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Liberator - Longbow + Staff Large Scale PvP Build

Class: [[Builds|]]
Weapons: Longbow and Staff
Designed for: PvP (large-scale)
Focused on: DPS
  • High burst DMG
  • Long range
  • AoE DMG
  • Good mana sustain
  • Good large scale PvP
  • Stationary gameplay
  • Long cooldowns
  • Very weak 1vs1
Missing "class" property.


Longbow and Staff build for large-scale PvP with access to AoE damage from the staff and quick burst from the Longbow. It shines in large-scale PvP scenarios like Siege Wars. However, it's worth mentioning that this build tends to be less formidable in one-on-one duels.


With the unique stats and attributes system in Throne and Liberty, it can be difficult to determine exactly where to invest your attribute points at each stage of the game. This is because gear pieces provide attributes just like leveling up does, meaning everyone will have a different number of attribute points depending on what gear they are wearing at the time.
Given this variation, it's best to reset your attributes regularly to adjust to the new gear you acquire. Aim to reach the achievement effects, which provide extra benefits at milestones like 30, 50, and 70 points.

Focus on Dexterity until you reach 30, then prioritize Wisdom, and finally Perception


Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Zephyr's Nock
StrafingUsed frame.webp
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Decisive Sniping
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Ensnaring Arrow
Nature's BlessingUsed frame.webp
Nature's Blessing
Inner PeaceUsed frame.webp
Inner Peace
Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webp
Serial Fire Bombs
Chain LightningUsed frame.webp
Chain Lightning
Inferno WaveUsed frame.webp
Inferno Wave
Judgment LightningUsed frame.webp
Judgment Lightning
Infernal MeteorUsed frame.webp
Infernal Meteor
Frost SmokescreenUsed frame.webp
Frost Smokescreen
Rapidfire StanceActive frame.webp
Steady AimActive frame.webp
Sniper's SenseActive frame.webp
Flame CondensationActive frame.webp
AsceticismActive frame.webp
Forbidden SanctuaryActive frame.webp
Mana AmpActive frame.webp
Devoted ShieldActive frame.webp
OvertakerUsed frame.webp

Skill Priority

Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Serial Flame BombsUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Smokescreening FrostUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
StrafingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Smokescreening FrostUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Serial Flame BombsUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Inferno WaveUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Nature's BlessingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Smokescreening FrostUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Inner PeaceUsed frame.webp

Prioritize Longbow skills early on. For large-scale PvP swap Nature's BlessingUsed frame.webpNature's Blessing or/and Chain LightningUsed frame.webpChain Lightning for Icebound TombUsed frame.webpIcebound Tomb and BlitzUsed frame.webpBlitz to freeze enemies and neutralize tanks.

Passives Priority

Rapidfire StanceActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Steady AimActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Sniper's SenseActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Sniper's SenseActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
AsceticismActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Steady AimActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Rapidfire StanceActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
AsceticismActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Flame CondensationActive frame.webp

Adjust the order based on your playstyle. Critical hit is important early on. Devoted ShieldActive frame.webpDevoted Shield or Mana AmpActive frame.webpMana Amp can be replaced with Distorted SanctuaryActive frame.webpDistorted Sanctuary or other passives based on preference.


DPS Rotation ↴
Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
StrafingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Chain LightningUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
StrafingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Inferno WaveUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Judgment LightningUsed frame.webp
  • This rotation is focused on PvE content, aiming to maximize damage against bosses. Remember to maintain maximum burning stacks for optimal damage.
Burst Rotation ↴
Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Zephyr's NockUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
StrafingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Decisive SnipingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Chain LightningUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Judgment LightningUsed frame.webp
  • Use this rotation when you need to eliminate an enemy quickly, especially when chasing down opponents. It deals significant damage, especially when Strafing and Decisive Sniping reset.
Mana Regen ↴
Nature's BlessingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Inner PeaceUsed frame.webp
  • Use this combination once you have Epic Nature's BlessingUsed frame.webpNature's Blessing to fully restore your mana .

Most combos are situational. Use AoE skills like Infernal MeteorUsed frame.webpInfernal Meteor, Serial Fire BombsUsed frame.webpSerial Fire Bombs and Inferno WaveUsed frame.webpInferno Wave when focusing on the enemy front line. Coordinate your burst with your team's DPS.

Use Frost SmokescreenUsed frame.webpFrost Smokescreen with either Ensnaring ArrowUsed frame.webpEnsnaring Arrow or Icebound TombUsed frame.webpIcebound Tomb for Crowd Control (CC) to catch up or create distance from the enemy.

Useful Information

  • Always stay at max range to trigger your passives.
  • Try to move as little as possible for the same reason.
  • Flying Dragon Scale Gloves are essential for your blue gear.
  • Other armor pieces should prioritize stats such as Hit, Critical Hit, and either Healt or Mana Regen.
  • Initially, focus on Hit, Critical Hit, and Heavy Attack for your weapons.
  • As you progress, shift your attention to skill damage boosts on rings and necklace.
  • For defensive stats, prioritize Max Health, Melee Evasion and Skill Damage Resistance on armor.

Purple Gear Transition

  • Obtain weapons from Paola's Boxes.
  • Craft an Insightful Ring using dimension crystals.
  • Obtain your other ring from the Death Abyss Dungeon.
  • Acquire headgear and boots from the Butcher´s canyon Dungeon.
  • Obtain a bracelet from the Cave of destruction Dungeon.
  • Consider aiming for the Miracle of Mother Nature Set or Reaper.


MetaBattle is recruiting!
We are seeking an experienced Build Admin for Throne and Liberty with a deep understanding of the meta across most weapons and game modes. Get in touch with Galaxian on Discord if you're a good fit for the role or know someone else who is. This is a paid position.
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