Harbinger - Spear Vampbringer Roamer
The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great
Focused on: Strike damage and Mobility
Designed for: WvW Roaming
A WvW roaming Harbinger power build with exceptional mobility (by Necromancer standards) that's focusing on rapid attacks with high damage and a decent amount of life steal for extra survivability, built around the recently introduced Necromancer Spear.
Skill Bar
Skill Variants
For the optional slot:
- - mobility tool + stunbreak.
Resistance is useful against
Blind /
Weakness spamming specs like D/P Thief, Willbender, or Engi builds with .
- low CD stunbreak and the
- - area denial skill that could ward off attackers or trap enemies inside.
Template Code
There are 2 very similar version you could run when it comes to gear. Overall the differences are relatively minor, but the option 1 should give you a bit better consistency on your bursts due to higher crit chance without sacrificing a significant amount of other stats which is why we recommend it.
Option 1 uses a mix of Demolisher/Dragon stats for high crit chance and toughness, but putting this together could be harder especially without access to Legendaries for easy stat swapping.
Option 2 is the older version which uses more readily available stat combos to produce very similar results, but with slightly higher crit damage/HP in exchange for lower crit chance/toughness:
Equipment Variants
There are several viable options for the relic slot, Atrocity is just one of many. It's worth noting that Atrocity also has synergy with sigils and consumables that steal life, not just skills and traits. Other great picks are:
Alacrity helps your CD recovery. Endurance regen food like is highly recommended with this relic.
- the added
- - you can essentially sacrifice your relic slot for passive mobility in order to free up your rune slot for something else, like for sustain or for higher damage.
- - passive damage boost that's easy to maintain.
- - passive damage mitigation and great stats.
- or (whichever is cheaper) - armor ignoring damage procs that also heal you with synergy on top.
- - has the lifesteal bonus of Omnomberry Ghost but also increases all stats, this is both a defensive and offensive food.
- - active damage mitigation through better access to dodging.
- - budget version.
- or .
Elite specialization basics
- doesn't replace your health bar! Unlike other Necromancer shrouds, Harbinger Shroud can't be used to soak up damage, which makes this spec more squishy by default.
- You can enter shroud even with no Life Force, but staying inside still drains your LF each interval.
- Entering gives you life force, so start dropping in/out of shroud the moment the game starts (before you'd even leave spawn) and keep doing it even out of combat for the rest of the match for free LF (and mobility from skills 3-4).
- Your elite is both defensive and offensive, dealing decent damage while applying defensive boons.
- Swapping to Sword/Sword procs
Chill enemies in melee to slow their movements while you run away with .
. The purpose of this is twofold - you can either use it as a followp after a spear burst for instant extra damage, or
- Spear and shroud are your main sources of damage, Sword is more of a utility weapon used for survival.
- Spear has it own unique mechanic: soul shards. (skill #2) spends them, skills 3-5 build them. The cap is 6 soul shards.
- Leaving shroud resets the CD of Spear's , and Isolate's chain skill refreshes the CD of . This will always give you an option to do good followup bursts after leaving shroud, or to chase down targets (shroud already has good mobility, and you can teleport to targets struck by the ranged Isolate).
- is best used in melee range where all of the projectiles hit your main target.
- Follow up with any other shroud skill except for as that one dazes targets and could therefore stunbreak your enemies. It's still good to use near the end of Vital Draw.
is an excellent setup for burst combos as it's quite a long CC.
Quickness and makes for a great filler skill if you're out of CDs or don't want to go into melee.
(shroud auto) can do a lot of damage with
- does decent AoE damage too. While this could act as a ranged skill, you need to be inside the landing area if you want to get the boons from it.
Burst combo examples
Shroud combo:
- to get into melee range.
- to deliver damage while avoiding incoming attacks and dazing the target, making it harder for them to prevent the next step of the chain. It's also yet another mobility skill in case you were still not in melee range.
- for CC.
- at point-blank range for maximum effectiveness.
- spam.
Spear combo:
- Optional: if you're on Sword, use
Fear and immediately swap weapons. This will make it easier to land the next skill.
for the ranged - from range.
- Cast from a safe distance.
- Teleport in with as Extirpate's cast bar is starting to fill up. Your goal is to hit the target right after using Distress.
- Optional:
for - with max soul shards.
- Optional: if you're on Sword, use
- While life steal provides some bonus healing in combat, mobility is your real survival tool. Use sword, shroud and utilities to get out of harm's way. The build is very squishy, you need good awareness and reaction times to know when to get out.
- Important mobility skills:
- Sword: and
- Shroud: and (VA also evades attacks which is especially nice while you're Immobilized and can't dodge)
- Utility: and
- We could also list Spear's (chain of skill #4), but it can't really be used for escaping (long cast time on + requires a secondary target to port to other than the enemy who's chasing you).
- Other than mobility, your main line of defense is
Stability as well as damage reduction + a
Weakness proc on enemies. If you're being focused, entering shroud just for damage reduction/cleansing and to use the 2 mobility skills before dropping out of shroud is a perfectly fine thing to do.
. Both entering and leaving shroud cleanses conditions, and entering it also gives you
- The build has several tools for condi cleansing: , and entering shroud.
- Activate SW ⇒ jump off a cliff while being chased ⇒ when your enemies jump after you.
- Activate SW ⇒ (Flesh Wurm skill) ⇒ teleport back when they catch up to you. This works for stomping downed enemies as well, the channeling isn't interrupted by either of these teleports!
(SW) is great for preventing condition pressure from ramping up on you. Activating its chain skill which "ends" Spectral Walk does not stop the cleansing. This skill has many uses, for example:
Related Builds
- Harbinger - Power Spear Vampbringer - sPvP version of the build.

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