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Ranger - Core Valkyrie

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Focused on: Strike damage and Sustain

Designed for: PvP Conquest



A core PvP Power Ranger duelist build created to win smaller skirmishes. Can be used by F2P players as well, albeit with a weaker set of pets.

Archival note: used to be meta pre-EoD but fell off with the powercreep

Skill Bar

River Drake

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  • offers better protection against CC at the cost of losing Poison Poison procs, which allows enemies to heal for more.



Equipment Variants





  • has many uses.
    • It can be used offensively for the Quickness and guaranteed critical strike from through synergy.
    • Defensively by keeping your pet swap ready in case you need to cleanse 2 conditions.
    • Alternatively the Superspeed Superspeed can help you escape damage or chase down targets while on Greatsword.
  • Pet swapping acts as a Blast finisher thanks to . Being instant, you can have Smokescale place a under you (even while you're stunned), and swap pets for AoE Stealth Stealth.

Doing damage

  • provides no additional crit chance, which means your sustained damage is going to be rather negligible. The build is all about small burst windows joined together by filler attacks.
  • recharges if it hits. Maul Hilt Bash Maul is the optimal burst sequence with 3 charges of , assuming you want to do the most damage in the least amount of time.
    • Technically you could start off with or any other skill before the chain. Hilt Bash procs Opening Strikes and makes your next attack a guaranteed critical strike, so it's possible to chain 4 crits when combined with the sigil.
  • is the best filler skill in the build. It can be spammed from a safe distance, does decent damage and builds some Might Might stacks between two bursts.


  • is both a defensive and offensive skills. You can either root enemies into your bursts or stop them from chasing you. The condi cleanse from trait synergy can also be useful.

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This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 7 votes.
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3 stars
Ethan gave this build 3 stars • June 2023
I’ve been finding Soulbeast a little tricky lately, with the Sick em build being heavily reliant on projectiles and being very squishy, while tempests or shout warriors cleanse all my poison on the condi build. Really enjoyable to play with the huge maul damage and axe 3, with the power creep of other things being played this falls off though. It is pretty sustainable with blocks evades and a leap skill, and stealth access with smokescale field and gs 3. But generally I think even Druid (which seems to be more popular lately) would be a better pick.
3 stars
Barnacle Ed gave this build 3 stars • August 2022
Unfortunately, Valkyrie ranger has really fallen on hard times in recent pvp metas. It just doesn't have the tools to deal with current meta duelists like Bladesworn or Catalyst so i wouldn't recommend it for a new player looking to get into pvp. I'd suggest that a f2p player look into a roaming LB + GS ranger instead since it'll be fae more effective while still being quite easy to play, whereas players with expansions should look at either decap druid (if they want to try dueling) or power untamed (if they want a challenging but highly effective power build).
4 stars
Hanz gave this build 4 stars • August 2022
Fell off after EoD but it still works, I'd imagine there's going to be a surge of F2P users coming in with the Steam release, this should still work just fine for them. Not a bad duelsit at all, but powercreep pushed it out of the meta. Once some overperforming specs get nerfed this could make a comeback.
5 stars
Augustinho gave this build 5 stars • June 2021
A solid side noder build in this meta. It should be the stronger ranger build for the moment. One weakness is against weaver and getting +1
5 stars
Baescons gave this build 5 stars • June 2021
Surprisingly decent in this meta. My only complaint is huge lack in team fight potential and for sticking with targets. Most play it as solely a side noder in ats, it ends up working well against bursty roaming builds in a plus 1 which is nice. I do feel in ranked that some roaming potential brings it up from B teir to A+ so I often play sword mainhand and sometimes warhorn which bring some of its better mechanics to light. Other than that it’s a spot on build.
4 stars
Vocal gave this build 4 stars • May 2020
I'd say this is a good build, especially for players just starting out, but I think the Power Survival variant is a better build at the moment. In reply to Ze Arios, this build can carry, but I think if you really want to do just that, a more dps heavy / roamer oriented build is better for that purpose. Especially if you can still hit 6.5k Furious Pounces 7k Rapid Fires. So it does work as a bunker and slow duelist, but I'd say that's not the optimal role for ranger atm.
5 stars
Ze Arios gave this build 5 stars • April 2020
This ranger build have the most carry potential for solo q at the current time, sic'em soulbeast and power survival are more reliant on the rest of the team where this you can easily go far and force 2 rotations cause if you are good with it you can win most of your 1v1 so they will need to 2v1 you which will create more space for your team.


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