Free to play condition elementalist
This page sets out the equipment required to play a core condition elementalist on a free to play account (still in the fire wizard style).
I have also included suggestions on how to get this equipment as a free to play players (assuming you do not have any benefactors who will provide you with the equipment directly).
DPS Benchmark: 22.4k (using Crab Food mentioned below, no utility, no backpack and no sigils).
Skill Bar & Specializations
These are as set out for a core conditions elementalist (fire wizard style): Core Condi Ele
This equipment set up is aimed at entirely new free to play players who have just hit level 80 and are therefore looking to acquire their first set of exotic level 80 gear. This is not intended to be the optimal set up but rather a very effective build to develop and upgrade in the future and is specific to free to play players (see below on how to acquire gear as a free to play player).
As you will not have access to the full trading post you will need to acquire some of your gear via different methods.
While you are restricted from buying a lot of items on the trading post you may still buy many of the items crafted by other players including crafted exotic weapons. The two specific weapons you will be looking to purchase are:
Unfortunately you will not be able to purchase sigils from the trading post so you will have to make do with whichever upgrades you can get hold of (or if you have a friendly benefactor try to get hold of a Superior Sigil of Smoldering and Superior Sigil of Earth or if they really like you, a more expensive Superior Sigil of Bursting).
There are several ways to acquire carrion armour on a F2P account but the quickest is typically using dungeon tokens to acquire carrion armour from the Citadel of Flame dungeon. Specifically you will want to purchase the Flame Legion light armour set (e.g. Flame Legion Vestments). Each piece of flame legion armour comes with a Superior Runes of Baelfire already attached.
Note, since the various dungeon currencies were condensed into a single currency (Tale of Dungeon Delving) you can earn the currency you need completing any dungeons you choose. However, in order to unlock the ability to purchase the flame legion armour set you will need to complete at least 6 citadel of flame explorable paths (e.g. each explorable path twice).
The full set of armour with pre-equipped runes will cost a total of 1,380 Tales of Dungeon Delving.
Similarly to your weapons you can buy crafted trinkets from the trading post despite the free to play restrictions. Therefore you will want to buy:
- Chrysocola Orichalcum Amulet
- 2 x Chrysocola Orichalcum Earrings
- 2 x Chrysocola Orichalcum Rings
- There are no backpieces available so you will be reliant on either a lucky drop, crafting a backpiece with most crafting professions (also a challenge for free to play), or relying on the backpack you can drop from the story: Rampagers Spineguard of Coral which drops from step 8 of the level 80 personal story - make sure you select this one!
As a F2P account you have very limited access to food and utility items.
There are no good options to buy condition food from the trading post. Instead you can use the karma you have accumulated to buy Crab Food which provides a boost to condition damage and vitality.
You can buy Master Tuning Crystals from the trading post but given your lack of precision and expertise the benefit is limited so you may choose to skip these.
As set out for a core conditions elementalist (fire wizard style): Core Condi Ele
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