This build is an assassin. Tons of CC, good mobility to get in and out. Insane damage in a short amount of time. The purpose of this build is to rush in, CC high priority targets, gain quickness from that interaction, then use 100 blades and whirlwind and get out of the fight again.
| profession = Thief | specialization = | set1 = Dagger/Dagger | set2 = Shortbow | healing = Hide in Shadows | utility1 = Shadowstep | utility2 = Blinding Powder | utility3 = Shadow Refuge | elite = Basilisk Venom
Skill Variants
- if you are against bursty enemies, or what to ensure you get out of the fight after your burst. I usually take this as well as Shake it off to remove condis, aside from the removal from the defense tree.
- If the enemy team has a ton of condi pressure, just take this and shake it off.
Template Code
- for reasons x, y, and z
Specialization Variants
Specialization over Specialization for reasons x, y, and z
Equipment Variants
- for reasons x, y, and z.
- for reasons x, y, and z.
- Template:Amulet/ for reasons x, y, and z.
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 3
- Counter 1
- Counter 2
- Counter 3
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