Mechanist - Spear Mechanist
This is a test build. You may comment and rate it.
Focused on: Power damage, Mobility and Burst damage
Designed for: PvP Conquest
This build was last updated on January 24, 2025.
Power Spear Mechanist is a roamer build with great mobility and burst damage.
Skill Bar
Elixir Gun
Tool Kit
Skill Variants
Weapon & Kit
You can replace Spear & with:
Hammer & - Use mostly while at melee range as the projectiles are slow since you won't be using . This is much slower but equally strong option.
Template Code
Trait Variants
- - Increased sustain. Recommended for beginners.
- - Gives the build another ranged option. Less burst more DPS.
Equipment Variants
- This build is for taking 1v1s and bursting. This build has very low cleanse and resustain, try to avoid taking team focus.
How to Play
Close the gap with your target using
, , , or . Get to pumping big damage through the use of and your Mech. Once closing the gap isn't necessary or possible use to keep applying pressure from range. Keep yourself alive using the same mobility skills you used to close the gap to widen it.How to use Kits
Skill Use | |
Once an enemy is too far to catch or the gap isn't worth closing, use this skill to maintain damage pressure. | |
This skill has a very strong niche usage for mechanist. When you and your mech are both stood within 600 range of the first hit target, glob shot will bounce between the two of you before returning to it's orginal target. This technique however is limited by RNG. With each extra enemy or ally target in the area the chance of this happening goes down by 50%. | |
Can be used to hit through walls and poison downed enemies. | |
This skill makes for a great burst finisher, use it to deal fast unblockable damage and escape pressure. | |
This is your only resustain option besides heal. Use it as frequently as possible and also to cleanse. Gain ![]() |
Skill Use | |
Strongest melee auto-attack on engineer. Use this instead of the ![]() | |
Always use this while running away. It doesn't seem impressive at first but this ![]() | |
Good burst finisher especially after using | , & .|
Your main defensive cooldown. Use when in a dangerous situation. | |
This move still has a few tricks even with invisible magnet gone. Canceling the magnet has the animation presist, be sure to cancel magnet if you predict a dodge and they may still dodge the presisted animation. Also on | start-up, use about-face > during it's channeling run away from the opponent > right before the skill triggers, use about-face again and pull the opponent, using those 2 tricks I increased my magnet success rate.
Your full burst would be:
- + + -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
Mix and match that burst as you see fit.
- Build is weak to condi pressure.
- is a 5 second launch.
- with focus is a 3 second launch.
- (Jade Buster Cannon) can be used for an unblockable ~4k hit, but make sure you don't use it when the mech is at risk of dying as you need the cooldown to respawn the mech.
- ( ) does 4x damage than the regular . However it has 2 seconds of delay and casts on a random target within ~600 range. It also stunbreaks, this almost makes up for the fact that mech lost 3 core engi stunbreaks. :)
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