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Untamed - Power Untamed

Part of the current metagame

Our curator decided this build is in the current metagame regardless of rating. The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great

Focused on: Strike damage

Designed for: Open World and Open World General

Expansions required: End of Dragons buildsSecrets of the Obscure builds

This build was last updated on January 31, 2025 and is up to date for the October 8, 2024 patch.


A power build for untamed for open world. This build focuses on the trait Let Loose to spam Unleashed Ambushes and provide yourself and nearby allies with some Quickness Quickness and Might Might. You achieve permanent self quickness by inflicting crowd control due to Enhancing Impact.

The build boasts excellent damage for open world and is quite resilient with frequent life stealing and defensive boons, even more so when running maces, and has great access to condition removal if needed, making it one of the best solo builds for this game mode.

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Jungle Stalker

Weapon Variants

  • Mace Mace + mace mace provides great damage, crowd control, barrier, Stability Stability, condition removal and healing. Requires Expanded Weapon Proficiency with Secrets of the Obscure.
  • Axe Axe + axe axe have great damage, range, pull, and projectile reflection.
  • Hammer Hammer replaces mace+mace for players without Secrets of the Obscure. It deals more or less the same damage but provides less resilience and less crowd control, which in turn equals less quickness.

Skill Variants

Healing skill

We default to "We Heal As One!" for its low cooldown and high healing. It also copies your boons to your pet, increasing its damage.
Other options include:

  • Perilous Gift - can be used to negate incoming damage for 3 seconds, very useful if you can time it to negate strong attacks.
  • Healing Spring - can remove up to 12 conditions. Very useful in fights with high condition preasure or boon corruption such as when fighting Titans in Janthir Wilds.

Utility skills

We default to:
Frost Trap provides great damage in a decent AoE and helps enable Predator's Onslaught. Can be replaced if needed.
"Protect Me!" is a good AoE stunbreak with low cooldown and barrier. This is a purely defensive skill and can be replaced if needed.
Storm Spirit deals great AoE damage, vulnerability, crowd control, and provides Fury Fury. Should not be replaced.
If you want or need to run other skills, here are some suggestions:

  • Unnatural Traversal - provides mobility and quickness.
  • Mutate Conditions - if conditions are a problem. Also stunbreaks.
  • Quickening Zephyr - stunbreak, quickness, and superspeed.

Elite Skill

We default to Forest's Fortification for its excellent defensive properties. None of your utility skills deal noteworthy damage, making this defensive one the standard option, but you can consider other options:

  • Spirit of Nature - can be used when playing in groups to revive allies.
  • Entangle - deals very low damage in power builds, but it can immobilize immobilize enemies for a long duration.

Pet Variants

We suggest using Tiger Tiger or Lynx Lynx for their high damage. For your other pet, you can use a tanky pet such as Brown Bear Brown Bear or a pet to inflict crowd control such as Boar Boar which has crowd control on its skills, and its Beast skill creates a bundle weapon for you to pick up and inflict more CC. If you have access to expansions, use Jacaranda Jacaranda for its high damage and survivability. Below are some other alternatives.

High damage pets
Good mix of damage and crowd control
Good on-demand crowd control
Tanky pets
  • Drakes such as Marsh Drake Marsh Drake provide the best mix of damage and tankiness, but bears, porcines, and devourers are also very tanky pets.



Ascended equipment is not required.


  • You can use Relic of Zakiros to trade a minor amount of damage for sustain, Relic of the Cavalier to start combat with boons, or Relic of Durability for a little extra defense.


Budget consumables are acceptable for use in open world.


  • Prioritize Steak Ascended food.
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  • Prioritize Steak Ascended food.
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  • (and variants)


You have control over your pet's attacks. Set to auto cast with control+mouse 2 the skills that focus on doing damage, and leave on manual control the skills that focus on utility or crowd control so you can use them when needed.

The trait Let Loose provides some quickness quickness to nearby allies. Together with Enhancing Impact, you achieve permanent self-quickness.

Your goal is to use your Unleashed Ambush at the start and end of each weapon swap rotation. With mace your Unleashed Ambush is Rampant Growth, and with axe it's Sundering Volley. Thanks to Let Loose resetting the cooldown of the Unleashed Ambush, you can use them twice per weapon swap rotation.

Inflicting crowd control also provides self-quickness thanks to Enhancing Impact. You will trigger this with Path of Scars, Storm Spirit, Oaken Cudgel and Wild Strikes.

You want to spend as little time as possible with your pet unleashed because you lose the damage bonus of Vow of the Untamed. Use that little time to cast your pet's F1,2,3 skills, then Unleash Ranger again. Note that the pet doesn't gain any bonus from being Unleashed.

A general rotation regardless of weapon goes as follows:

  1. Start with the pet unleashed. Send the pet to attack with Venomous Outburst and use Unleash Ranger.
  2. Unleashed Ambush Sundering Volley or Rampant Growth.
  3. Use all your weapon skills.
  4. Weapon swap Weapon swap
  5. Unleashed Ambush Sundering Volley or Rampant Growth.
  6. Use all your weapon skills.
  7. When weapon swap is almost ready, use Unleash Pet and cast whatever F1,2,3 skills are ready, and Unleash Ranger.
  8. Unleashed Ambush Sundering Volley or Rampant Growth.
  9. Repeat from step 4
  • When executed properly, this will provide you with permanent quickness for yourself, and some quickness to nearby allies.
  • It's better to start fights in the axe weapon set and weapon swap after using all skills.
  • On the maces weapon set, your weapon skills will reset after using them all due to Nature's Strength Nature's Strength. Use them again.
  • Relic of Nourys will activate periodically, reducing damage taken, grating you bonus damage, and converting a percentage of damage done into healing.

Defense and sustain

  • Unleashed Ambush heal you a little thanks to Natural Fortitude.
  • If a big attack is coming and you can't avoid it, use Unleash Pet to reduce incoming damage thanks to Vow of the Untamed.
  • Block projectiles with Enveloping Haze or reflect them with Whirling Defense.
  • Thistleguard provides barrier and cleanses conditions.

Crowd control

  • Path of Scars
  • Wild Strikes
  • Oaken Cudgel

Video examples


This build has a rating of 5 stars based on 2 votes.
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5 stars
Warming Hearth gave this build 5 stars • April 2024
Although this is not an easy build to play, untamed can be a monster in open world. With permanent quickness and quite a bit of sustain from ambushes life steal and the relic, this build is really good once mastered.
4 stars
MagicAndrej gave this build 4 stars • February 2024
While this build is a fun and viable build for untamed if that's what you're wanting in OW, it still feels super unmatched by Condi/Power Soulbeast and Condition Druid. It still feels like you have to put a lot of effort into this build without a lot of pay-out, especially with some of the trait play (Quickness etc) especially when trying to utilise hammer. Hammer feels perfect when you're able to swap out skills (Unleashed/Not Unleashed) on other classes. But it just falls off heavily having to try and manage your rotation and if you slip up you lose out on quite a bit.


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