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Tempest - D/Wh Shocking Aura

The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good

Focused on: Strike damageControl and Support

Designed for: PvP Conquest

This build was last updated on January 18, 2025 and is up to date for the December 10, 2024 patch.


This PvP Tempest build is meant to be played in teamfights and falls somewhere between a support and a damage dealer. It doesn't directly compete with builds like Support Guard because its main focus isn't to heal, rez or cleanse but to shut down the enemy team through CC and mitigate their damage via Weakness Weakness spam from Lightning Rod while also dishing out respectable damage. Direct support here is secondary but still somewhat important.

Skill Bar


Skill Variants


Viable choices for the optional slot:

  • Conjure Earth Shield - Earth Shield is a powerful and versatile conjure skill that offers a mix of defense and offense. It has a block, Magnetic Aura for projectile reflection, an invulnerability and 2 CC skills for Lightning Rod synergy.
  • "Aftershock!" - mostly taken for damage mitigation and projectile denial on relatively low CD, but the Immobilize Immobilize could also be used to set up burst.
  • Mist Form - instant invuln + stunbreak makes for a strong panic button, but the long CD has made it lose popularity.

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Equipment Variants


  • Rune of Earth - tanky amulet with slightly higher healing and Protection Protection uptime at the expense of passive sustain.
  • Rune of Reaper - slightly more offensive rune.


  • Relic of Zakiros - improved survivability in exchange for lower damage.


  • - easier to play option with better survivability but lower damage. Take Elemental Bastion on Tempest.


  • Sigil of Transference over Savagery - shifts the focus from CC towards group healing a bit in case you want to lean into the support role more with Avatar amulet.



  • This build is intended to be in team fights sharing auras, CC'ing the enemy team, dealing damage, and doing some healing on the side.
  • You're not really a support, at least not in a sense that you'd be healing/cleansing/rezing a whole lot. Your role is more about mitigating incoming damage through CC and weakness spam via Lightning Rod while setting up kills for the team. The build does have some good options for group healing which you should use whenever necessary, but that is not the main focus here.
  • As the build is rather squishy, avoid standing on point as much as possible and don't hesitate to use your defensive cooldowns.
  • This build has a decent amount of boon output. Every aura grants Fury Fury and Swiftness Swiftness to all allies within range. This allows for nearly 100% uptime on these boons. Every Aura you apply to yourself is also shared with nearby teammates!
  • Auras in the build:
  • Shocking Aura from Overload Air and dagger #3 in Air Attunement. This is your strongest aura, made even stronger by Lightning Rod synergy. Great at peeling for allies.
  • Frost Aura from Overload Water plus the trait proc from Elemental Bastion and Soothing Ice.
  • Fire Shield from Overload Fire and combos suchs as Burning Speed + Magnetic Leap.
  • Magnetic Aura from Overload Earth and Sand Squall.
  • Tornado is an excellent and versatile skill useful injust about any situation. It can deny rez attempts even if the enemy team has stability by yeeting the downed enemy away from them - could even screw with ground targeted rez skills such as Signet of Mercy. It's great for peeling for teammates or yourself when under pressure as it's a great CC with Lightning Rod synergy. Dust Charge is a great mobility skill in general, and of course rushing through low HP enemy targets with it is very good for setting up kills.

Combo Examples

  • Like most Elementalist builds, this one is most effective when consciously chaining multiple skills together, often involving multiple attunements. Below you'll find some examples of useful small rotations that you could weave into your gameplay. This is just to give you some ideas, you don't have to follow them all the time as PvP is full of unexpected situations you'll have to adapt to on a moment's notice.
  • To stack boons right before heading into a team fight, use the following sequence:
  • Overload Fire Heat Sync. After this you may consider swapping to Earth for Sand Squall Magnetic Leap in the Fire Field, this will result in more boons and a Fire Aura.
  • Magnetic Leap Armor of Earth Sand Squall
  • Spiking targets:
  • Convergence Shocking Aura Lightning Orb Cyclone
  • Shocking Aura Overload Air Convergence Transmute Lightning Lightning Whip spam. Using Shocking Aura before Overload Air is just a good idea in general as it takes pressure off you and the stun gives less time for opponents to interrupt the channeling, after which you'll get a 2nd Shocking Aura so you get to chain them back to back.
  • Sustain:
    • Healing with 3 combo finishers: Tidal Surge Water Globe Frozen Burst Magnetic Leap Sand Squall
  • Anti-projectile rotation:
    • Ring of Earth Sand Squall Overload Earth at this point you should probably switch attunements, but if projectiles continue to be a problem wait until the Magnetic Aura from the overload runs out and do one last Ring of Earth before swapping.


  • Lightning Flash is reserved primarily as a kiting option to escape damage, but you could also do things such as precasting Overload Air from a safe distance and teleporting to your target/the capture point right before the channel goes off.
  • The only condition removal in the build comes from channeling Ether Renewal and Overload Water. If you're afraid of interrupts, cover with Armor of Earth before channeling or teleport to a safe spot (like the high ground or behind a pillar) with Lightning Flash.
    • Overload Water is the best support skill in the build, removing conditions from allies in range and healing them as well as granting useful boons.
  • Mist Form is another way to deal with heavy condition pressure in an emergency. Do not start an overload while in Mist Form though or it will be wasted as Mist Form interrupts overloads when it ends.
    • Some very rare exceptions include using Overload Water in Mist Form for unstoppable healing/group cleansing if your team is on the verge of dying, but the water overload's final pulse is usually too valuable to give up on and this should not be used in Mist Form in most cases.
  • Consider using Sand Squall immediately after using Armor of Earth to extend the duration of the boons applied.
  • Overload Fire is a relatively unimportant overload, but it does grant good defensive boons. What you could do under pressure is start the overload, cancel it with weapon stow, and use the Stability Stability from Harmonious Conduit to safely cast Ether Renewal or other defensive skills.

Finishing / Reviving

  • Armor of Earth and Mist Form can be used to secure a revive or a stomp.
    • Note: Mist Form must be activated AFTER starting a revive or stomp; otherwise it won't work.
  • Prevent enemy revives and stomps by using Transmute Lightning, Tidal Surge, Cyclone or Tornado.
  • Dust Storm is a pulsing AoE blind that can also help to stomp downed foes like Guardians, Revenants, and Necromancers.

Swiftness stacking

  • Stack Swiftness Swiftness for your team before the match starts!
  1. Switch to Air Attunement before the 10 second countdown even begins.
  2. The moment the countdown starts cast Overload Air whilst running towards the exit from spawn, this skill will produce a Static field.
  3. Right before Overload Air is complete cast Shocking Aura for Zephyr's Boon synergy.
  4. Before swapping out of Air Attunement quickly cast Cyclone.
  5. Use Sand Squall then follow up immediately with Frozen Burst (both of these are Blast finishers).
  6. When you're done switch to Fire Attunement as you don't want to start fights in Water.

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This build has a rating of 4 stars based on 5 votes.
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2 stars
JudgeTomb gave this build 2 stars • December 2024
I don't really understand the other comment, even for 2021 it's silver-tier build. Warhorn can be extremely powerful in a full dps build and i really like this weapon that i played since years even against the meta. The problem is that the build does not enough heal nor damage to be usefull... In a condition damage build it'd be good but it's a power oriented build. Heavy condi build just delete this build such has any mesmer condi build, specter, herald spear etc If you don't play with mist form willbender just erase you from the earth xD It'd be ok if played with superspeed with air switch to move away from the willbender. You basically need a heal to survive teamfight if you're targeted but running a healer + you as some kind of off-healer with low damage make teamfight very tricky since your team will lack damage. So this build meant for teamfight basically make the teamfight more difficult for your team. It's okay to play for fun but if you aim to win, don't play it unless you've got a much higher level then the opponent team, especially in the current season where any of the meta build (virtuoso spear with unblockable f1, condi herald spear, willbender power spear, etc) could kill you in 1.5sec. If you want to play warhorn, use it in condition damage build it'd be better. If you want to have value, be clear of your role, if you do a lot of thing but none well enough you become useless for your team. Just hav
4 stars
Ethan gave this build 4 stars • November 2024
Still solid, and this is one of the builds that can get alot of value from heretics amulet because of the constant regen from entering water. Since it doesn't have the highest burst, boasting a more consistent damage, I think Zakiros works better than fireworks. Taking Reaper Rune over Dolyak will help you to recover from the lost modifier aswell, but Dolyak is probably better for overall sustain. The build does struggle alot into noon corrupts because of how many boons it passively generates through auras and overloads so be careful around necros. I played into 2 scourges and a condi reaper the other day and had zero fun the whole game. Obviously that's an overblown situation, but it still applies to the booncorrupt = no fun for this build
4 stars
Guirssane gave this build 4 stars • January 2022
I prefer the variant with sage amulet and fire trait instead of air. Just feels like condi clean is too important right now. But its overall really playable.
4 stars
Hanz gave this build 4 stars • August 2021
Easily my favorite build of the season. Is it super competitive, or the best thing to play on ele? Probably not. Can you do well with it in ranked? Absolutely. The build has a couple of real strengths, namely the weakness/CC spam and some off-support but even the damage is decent. Sustain's real low but there are enough tools in the build to make it playable with good positioning, proper CD management and quick decisionmaking. Definitely takes practice but this kit is worth playing at least in ranked. Finished placements with it at 1.6k rating, which is top 60 range at the moment. Warhorn feels like a really underrated weapon, but that's because Focus still overshadows it. In harder matches where you'd get focused a lot Focus offhand might still be the way to go. The real scary part is when a support guard gives Stability to a rev + thief or mirage combo and you're not getting hugged by your support to survive it. I think it'd get shut down hard in ATs but in ranked it's fine. Thanks for sharing OP.
4 stars
JustMayor gave this build 4 stars • August 2021
Probably not the most optimal way to play Tempest, but it works (atleast in Silver and Gold). Very solid for teamfighting, because of the ammount of control you have, decent enough sustain to help you manage to survive being focused by the enemy team, but the healing of this build is considerably smaller then it's D/F Auramancer counterpart. Also the Rune of Air proc, can be a bit wonky, sometimes not working because you have to wait about half of a second after the cast. I might also recommend you to switch to Sage's Amulet for more condi damage from Fire and Earth Atunement.


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