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Chronomancer - Chronobunker

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Focused on: Direct damageBunkering and Boon removal

Designed for: PvP Conquest



A PvP Chronobunker build made to stall smaller skirmishes or set up kills in team fights through CC chains.

Archival note: fell out of use after verious nerfs

Skill Bar







  • Spend most of your time in duels and smaller skirmishes. Stall fights and set up kills for your team with CCs and boon removal.
  • Use to make travel easier between points, and not just vertically. We recommend that you set up a bind for about face (Options Control Options Movement). With it you can make the skill teleport you "forward" (assuming you're not targeting an enemy player) by using about face about face. The quicker you do it, the better.
    • Make sure you don't have a target selected whilst doing this.
  • should be used on CD for its Alacrity while out of combat, preferably after you've used Phase Retreat for movement. Alacrity will make your skills recharge faster, making the travel time with PR a bit shorter while recovering other CDs as well.
  • The role of is twofold. First, it's great for extending the duration of important boons especially those with very short durations - always use a shatter skill before this sigent to obtain high value boons such as Stability Stability and Alacrity Alacrity. Second, it's a relatively low-CD source of thanks to which means it's a really strong addition to your already great defensive arsenal.
    • This is best used after . Not only will CS give you Resistance Resistance, Stability Stability and even Alacrity Alacrity, but also refreshes the CD of the signet when it ends. The most optimal time to use this signet would be right after its passive proc, while still in CS and the boons from a shatter are still active.


  • The general playstyle of the build revolves around 2 things - spamming Phantasms on CD, and not dying.
  • reduces the recharge of all Phantasms skills by 50% of their base CD - for example a skill with 30s recharge will always receive a 15s CD reduction. Try to use it when most of your Phantasms are on CD if you want to keep the target pressured, or defensively for early access to shield blocks and to heal up in general.
  • will be your primary source of cleansing, transferring one condition to a Phantasm upon being summoned. Using cleanses 2 conditions at once as it summons 2 Phantasms.
    • Note: Blind Blindness cannot be transferred this way, instead the Phantasm summoning skill will go on full CD without doing anything. To avoid that, either use a non-essential shatter skill like to get rid of this condition, or stow your weapon while casting the skill in order to cancel it.
  • Couple of things about worth mentioning:
    • Always try to get hit by something, else you won't be able to use its chain skills (, which is basically a copy of it).
    • It can be dodged. If the target evades at the last moment of the block, the Phantasm won't be summoned at all (same goes for Deja Vu). This is especially important in mirror matches, the Chronomancer who dodges these more tends to win.
    • Make sure to have Stability Stability from shatters while channeling shield blocks against targets with unblockable CCs (like Spellbreakers), don't take chances!


  • Scepter is the main source of damage in the build, almost everything else is centered around survival and CC.

Continuum Split (CS)

  • allows you to use your skills twice. This skill also grants a few seconds of Resistance Resistance, you can consider using CS for that in some extreme cases where you really need to survive and there's no other way around it.
  • It's best used for double elite activation. Activate CS just before finishes casting, then unload as many shatters/Phantasms and skills in general as you possibly can while CS is active.
  • Important: CS prevents capture point contribution, same as . If you're the only one holding a point, try to keep the time spent in CS to the bare minimum.
  • Phantasms, Wells, and applied boons will still persist after CS has ended.


This build has a rating of 5 stars based on 6 votes.
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4 stars
Hanz gave this build 4 stars • May 2019
Bunker chrono 3.0. Already terrorized the meta twice before and it's back for another round. Anet gutted phantasm damage which caused its downfall a couple of months ago, but thanks to the completely over the top damage buffs to scepter that's not a problem anymore. Still not perfect, but it's very annoying to play against because it's near-immortal in 1v1s and the beam can punish you hard if you slip up just once. EDIT: scepter may have been overnerfed, but at it's not entirely a lost cause. At the very least the clone generation of skill #2 still helps a ton when it comes to maintaining Alacrity, but the build is a lot weaker now. Fell out of meta and dropped a tier.
4 stars
Utrex gave this build 4 stars • May 2019
Chronobunker is back! An absolute tank. Scepter's buff slides in a sneaky burst most wouldn't expect from Chronobunk. The new Signet of Inspiration extends really powerful boons such as Stability, Alacrity, and Resistance to help strengthen sustainability by a lot. Finally, Demolisher amulet sees some excellent synergy with Rune of Radiance's boon duration AND vitality bonus. Please nerf. Edit: with scepter 3 nerfed the build doesn't really have as much spike anymore so it's less dangerous. Still strong mind you but I feel other classes may be better for point-holding/dueling now.
4 stars
Blogg gave this build 4 stars • April 2019
23-4-19 Update: With the scepter nerfs, the kill potential of this build went down. It's basically just a regular node bunker now.
5 stars
LordOfTyria gave this build 5 stars • June 2018
Due to the recent nerfs I would give this build a good rating. It isn;t the 1v1 powerhouse anymore and mistakes are more punishing. It is very strong against chip damage but needs to play around heavy burst specs to be played at high level.
5 stars
Exciton gave this build 5 stars • February 2018
Not sure if this is the best way to go for a phantasm mesmer build. Overall the build feels clumsy that requires shatter for stability to cover a lot of skills with long cast time. It is a good 1v1 build but feels very lacking in all other departments(support, mobility). The best I can do with the build is a side-node contester. So I am trying out a variant with illusion and portal.
5 stars
CGSN gave this build 5 stars • February 2018
This is very dumb fun, and there's a lot of room for customization in this build as far as heals/utilities/elite and amulet/rune go. This build does something very interesting in this game which is almost completely forgo autoattacks in favor of spamming Mantra of Pain as the consistent damage output. This steady stream of instant 1200 range DPS is supplemented by the incredible power of Chronophantasma and the new Phantasms for damage output and Chrono's iconic very powerful defensive tools. This build in particular is very unique, as pretty much none of the skills require you to face your target, allowing you to run directly away from your opponent at all times while unloading your full arsenal. Mantra of Pain being reloaded every 3 seconds gives considerable healing to the build. On top of that, the defensive boon generation of the traits give this build surprising longevity and the stripping of Disenchanter give this build a solid strength against bunker builds. I personally prefer the healing Mantra over the well since it's traited and works so well with the inspiration line, but there's a lot of room for personal tastes to be slotted in on the heals/utility/elite. It's a very solid bruiser build that doesn't really play like anything else before it.


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