damage Boost
Cold Rage
Buff Duration
Cooldown Speed
Mana Regen
Brutal Wound
Disguise Ranged Defense
Health Regen
Debuff Immunity
Mana Cost Efficiency
Cooldown Speed
Master of Evasion
Buff Duration
Ranged Defense
Strong Will
Poison Melee Hit Chance
Off-Hand Weapon
Attack Chance
Enfeebling Terror
Mana Regen
Buff Duration
Sorrowful Silence
Mana Cost Efficiency
Melee Hit Chance
Shrewd Judgment
Assassination Melee Critical Hit Chance
Melee Critical Hit
Cooldown Speed
Deep Grudge
Skill Damage Boost
Maddening Excitement

Crossbow: Allocate 9 points into Chain Fire to boost your raw damage output and improve your ability to secure kills. Invest the remaining 3 points into Regen to increase Amitoi Heal amount by an additional 6%.

Dagger: Choosing Assassination for 9 out of your Dagger points is important because it gives a significant damage boost. Put the remaining 3 points into Poison to have a chance to weaken enemies and deal extra damage.


Quick Burst Lockdown ↴
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Recoil ShotUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Mortal MarkUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Brutal IncisionUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Nimble LeapUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Recoil ShotUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Wind SnatcherUsed frame.webp
  • This rotation is your main strategy for handling melee assassins or other enemies attempting to engage your group. Remember your role as a protector and avoid overextending with this build. Start with Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webpShadow Strike to immobilize the target, then utilize Recoil ShotUsed frame.webpRecoil Shot, which gains a damage boost after each mobility skill. Proceed with Mortal MarkUsed frame.webpMortal Mark to weaken your target, followed by Brutal IncisionUsed frame.webpBrutal Incision for a high burst of damage. Use Quick FireUsed frame.webpQuick Fire while retreating and employ Nimble LeapUsed frame.webpNimble Leap to execute another Recoil ShotUsed frame.webpRecoil Shot. You can utilize Wind SnatcherUsed frame.webpWind Snatcher to increase your movement speed as you switch to another target or reposition yourself.
Flagging Targets ↴
Weak Point ShotUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Recoil ShotUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Mortal MarkUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
  • At times, not all your cooldowns will be available, and your role becomes supporting your teammates in securing kills. Weak Point ShotUsed frame.webpWeak Point Shot not only deals significant damage but also boosts everyone's damage to the target it hits. Start by using it on your target, then swiftly follow up with Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webpShadow Strike to immobilize them. Land a Recoil ShotUsed frame.webpRecoil Shot before moving away as you apply Mortal MarkUsed frame.webpMortal Mark to further weaken the target before hitting them with Quick FireUsed frame.webpQuick Fire as you kite around. This sequence makes it easier for your teammates to eliminate the threat.

Camouflage CloakUsed frame.webpCamouflage Cloak: Consider this your "get-out-of-jail-free card." Employ it when you're under focused attack or need to reposition swiftly. It can also serve to reset a fight and cooldowns after eliminating a target. Stealth offers various other strategic uses, so don't hesitate to get creative!

Merciless BarrageUsed frame.webpMerciless Barrage: You should be careful when using this ability as it can be easily cancelled by your enemies, it should be used only after rooting a target using Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webpShadow Strike. It's damage is incredible though!

Phantom SmokescreenUsed frame.webpPhantom Smokescreen: This AOE ability can prove very helpful when used correctly, keep in mind however that as of 28/3/2024, Phantom SmokescreenUsed frame.webpPhantom Smokescreen doesn't block Infernal MeteorUsed frame.webpInfernal Meteor. However, you should still use it on top of your team whenever a group gets caught by the enemy as it still negates a lot of ranged damage.

Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webpSelfless Diffusion: This remains your sole defensive active ability, ideal for situations where you get immobilized by bow users employing Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webpEnsnaring Arrow or if a foe with an upgraded Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webpShadow Strike sets their sights on you.

Useful Information

  • Select Lady Knight Kamarshea as your guardian; it provides essential protection with its shield, capable of absorbing damage equal to 50% of your mana. This not only aids in mitigating damage but also increases your cooldown speed in order to let you heal more often.


MetaBattle is recruiting!
We are seeking an experienced Build Admin for Throne and Liberty with a deep understanding of the meta across most weapons and game modes. Get in touch with Galaxian on Discord if you're a good fit for the role or know someone else who is. This is a paid position.
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