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Difference between revisions of "Item lookup"

Line 646: Line 646:
| Master Tuning Crystal = 9476
| Master Tuning Crystal = 9476
| Toxic Focusing Crystal = 48917
| Toxic Focusing Crystal = 48917
| Toxic Tuning Crystal = 48917
| Toxic Maintenance Oil = 48916
| Toxic Maintenance Oil = 48916
| Toxic Sharpening Stone = 48915
| Toxic Sharpening Stone = 48915

Revision as of 00:55, 23 November 2024


Looks up a specific item id through its name.

{{Item lookup|<unnamed param 1>|<unnamed param 2>}}


unnamed param 1
Item name. Ambiguous names have to be resolved with parentheses identifiers. Defaults to -1 (none).
unnamed param 2
Item type. Accepts:
amulet (PvP), weapon (PvP), rune (PvE/PvP), sigil (PvE/PvP), infusion (PvE), food (PvE), utility (PvE), upgrade (PvE) and misc.


{{Item lookup|Diviner Amulet|amulet}}


{{Item lookup|Superior Rune of the Pack|rune}}


{{Item lookup|Superior Sigil of Celerity|sigil}}


{{Item lookup|Oysters with Spicy Sauce|food}}


{{Item lookup|Toxic Focusing Crystal|utility}}


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