Druid - Power Daze Druid Roamer
The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good
Focused on: Strike damage and Mobility
Designed for: WvW Roaming
A CC-focused Power Druid build for WvW roaming. The build's all about keeping targets Dazed and
Stunned for as long as possible while triggering procs to boost hard hitting abilities such as .
Skill Bar

Template Code
Specialization Variants
Wilderness Survival could replace
Beastmastery for a more defensive build. The biggest tradeoff however is the mobility.
Swiftness access is going to be significantly lower and the loss of forces us to run or else we'd lose
Fury procs on CC and the Marksmanship synergy that comes with it. This also means we also can't play movement speed relics. Replacing Greatsword with Sword/Warhorn is worth considering in order to ease the mobility problem, but Mace/Mace (which pushes the build even further into a bunker playstyle) could also work:
Equipment Variants
- - damage boost if you don't mind losing out on mobility, but as a double melee build sticking to targets is extremely important which is why we recommend Relic of Speed.
- We suggest taking health regen food like (defense) or (offense) to build Astral Force faster, which is very important for the build.
- or .
Elite specialization basics
- Rangers with the
Druid specialization gain access to (CA) which uses a resource called Astral Force (AF).
- You build AF mostly through healing yourself and allies. The amount healed doesn't matter. Consistent sources of healing like
Regeneration and are great at building Astral Force.
- Celestial Avatar skill #5
Stability on it. When you're trying to heal under pressure you should interrupt Natural Convergence right away by moving or by weapon stowing, that way you get to use the Stability to cover other skills.
is a channeled ability that has
- Smokescale's F2 ability is
Stealth with skills like , , or even pet swapping to proc .
- has the benefit of being instant. Since you're able to swap pets even while stunned, you could use this to stealth yourself even while CC'd.
which could be used to combo
Swiftness here. This boon is extremely important for the build because with you'll have a much easier time sticking to targets or even kiting enemies when you're in trouble.
, and pet swapping are your main sources of
- There are 2 things which play a key role in burst combos: CC and/or
Fury application.
- With the combination of
Fury refreshes and Opening Strike has a 100% crit chance as well as a 25% damage bonus.
and , gaining
- Whenever you disable an enemy with
Daze or any other form of hard-CC you gain
Fury from and a proc, which further increases your damage.
- Aside from using CC skills you can also obtain
Fury instantly by swapping pets. This also gives you
Quickness to help with landing your burst.
- The best burst skill in the build is .
- resets the cooldown on Maul while also being the perfect setup for it.
- is often used offensively as an instant trigger for MoC, even in the middle of casting other skills.
- Hammer is much more about sustained damage. Your goal here is to keep the target CC'd with
Quickness while they are knocked down or dazed.
- basically sets itself up, dazing targets and then following up with a 2nd attack that deals extra damage via trait synergy. It's also the hardest hitting skill on Hammer.
and while smacking them mostly with autoattacks boosted by
- CC effects don't stack in duration and
Daze durations are quite long in the build, try not to override already applied dazes with other control effects.
- Drop a
Poison for healing reduction via .
too as soon as you can since it's instant and applies - Enemies being in range of when it ends are immobilized, you could use this as a setup for Hammer and Greatsword burst combos.
is mostly defensive, but if you want to use it to deal damage then cast for the daze and immob followed by .
- Drop a
Burst combo examples
Quickness from .
for CC, gap closer and to proc - for damage.
- to root the target in place as the CC from Thump is running out.
for CC while they're - Spam autoattacks, pet swap for
Quickness if you're running out of it.
Celestial Avatar rotation
While you don't have to follow this all the time, it's a good sequence for both damage and sustain.
- Cast and try to maximize the targets in its radius, both friend and foe. Enemies will be dazed while allies will be healed.
- Place
below your character near the end of the Lunar Impact cast, BEFORE Lunar goes off. This is an instant skill with a very brief combo field duration, you want this to be blasted by Lunar Impact for extra condi cleansing. If you don't need cleansing AND the enemy you're fighting isn't in melee range, place this under them instead for the Stability from Natural Convergence.
- here you have a choice. If you want to pressure the enemy, continue channeling the skill. If you're low HP and healing is more important, interrupt the skill immediately and cast . You'll protect the cast with the - Both skills listed under step 3 have long cast times, Natural Convergence even roots you in place. If you're taking a lot of damage consider using some of your utility skills like or , or simply cut the skill short and drop out of Celestial Avatar so you can disengage safely.
- once more then drop out of Celestial Avatar. Disengage with stealth and superspeed if you're still pressured.
- If you drop halfway through casting you can combo an extra condition removal.
in Celestial Avatar (somewhat spammable instant skill) and provide a steady stream of condi removal, use these to keep conditions at bay.
- is an answer to just about any situation - heals, removes conditions, protects against CC, and you can combo extra healing with leap/blast finishers.
- Entering dazes nearby enemies. This is an instant way of lifting some pressure off of you that could be done even while you're stunned.
- should be the first skill you use while in CA, ideally try to get 2 casts of this skill off before leaving the avatar form.
- is a powerful blocking skill you can fall back on when you're taking heavy damage. Blocking an attack with it also unlocks to CC enemies with, which can quickly turn things around my giving you a proc so you can immediately them.
- Note: your pet must be within 600 range for the condition transfer to happen. The damage from the transfer itself can actually kill the pet rather quickly so you might want to swap pets shortly after using this signet.
should be kept for its passive for as long as possible. While it doesn't heal much on this build it's A) still better than nothing and B) instrumental for Astral Force generation which fuels Celesital Avatar. Use it only if you're out of options and need to break stun or do a mass cleanse.
- You're free to use for simple damage mitigation while the other utilities are not on CD, but if those are recharging then hold onto this in case you need to break a stun in the future.

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