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Mirage - Power Spear Mirage

The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good

Focused on: Strike damageMobility and Control

Designed for: PvP Conquest

Expansions required: Path of Fire BuildsSecrets of the Obscure buildsJanthir Wilds builds

This build was last updated on February 06, 2025 and is up to date for the December 10, 2024 patch.


A high damage Power Mirage PvP build utilizing the Spear.

Skill Bar


Skill Variants


  • False Oasis - more Vigor Vigor and an additional evade at the cost of less healing and condition cleansing.


Signet of Illusions can be replaced:

  • Mirage Advance - another gapcloser and ranged CC skill.
  • Signet of Midnight - stealth access and stunbreak.
  • Illusionary Ambush - versatile utility with an evade, gapcloser, and possible damage.

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  • Fencer's Finesse - shorter cool downs on sword skills.


  • Renewing Oasis - reduce incoming damaging condition duration.
  • Mirage Mantle - gives Mirage Thrust boon rip and Fractured Glass bonus strike damage.
  • Infinite Horizon - more dazes from sword clones.



Equipment Variants


  • Relic of the Wayfinder - if you struggle with kiting or keeping up with your targets.


  • Rune of Lynx - alternative to switching relics. You only switch one or the other, not both.


To be added

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This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 3 votes.
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4 stars
Hanz gave this build 4 stars • December 2024
Can be extremely powerful in the right hands, but it gets deleted just as easily as it can delete others. Very unforgiving build both to play and to play against, if used correctly the daze mantra can shut down enemy healing skills consistently which is one of the main threats of the build. Great mobility and damage, but very low sustain.
3 stars
BernardBlack gave this build 3 stars • December 2024
With how many willbenders and dragon hunters (bunkers) there are around in this season, this build is sadly unplayable. It literally cannot do shit against them. Like sure it has mobility thru sword, but other than that.. Nothing. It's also been nerfed countless times, excellent. 3/5 at most
5 stars
Ethan gave this build 5 stars • November 2024
Any mesmer spear build is a 5 right now. This one is at least alittle more interactive than chrono in the sense that it's less likely to one shot you (it still can though). Plus extra mobility through ambush spam and it has that inulnerability that makes people hate mirage. I've seen people play this almost like a thief with the deception that ports you to the target and then back out again with its return. Might be a good swap since signet of illusions is definitely not as strong as it used to be. Still the weakest of the three spear builds, with virtuoso coming out on top, definitely better than alot of other stuff right now though, and it is relatively common in ranked. I question having dune cloak though, as this is a roamer/teamfighter, I feel as though often the clones end up dying alot, making it hard to get value out of the trait. I've tried elusive mind and it can be decent against condi matchups or situations where chill or weakness are problems, but infinite horizon is my go to, as it let's you stack up cc and damage from the ambushes, while also providing extra boonrip if taking mirage mantle. I also think that rending shatter could replace empowered illusions if you want to rely less on phantasm bursts and more on following up on shatters, but that's also just personal preference because I don't like relying on the phantasm since they are so easily negated.


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