Guardian - Burst Burning
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Focused on: Condition damage
Designed for: PvP Conquest
A PvP Guardian build designed for bursting with Burning while still doing some Power based damage.
Archival note: left behind by the powercreep.
Skill Bar
Slot Changes
For the optional slot:
- - great AoE damage and cleansing. Take on Virtues.
- - on-demand cleansing and healing on short CD.
Template Code
Equipment Variants
- - if you're willing to sacrifice a significant chunk of your mobility for better burst damage.
- If you need more sustain, use and either on one set or both.
- lets you make shortcuts, for example teleporting up to midpoint on Battle of Khylo from outside of the building.
- Condition transfer (such as or ) can quickly turn the tides against you. Try to block line of sight after a burst to make them unable to transfer, or use if it guarantees the kill.
- Try to burn through all of your virtues before resorting to
- Your virtues that aren't on CD can be (and should be) activated while channeling this elite.
- Don't blow until the last moment of the channel. Let it heal you as much as possible.
. RF is a great skill to use if you're being focues by the enemy team and you don't have any CDs left. Just keep in mind that this skill makes you lose capture point contribution for its duration.
- turns meditations (2 of your utilities + the elite and heal skill) into even better defensive tools. There's another meditation which can proc from your heal via the trait which also turns your heal into a minor source of cleansing.
- is a ranged skill with great damage over time. Swapping weapons while this skill is active will proc your sigils on the target on the next tick.
- can be used to block important attacks even while stunned. Always try to use it in a symbol (a Light field) for AoE condition cleansing.
- General playstyle: part of the reason why this build isn't rated higher is due to the fact that it's relatively easy to shut down, as the only frequently accessible condition in the build is
Burning with not much else to cover it from removal. Then of course the sustain's also on the lower end of the spectrum, so as a result you'll be exploiting the build's true strength - burst damage. You'll want to burst targets down before they get a chance to even react.
- Most of the damage will come passively from
- Keep the active up as long as possible, use its active portion only as a final resort in case a
Blind could save you.
- Thanks to
Burning will be inflicted on all of them. Throw in a , passive, and a channel to top it off and this can quickly snowball into an entire team wipe for them in a matter of seconds.
the passive of this skill is greatly enhanced, especially when targets ball up. Let's say 2 enemies are reviving a downed teammate. If you hit 3 targets with 1 sword slash, the passive will immediately be charged and 1 stack of AoE - refreshes this skill upon killing an enemy, which means you should active it just before a downed target dies. Activating this virtue also blinds enemies around you, making it great for finishing off Guardians/Revenants/Warriors/Engineers/Rangers/Necromancers by blinding their downstate CC.
. A couple of things to note:
- Keep the active up as long as possible, use its active portion only as a final resort in case a
- If you want to do instant burst from range, start casting and teleport in with near the end of the channel.
- which can also trigger on crit from - is one of the strongest skills in the build. Note that the skill doesn't share a CD with the trait proc nor does it stack duration. The passive ticks are powerful enough already, but the true burst damage comes from throwing it at your target (preferably in melee as it's very easy to miss with) - usually you should wait until only 1-2 seconds remain of the passive before throwing it for maximum efficiency.

Don't know the last time this build was a boon to my team. Noob friendly yes, useful no. Kill or be killed playstyle only works till a certain rating and it has many counters, weaknesses.

Crumbles to continuing condition pressure as well as focus damage but the damage potential is definitely there - especially when you are able to add into a teamfight.

This worked pretty nice to me. Nice condition (burning) damage and medium survival. It's not so OP as Mirage but it's fucking awesome, having coun't that's F2P build. 5 starts :D

Back from the archives, again. Was doing placement on new alt, apparently this build still works and is being used at gold/low plat occasionally, so I guess we should display it. Went a few rounds with it and it still has its moments, but eventually people will hit a brick wall with it at ~1600 rating after which I wouldn't recommend this.

As I get older I've found my reaction time is getting worse. I can't play fb, just way too many things going on there. So I play this build with sword and torch. The added port with sword + judges helps u get in quick and burn. Trade smite condi for merciful intervention, and sages amulet for more heals. indom courage for the much needed stability/stun break. And merciful sanctuary. Doesn't burn as hard but you survive much longer and I've found am more helpful to the team with some well timed guarding/healing. Still able to also contribute an effective amount of damage. Good all round build.

A non-elite guardian, high damage build that can run with the best of them? This is it. The F2P dream. I love this build. Nearly all the games I played I came out on top damage and healing. The only real trouble are builds that have more range than you and can keep their distance, because this plays mainly at mid-close range due to the weapons. You have some distance closers, but they are limited. This is why I play with Rune of the Lynxs and Smoldering sigils replacing the doom ones. Mainly very good Holo Rifles and Deadeye thiefs, but specifically good LB Druids are a pain. And of course the other meta builds, but hell, that's what makes them meta builds. If you want a rotation that deals with most Shatter mesmers and possibly a few other builds I'll put it in the comments.

Thank you for this build. It feels really dirty, in a good way. Can't run from it and can't stay toe to toe with it. As a F2P player, this is awesome!

Good build, very effective in low tiers.I even was able to win 1v1 average players with Elite specs, but Chronophantasma Shatter is really nightmare.

Great build, also, Condi transfer is not a counter, you can easily cleanse those conditions that were transferred back to you. This build can't win a 1v1on it's own, but in a 2v2 I found this build to be very strong, especially if you have another Condi player on your team. This is a very strong build.
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