Used to display a build notice tagging with the info provided.
{{Build | name = | profession = | specialization = | designed for = | rating = | focus = | meta = | xpac = }}
- name
- Optional. The build's name. Defaults to whatever comes after the hyphen in the page name.
- profession
- Optional. The profession the build applies to.
- specialization
- Optional. The elite specialization the build applies to.
- designed for
- Required. What mode this build is designed for. Accepts the following comma-separated values: conquest, fractal, open world, raid, wvw roaming, wvw zerg, wvw gvg.
- rating
- Build rating. Accepts: great, good, test, archived.
- focus
- Required. Build focus, considering the game mode and type. Accepts: direct damage, condition damage, hybrid damage, support, utility, mobility, tanking, boon removal, bunkering, and control.
- meta
- Optional. Whether this build is part of the meta or not. Setting anything will tag this build as meta.
- xpac
- Optional. Displays expansion icons if a build requires a certain xpac. Core builds doesn't show anything. Hidden by default.
Note: The build will only be tagged and appropriately categorized if it's created in the Build namespace.
{{Build | profession = elementalist | specialization = tempest | designed for = fractal, raid | rating = great | focus = direct damage | meta = y | xpac = hot, pof }}
{{Build | profession = elementalist | specialization = tempest | designed for = fractal, raid | rating = great | focus = direct damage }}
The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great
Focused on: Direct damage
Designed for: Fractals and Raids
{{Build | profession = elementalist | specialization = tempest | designed for = fractal, raid | rating = good | focus = direct damage }}
The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good
Focused on: Direct damage
Designed for: Fractals and Raids
{{Build | profession = elementalist | specialization = tempest | designed for = fractal, raid | rating = Test | focus = direct damage }}
This is a test build. You may comment and rate it.
Focused on: Direct damage
Designed for: Fractals and Raids
{{Build | profession = thief | designed for = wvw roaming | rating = draft | focus = bunkering, support }}
This is a rough draft. Once adequately written, it will progress to the testing stage, where it can be rated by the community. You can help by proposing changes with a comment.
Focused on: Bunkering and Support
Designed for: WvW Roaming
{{Build | profession = elementalist | specialization = tempest | designed for = fractal, raid | rating = archived | focus = direct damage }}
Welcome to the Builds Archive. See the ones that gathered dust, were orphaned by their original writers, or became obsolete by balance patches. We keep the orphan builds together and salute the veteran builds that held a position in the good, great, or meta categories. Click here to view current builds.
Focused on: Direct damage
Designed for: Fractals and Raids
{{Build | profession = elementalist | specialization = tempest | designed for = fractal, raid | rating = basic | focus = direct damage }}
This is a placeholder build that was useful in the past. Click here to view current builds.
Focused on: Direct damage
Designed for: Fractals and Raids
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