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Reaper - GS Drain

Under construction.webp This is a placeholder build that was useful in the past. Click here to view current builds.

Focused on: High sustain drain tank

Designed for: PvP Conquest


GS Drain Reaper


A direct damage teamfight focused reaper that draintanks and makes your allies harder to kill with your presence alone



Instead of Spectral Grasp

While these skills are nice you dont have a lot of mobility and spectral grasp is another way to keep enemies close but they are not to be ignored

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  • if you are finding you need a little more survivability protection in shroud and ticking life force generation will keep you alive at the cost of a chunk of damage



If you don't expect to be fighting close enough to your allies Rune of the Soldier and Rune of Vampirism are both perfectly valid, albeit a bit selfish, choices but they still allow you to drain tank. Rune Of the Soldier is also a great option against high condition damage allowing you constant cleansing. If you choose the rune of Vampirism you just have to be a bit more mindful of finishing downed enemies in fights and may want to use sigil of Exploitation.


  • While you are stronger in melee and have much more power with the greatsword many wont chose to fight you in a head to head, and can force many confrontations but if you can't get on your target swap to the axe you have it for a reason
  • While fighting in melee and you know your opponent will try to win can be used as an almost instant inturrupt for large skills or as a medium gap closer for when your opponent wants to make distance
  • If you can fight in make sure you do as it will mitigate a ton of damage
  • , and are your reaction skills, the armor for stunbreak and suffer for cleanse, although you can use before you shroud to enhance your durability in shroud


This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 3 votes.
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2 stars
Hanz gave this build 2 stars • February 2024
Tanking damage isn't really a viable stat in GW2 PvP, and some of the traits this build's built around are too weak in PvP to be worth it like Blood Bank.
5 stars
Ethan gave this build 5 stars • July 2023
Very fun build, unkillable, makes your team unkillable, good damage for the fact that you run avatar and flock. Doesn't need a support which is a first for reaper, easy condi transfer which is pretty destructive. Yeah, after condi reaper gets nerfed into the ground, this will be the be the best version of Reaper
4 stars
Esperando gave this build 4 stars • July 2023
Very fun build that can't die, but try switching Ritual of Life for Overflowing Thirst and use Dagger/Dagger instead of Greatsword. Daggers are faster and you get Immobilize and heal in their kit along with ability to transfer conditions. Also I use Soul Eater instead of Decimate Defense.


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