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Engineer - Condi Bomber


Sage Amulet - Rune of the Lynx Mace - Sigil of Intelligence Shield - Sigil of Cleansing

General This is a build with a lot of sustain, since we are using alchemy with self insurance and backpack regenerator. Core damage comes from conditions through the grenade kit, 3 and 1 on the mace, and all three abilities from the mech.

Equiptment Varients Can do Rune of the Engineer instead, for 7% increase in condition damage while in the grenade kit, but you lose additional movement speed that the Rune of The Lynx provides. Switch between Elixer C and Elixer S situationally.

Usage 1. Equip Grenade Kit 2. Blast from a distance 3. They will try to focus your mech. Save your Overclock Signet to get it back up. 4. Someone gets in your face. 5. Put 2 and a couple hits of 1 from greanade kit and switch to Mace/Shield in 1v1s.


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