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Gear Progression Guide

Upgrading your gear in Throne and Liberty requires two resources; Growthstones and Sollant.


Equipment can be upgraded by using the corresponding Growthstone category and quality. Note that Epic II equipment uses Epic Growthstones.

Accessory Armour Weapon
Accessory growthstone.webp Armour growthstone.webp Weapon growthstone.webp

Common Uncommon Rare Epic
Accessory growthstone.webp Uncommon accessory growthstone.webp Rare accessory growthstone.webp Epic accessory growthstone.webp

Obtaining Growthstones

There are many ways to obtain Growthstones such as questing, logs, dungeons rewards and battle passes. However, the most consistent way to obtain Growthstones is through crafting.

You can obtain the crafting materials required through completing your daily contracts, so make sure to check the rewards for the available contracts. Then use these materials at the crafting NPC for the corresponding category.

Rare weapon growthstone.webp Rare Weapon Growthstone Epic weapon growthstone.webp Precious Weapon Growthstone
x2 Rare magic powder.webp x1 Rare polished crystal.webp x1 Rare processed rubrix.webp x1 Rare rubrix.webp x1 Rare rubrix ore.webp x2 Epic magic powder.webp x1 Epic polished crystal.webp x1 Epic processed rubrix.webp x1 Epic rubrix.webp x1 Epic rubrix ore.webp
Rare accessory growthstone.webp Rare Accessory Growthstone Epic accessory growthstone.webp Precious Accessory Growthstone
x1 Rare magic powder.webp x1 Rare polished crystal.webp x1 Rare processed emeret.webp x1 Rare emeret.webp x1 Rare emeret ore.webp x1 Epic magic powder.webp x1 Epic polished crystal.webp x1 Epic processed emeret.webp x1 Epic emeret.webp x1 Epic emeret ore.webp

You can also convert a lower quality material into a higher quality material at a 1:5 ratio.

Epic accessory growthstone.webp Precious Weapon Growthstone Epic rubrix.webp Precious Rubrix
x5 Rare accessory growthstone.webp x5 Rare rubrix.webp
MetaBattle is recruiting!
We are seeking an experienced Build Admin for Throne and Liberty with a deep understanding of the meta across most weapons and game modes. Get in touch with Galaxian on Discord if you're a good fit for the role or know someone else who is. This is a paid position.
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