Frostbyte (User Page)
§1. Overview
I don't know exactly how user pages are supposed to work on MetaBattle, nor what a typical page should include. I have briefly perused the Mediawiki Help Page that was referred to when creating this page, but have not spent much time examining the details, partly because I am already familiar with MediaWiki and spend a lot of time reading, editing and contributing to Wikipedia, Wiktionary and similar Wikimedia sites, and partly simply because, to be honest, I'm far too tired at the moment. Normally I thrive on tedium (I mean, I'm a freaking software engineer by trade! xP) but have been up since 03:30 this morning (it is now 13:00 where I live) and went to bed late last night, so I don't have it in me to do this properly at the moment. Rest assured that ASAP I will read more about user pages on MetaBattle and check out some other users' pages for examples to help mold this into a presentable and appropriate specimen, but for now I hope this meager effort will suffice.
§2. Contact Details
Account Name: | User Tag: | Characters: | Note(s): |
Frostbyte (" A") | frostbyte.9074 | 10 | My main, most used account. |
SubZero (" B") | SubZero.4319 | 6 | My older, alternate, less used account. |
2.1 About the Accounts Table
As previously stated, I'm as yet unfamiliar with the appropriate content for MetaBattle user pages, but I wanted to add at least some useful information to my page besides the introduction and a description of me as a gamer and citizen of Tyria. And I do know what information is appropriate to share or hand out to my fellow gamers and Tyrians from the years of experience I have playing Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.
So I decided to share my account names and user tags in case anyone would like to get ahold of me in-game. Other than that, please accept my humble apologies and sincere commitment that I will eventually (hopefully soon) make this page better. BTW, I'm not trying to sound pretentious or as if everyone is waiting with bated breath to see what kind of user page the "Great Frostbyte" is going to create. The only reason I am so thorough is because of my outrageous OCD! xP But seriously, I'll clean this up and add to it soon. I love you Tyria and fellow Tyrians, and look forward to seeing you in-game! I love you as well MetaBattlers and am so very grateful for all the awesome guides and builds you have provided! I hope to add my own modest build or guide to the site as well sometime.
Frostbyte (talk) 19:49, 13 July 2023 (UTC)
NOTE: I am deeply saddened and perturbed by the fact I was not allowed to add a link to the Mediawiki Help Page or to the MetaBattle home page (i.e., metabattle dot com) because apparently doing so is a terrible violation of "Spam Filter for External Links" abuse rule of the site, even though the I only included two links (one to this very site and one to a link that this page showed before I created it! It's ironic huh? Don't worry; I'm not mad or anything. I just thought it was funny. I will get ahold of the moderator and hopefully get that resolved. In the meantime, just know that I tried to make this a proper user page. Hopefully it will allow me to create my own user page now that I've removed any links.
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