Ranger - Trap Ranger
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Focused on: Condition damage
Designed for: PvP Conquest
Strong side noder and team fighter for ranger in PvP. Prospers in this meta that forces a ranger to watch over a node in addition to getting kills.
Skill Bar

Skill Bar Variants
Template:Skillbar variant Offhand dagger works very well for a full offensive 'Beastmastery' build or if you prefer that style
- Template:Gw2skill is also a very strong condition pet which applies confusion and both hard and soft cc. Some other 'Deadly' pets can work well but are entirely up to personal preference and my not be better.
For the optional slot basically the only options are(but not limited to):
- - stun break with a mass cleanse and passive healing. The downside is it could kill your pet.
- - stun break on a relatively short CD which also breaks Immobilize and provides evasion.
- - another trap. All around very strong synergy with build, also adds another condition- making cleansing much harder and spiking more effective.
Template Code
- If you want more survivability against condition classes take and
Specialization Changes
Beast Mastery over Nature Magic: Buffs your pets and trades great sustain for incredible combos with your pet 'beast' ability.
- - can work very well on shortbow, to increase the duration of your main CC.
- - escape plus cleansing is possibly a must against immob spamming rangers
- / - can work very well. Recommended if you choose beast mastery and/or off hand dagger
- Use traps frequently for stealth, superspeed and damage/cc.
- In death match do damage while frequently moving around, ccing opponents and even revive teammates when down.
- In conquest generally you want to look for 1v1s to win, but necros are also very good targets and team fights are possible to contribute to.
- You can rotate away from side nodes if you want to assist else-where, feel free to leave some traps on the way to slow down opponents while speeding yourself up significantly.
- Very high damage
- Very high condition cleanse
- Heavy CC

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