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Scorpion - Crossbow + Dagger PvE Build

Class: [[Builds|]]
Weapons: Crossbow and Dagger
Designed for: PvE
Focused on: Melee and Assassin
  • High Single Target DPS
  • Low Cooldowns
  • Great at events
  • Low Skill Floor
  • Squishy
  • Lacking AoE
Missing "class" property.


Crossbow and Dagger PvE build that stands out for its unparalleled damage potential, delivering remarkable damage output and lethal capabilities. It excels in providing sustained single-target damage, swiftly transitioning from one foe to another.


With the unique stats and attributes system in Throne and Liberty, it can be difficult to determine exactly where to invest your attribute points at each stage of the game. This is because gear pieces provide attributes just like leveling up does, meaning everyone will have a different number of attribute points depending on what gear they are wearing at the time.
Given this variation, it's best to reset your attributes regularly to adjust to the new gear you acquire. Aim to reach the achievement effects, which provide extra benefits at milestones like 30, 50, and 70 points.

Prioritize leveling Dexterity as your primary stat until it hits 30, then switch focus to Perception, aiming for it to also reach 30. Any leftover points should be invested in Wisdom. While Wisdom primarily boosts mana regeneration rather than damage, it still provides a minor damage increase and helps offset the mana demands of the build alongside Mana ExchangeUsed frame.webpMana Exchange.


Mortal MarkUsed frame.webp
Mortal Mark
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Quick Fire
Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webp
Selfless Diffusion
Recoil ShotUsed frame.webp
Recoil Shot
Thorn GaleUsed frame.webp
Thorn Gale
Frenzied Sword DanceUsed frame.webp
Frenzied Sword Dance
Inject VenomUsed frame.webp
Inject Venom
Knife ThrowingUsed frame.webp
Knife Throwing
Brutal IncisionUsed frame.webp
Brutal Incision
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Shadow Strike
Mana ExchangeUsed frame.webp
Mana Exchange
Merciless BarrageUsed frame.webp
Merciless Barrage
Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webp
Vicious FangsActive frame.webp
Eagle VisionActive frame.webp
Wrathful EdgeActive frame.webp
Piercing StrikeActive frame.webp
Profuse PoisonActive frame.webp
AmbidexterityActive frame.webp
Nature's PowerActive frame.webp
Block BladeUsed frame.webp

Skill Priority

Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Mortal MarkUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Mortal MarkUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Inject VenomUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Inject VenomUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Brutal IncisionUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Knife ThrowingUsed frame.webp

Your main focus should be on enhancing Quick FireUsed frame.webpQuick Fire, as it serves as your primary damage ability, alongside Mortal MarkUsed frame.webpMortal Mark and Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webpSelfless Diffusion, which offers high Off-Hand Weapon Attack Chance when upgraded to epic. As you advance, prioritize improving Inject VenomUsed frame.webpInject Venom; reaching rare status will double your poison stacks, and upgrading it to epic will extend its duration, complementing Profuse PoisonActive frame.webpProfuse Poison effectively.

Passives Priority

Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
AmbidexterityActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Nature's PowerActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Eagle VisionActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
AmbidexterityActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Profuse PoisonActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Nature's PowerActive frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Eagle VisionActive frame.webp

For passives, prioritize enhancing AmbidexterityActive frame.webpAmbidexterity, Assassin's InstinctsActive frame.webpAssassin's Instincts, and Nature's PowerActive frame.webpNature's Power to maximize your damage potential early on. These upgrades provide the most substantial damage boosts, while Eagle VisionActive frame.webpEagle Vision can be postponed for later as it offers a cost-effective upgrade that provides additional damage.

Weapon Masteries

Regen Health Regen
Magic Defense
Dynamic Duo
Max Health
Magic Endurance
Ultimate Healing
Debuff Duration
Cooldown Speed
Refined Touch
Move Ranged Hit Chance
Mana Regen
Calm Aim
Weaken Chance
Mana Cost Efficiency
Cold Vision
Magic Defense
Ranged Crit Hit Chance
Quick Steps
Chain Fire Damage
Skill Damage Boost
Cold Rage
Buff Duration
Cooldown Speed
Mana Regen
Brutal Wound
Disguise Ranged Defense
Health Regen
Debuff Immunity
Mana Cost Efficiency
Cooldown Speed
Master of Evasion
Buff Duration
Ranged Defense
Strong Will
Poison Melee Hit Chance
Off-Hand Weapon
Attack Chance
Enfeebling Terror
Mana Regen
Buff Duration
Sorrowful Silence
Mana Cost Efficiency
Melee Hit Chance
Shrewd Judgment
Assassination Melee Critical Hit Chance
Melee Critical Hit
Cooldown Speed
Deep Grudge
Skill Damage Boost
Maddening Excitement

Crossbow: Invest 9 points into Chain Fire to increase your raw damage output and improve your kill potential. Dedicate the remaining 3 points to Move, extending your range slightly and amplifying your damage even more.

Dagger: Choosing Assassination for your Dagger is essential, as it provides a significant damage increase. Allocate the remaining 3 points into Poison to add a chance for weakening effects and additional damage to your arsenal.


Main Damage Rotation ↴
Thorn GaleUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Inject VenomUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Mortal MarkUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Brutal IncisionUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Frenzied Sword DanceUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Knife ThrowingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Recoil ShotUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Knife ThrowingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Recoil ShotUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Inject VenomUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
  • This rotation serves as your primary DPS sequence for tackling dungeon bosses and high HP enemies such as open-world bosses.
Short Burst ↴
Inject VenomUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Mortal MarkUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Recoil ShotUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Brutal IncisionUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Knife ThrowingUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Quick FireUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Recoil ShotUsed frame.webp
Arrow right.webp
Recoil ShotUsed frame.webp
  • This short burst rotation is your go-to for swiftly dispatching low HP mobs, participating in events where you need to collect items dropped by such mobs, or when grinding contracts. However, maintain your focus on single-target DPS, as the AOE options for this weapon combination are relatively weak and not worth considering.

Recoil ShotUsed frame.webpRecoil Shot: This ability functions as your filler, and we opt not to utilize the Nimble LeapUsed frame.webpNimble Leap because it significantly increases the build's mana consumption. Consequently, we miss out on the extra bonus from using this ability after a mobility skill unless we use Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webpShadow Strike. However, the damage output remains satisfactory, and the fact that it has three charges makes it an excellent filler ability.

Mana ExchangeUsed frame.webpMana Exchange: This ability is utilized to keep your mana levels high by exchanging HP for Mana. Ensure to adjust your Amitoi heal settings to initiate healing at 100% instead of the default 80% HP threshold to prevent your HP from dropping too low while using this ability.

Selfless DiffusionUsed frame.webpSelfless Diffusion: This serves as your secondary defensive ability, boosting your resistance and enabling you to pass through players and mobs. Additionally, it provides extra Off-Hand Weapon Attack Chance, enhancing your damage potential if you opt to counterattack.

Useful Information

  • Select Lady Knight Kamarshea as your guardian because it provides essential defense and enhances cooldown speed. This guardian offers vital protection with its shield, capable of absorbing damage equal to 50% of your mana. While the shield is active, you also gain a 40% Cooldown Speed boost. It's crucial to maintain the shield for as long as possible to prolong the duration of the enhanced cooldown speed. Remember, if the shield is depleted, you'll lose the guardian, so use it cautiously.
  • For gear you want to get the Reaper Set as its currently Best in Slot armor set for DPS but it also gives you a lot of dexterity and perception.
  • In terms of weapons, Queen Bellandir's Annihilation CrossbowQueen Bellandir's Annihilation Crossbow emerges as the superior choice. Upon landing a critical hit, it inflicts a potent poison on your target, resulting in significant damage. Alternatively, Rex Chimaerus's Rake BowRex Chimaerus's Rake Bow presents another viable option, providing extra dexterity and damage. Though its healing effect is minimal, it can be advantageous in certain situations.
  • Lequirus's Thorny EdgeLequirus's Thorny Edge offers a readily accessible option, providing extra damage after using Shadow StrikeUsed frame.webpShadow Strike. Alternatively, Kowazan's Twilight BladeKowazan's Twilight Blade proves valuable for increased damage during nighttime. Another standout choice is Rex Chimaerus's FangRex Chimaerus's Fang, offering a significant 8 dexterity boost, resulting in considerable additional damage.
  • The strength of this build lies in its capacity to secure rapid kills, courtesy of the low cooldowns facilitated by the Crossbow and Dagger combination. While its movement speed isn't particularly high, it excels in all open field events where collecting numerous drops is crucial. Moreover, given Throne and Liberty's emphasis on single-target PVE content, this build seamlessly integrates into the overall game dynamics, performing exceptionally well in dungeons.


MetaBattle is recruiting!
We are seeking an experienced Build Admin for Throne and Liberty with a deep understanding of the meta across most weapons and game modes. Get in touch with Galaxian on Discord if you're a good fit for the role or know someone else who is. This is a paid position.
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