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Harbinger-Condi DPS

OPEN WORLD BUILD. Easy to play. No minions. Good survivability. Above average dps.

Open World Harbinger Condi DPS

Pistol/ Dagger + Geomancy/ Demon Sigils Scepter/ War-horn + Torment/Paralyzation Sigils

Full Viper's Set with Nightmare Runes Full Viper's Jewelry

Traits: Death Magic- Middle/Bottom/Middle Curses- Top/Middle/Bottom Harbinger- Bottom/Bottom/Bottom

Abilities: Heal-Promise Elixir Anguish Elixir Risk Elixir Well of Darkness Elite- Plaguelands

Rotation: Life Force with Scepter 2&3,War-horn 5, Pistol 2 Well of Darkness in melee and use Both elixirs Anguish and Risk on the enemy. Enter Shroud In shroud prioritize AA and Skills 2&3. Rinse and repeat

Final Thoughts: I have been experimenting with many builds for Open World but all felt too squishy and risky. However this build has proven to be quite tanky with high amount of damage.


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