Holosmith - Protection Holo
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Focused on: Direct damage, Support and Bunkering
Designed for: PvP Conquest
A tanky PvP Holosmith build made to win duels and occasionally help out in team fights by bringing both damage and support to the table.
Skill Bar
Elixir Gun
Elite Mortar Kit
Utility Variants
For the optional slot:
Protection synergy.
- 3 Blast finishers and a stun break on toolbelt, plenty of combo potential and good CC. on Inventions is worth considering with this skill for added
- stun break and some burst with
- - purely a defensive choice, great against every type of pressure.
Template Code
- If you're expecting to be dueling Power based specs, take .
Equipment Variants
- over Intelligence for more sustain.
Protection and boon synergy.
is a bit more squishy but has minor
- is a more tanky option, should you need extra sustain.
To be added

After it's recent resurgence it quickly became one of the top performing builds in the game mode. Holo in general is one of the strongest specs out there at the moment.

A great, easy and versatile build for duels and support.

This build has great sustain, good damage, and pretty good support with boons and cleanses from protection. A great side node duelist!

A great build. It got a lot of sustain, decent damage and is a great addition to teams which rely on boons.

Amazing at matches, a bit slow at duels but win them all. Nice variant for everything, and especcially- condi.

In my honest opinion though; the basic build is 'okay', you just have to re-tune it to your playstyle. I do honestly believe the S/Sh works a lot better for this build. Rifle is too lack-luster and useless for anything other than auto-spamming. Plus you get a lot more tankiness and easy access cleansing with shield o/h.

A good build that helped me and team to survive the condi bomb of 2 Scourges. Good mobility with PH 2 and a lot of boons with convert and Supply crate with Exp Turrets. Ran this in ranked it it deserves its good note.

great to play and throw you enemies off by not expecting a build like this.

as of my own understanding of gw2 mechanics/meta right now, i cant see why maurader isnt present as the main or secondary choice for amulet using this build. My Decision for marauder factors on the low health pool vs meta condi scourge. Having the extra hp for fighting condi is a big help. more hp = more time to kill them before healing yourself for a bigger burst. the time givin in fighting condi builds is helpful.
toughness counters power ---> but does not mitigate condi damage
vit counters condi --->but higher hp pool requires more heal
once the condi gets toned down i could perhaps see demolisher ammy as more viable

This score reflects how powerful Hard Light Arena with the inventions/alchemy condition converting is. We talked a bit about how great the toolbelt for Medic Gyro was with inventions/alchemy as a 5X protection pulse while Hard Light Arena with its 12 pulses initially escaped our theorycrafting.
Thumper turret is pretty clever with the smoke bomb offering a double smoke blast escape from CC.
The third utility slot is real difficult to find something that feels great. I haven't tried Photon Wall in this build yet but it was nice to play with in the SD build, so I'll try that out for a bit.
Regardless of the small details though, Hard Light Arena is one of the strongest condition-hate skills in the game now with inventions/alchemy and will hard carry teamfights on its own.
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