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Mechanist - Bunker Mecha

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Focused on: Direct damage and Sustain

Designed for: PvP Conquest



A tanky PvP Mechanist bunker build created to win smaller skirmishes and hold capture points.

Archival note: completely fell out of use after repeated harsh nerfs

Skill Bar

Elixir Gun
Elite Mortar Kit

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  • Mech Arms: Jade Cannons is an equally viable option which turns your mech's autoattacks into ranged ones.



Equipment Variants


  • trades passive tankiness and some damage for better healing.
  • can be considered, for example when winning fights solo is more important than simply surviving.



  • Rune of Superior Rune of Sanctuary gives you barrier equal to 10% of the healing you receive, which means the passive of Rectifier Signet is enough to proc Mech Frame: Channeling Conduits on CD for Alacrity Alacrity.
  • Condition cleansing is on the lower end, but there are a few options:
    • Sigil of Cleansing proc whenever you swap to/from a kit (9s CD).
    • Super Elixir's first impact. Use Acid Bomb or Shield #4's chain skill inside Super Elixir to combo some extra condition cleansing.
    • Mech's Crisis Zone.
    • Shift Signet also removes conditions but this should be more of a last resort option, as this is also your only real escape/chase tool.
  • Signets maintain their passives even when they are on CD, so don't hesitate to use Rectifier Signet whenever you're missing a larger chunk of HP.
  • Use Energizing Slam on CD, preferably in a combo field for extra value.
  • Rocket Fist Prototype also fires the same projectile from your Mech! This is important because it takes priority over their F1-3 skills, so if your Mech was using any of them while you press this skill, your Mech's attack will be interrupted as this one takes priority.
  • If you're completely out of CDs and under pressure, try spamming Elixir Gun's Tranquilizer Dart for a bit. The damage mitigation from Weakness Weakness could save your life.


  • Crisis Zone is not only an excellent source of boons but also a stun break. It's one of the best defensive skills in the build.
  • Use Explosive Knuckle on CD. This one maintains a good amount of Weakness Weakness on your opponent, and it's a 600 range gapcloser in case they are kiting your Mech.
  • Try to keep your Mech alive by sharing skills like Super Elixir or Elixir Shell with them. Fumigate is also great - while this doesn't cleanse conditions from you, it does from your mech.
  • Sky Circus can pin enemies into your AoE skills such as Acid Bomb or Poison Gas Shell.
  • Some enemies might try killing your Mech to render you less effective. Try to keep an eye on your Mech's HP and conditions, cleanse them with Elixir Gun's Fumigate if needed. You could even consider using the active of Rectifier Signet (amongst other things) to keep the Mech going even if your HP is fine.


This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 6 votes.
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2 stars
BeastNHisHarlot gave this build 2 stars • May 2022
Not a very good build. Disengage is the only thing it has in its favor and often you will still get caught while fleeing. Damage is so poor that a second will typically come while trying to secure a node forcing you to flee. Sustain is pretty awful for a bunker build and most engagements still end with this build downing, it just takes longer than other builds. It's not the worst build I've played, but it is pretty bad and doesn't offer much that other bunker builds can do so much better with far less effort.
5 stars
Acezelpyer gave this build 5 stars • May 2022
Good overall build that allows you to flex based on what your team needs in a role. Remember that in areas that have Z-axis areas you might want to take the ranged mode so your mech doesn't lose out on uptime trying to follow on your target!
2 stars
Xiaopaotai gave this build 2 stars • March 2022
The mechanism of new Engineers is too simple and without operability.The new Engineer is really strong ,it is the most powerful build in the history of the Engineer, but its attack measures rely too much on pet mecha. At the same time, players can't accurately control the mecha at all! The efficiency of attack purely depends on the free play of pet mecha. The conclusion is: "Ai > player". Its design idea obviously deviates from the original intention of PVP player confrontation. I am full of confidence in GW2 in the past two expansion sets, but I am very disappointed with this expansion set.
5 stars
Sola25bellator gave this build 5 stars • March 2022
The rating from Dec3mber is unjustified. Evening it out. Sure, it's easy to play and do good on, but since when is that a bad thing? The last thing PvP needs is more gatekeeping.
5 stars
Hanz gave this build 5 stars • March 2022
Very tanky build with good damage and great disengage from Shift Signet. It's like sidenode ranger but on steroids. One of the most popular new builds to come out of EoD.
5 stars
Grimjacke gave this build 5 stars • March 2022
The best sidenoder in the game right now, freelo disengages from any 1v2 and beats just about anything 1v1. It even kills Fire Weaver and Vindicator on Berserker Amulet which is more than playable in Ranked! That just goes to show you how crazy this build is right now! Should definitely play Ranged autos over Melee though!


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