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Mirage - DPS Mirage

The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good

Focused on: Strike damage

Designed for: WvW Zerg

Expansions required: Heart of Thorns buildsPath of Fire Builds

This build was last updated on October 08, 2024 and is up to date for the October 8, 2024 patch.


A Mirage build that uses Spatial Surge and Sigil of Superior Sigil of Stamina to deal massive, non-projectile ranged damage.

Skill Bar




Mirage can easily fill the normal mesmer utility skills (Veil/Illusion of Life) if there are no chronos in the group to bring them, but if they aren't needed bring a damage utility.

  • Mimic - damage option, reset Mirror Images
  • Feedback - damage option
  • Veil
  • Illusion of Life

Template Code

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Equipment Variants




Overall Priorities

  • Damage
  • Clone Management


  • This build has low passive defense
  • This build has moderate mobility skill access
  • This build has moderate active defenses
Active defense priority Toggle
  • Mantra of Concentration - for Stunbreaking
  • Dodge
  • Distortion

Detailed Explanations


  • Almost all of your damage comes from Split Surge which can be activated by your Dodge Dodge
    • Target enemies at the back of their group to maximize pierce damage
  • Since your clones trigger Split Surge via Infinite Horizon it is important to maintain as many as possible as often as possible
  • There is a 1s cooldown on Split Surge that begins at the end of the cast, wait until after the cast is finished to Dodge Dodge and proc another ambush.
    • Outside of this limitation and creating clones, Dodge Dodge to proc Split Surge as often as possible
    • You can weave other skills such as Mind Stab in during this 1s CD
  • Weapon Swap Weapon Swap off cooldown when your energy is below 50% to proc Sigil of Superior Sigil of Energy
  • Be aware that Sigil of Superior Sigil of Stamina will proc on any kill you've tagged, don't waste other endurance generation if you can see it will proc soon
  • Your standard burst is Mirror Images Dodge Dodge Split Surge
    • Mirror Images can be used to focus all of your clones onto one target for heavy burst
  • False Oasis leaves behind a Mirage Mirror that activates Split Surge if you move into it
    • Since the mirror spawns on a fairly long delay this will rarely be applicable, but walk over it if it isn't out of the way
  • Mind Wrack is good damage if you're in melee, but avoid moving in just to cast it since your damage will be higher keeping clones alive for Split Surge

Damage priority Toggle
  • Mirror Images - at 0 - 1 clones
  • Jaunt - at 0 - 1 clones only
  • Dodge Dodge Split Surge
  • Mind Stab
  • False Oasis - at 0 - 1 clones only
  • Mirror Blade
  • Phantasmal Berserker
  • Mind Wrack

Clone Management

  • Your normal clone generation through Mirror Blade and Phantasmal Berserker is unreliable for this build since those skills summon clones close to the targeted enemy. Instead you'll rely mainly on Mirror Images, Deceptive Evasion, and Self-Deception
    • Use Mirror Blade and Phantasmal Berserker when your other clone generation isn't available and you aren't at 2 or more clones already
  • Clones summoned by Deceptive Evasion will immediately use Split Surge, so avoid creating a third clone before using your Dodge Dodge when possible
  • Using your Shatter skills will almost never add damage compared to leaving clones alive
    • The exceptions are if you are about you cast Mirror Images or you're in melee and they're about to die anyway
  • Use Jaunt as an instant cast clone generator via Self-Deception
  • False Oasis can also be used for clone generation, but only use it in-between Split Surge casts or if you otherwise have downtime.


This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 3 votes.
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3 stars
NumberOneMom gave this build 3 stars • September 2024
A deceptively bad build. Power Mirage can pump out great numbers on ARCDPS, yes. However, the damage from Split Surge is spread between too many targets; enemy AoE heals will easily cover the chip damage and it doesn't meaningfully contribute to creating downs the way a targeted Bladesong will. It also brings very little (2-3 utility skills) to the table besides damage, whereas Virtuoso boasts significant boonstrip potential. Again, sure, the numbers can get crazy with Sigil of Stamina procs, but if you're getting those procs in the first place it means you were already getting downs and winning the fight anyway. Stamina is a win-more option that's more fun than effective. Ultimately, this build can put you at the top of the ARCDPS meters but you will be making markedly less contribution to your zerg's effectiveness compared to another build pulling similar numbers. I would give this build 2.5 stars if possible.
5 stars
ChiralGW gave this build 5 stars • August 2024
Mirage DPS deserves to be in the meta category because of it's ease of use, high damage potential (non-projectile based), high survivability (distortion, blink, multiple dodges, jaunt), and high utility potential (mesmer bag of tricks: veil, IOL, etc). This build absolutely crushes zergs and clouds and should be one of the first considerations when comping a squad.
4 stars
Cjechurchill gave this build 4 stars • June 2024
I run this. It performs exceptionally well when fighting clouds or enemies at range or without obstacles in the way and you will almost always be at or near the top of ARC dps. But it completely falls apart when fighting if there is some kind of line of sight issue like ramps, stairs, hills/terrain, corners. It is also unplayable with the inevitable skill lag in WvW in big zerg fights. Whilst most DPS classes have instant skills, Split Surge has a channeled 1.5 second cast time so it will hardly ever actually work so you will end up with truly abysmal dps. So I give it 4 stars.


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