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* {{Tooltip|Warrior}}: {{Skill|Charge (warrior)}} on Warhorn, {{Skill|Arcing Arrow}} on Longbow.
* {{Tooltip|Warrior}}: {{Skill|Charge (warrior)}} on Warhorn, {{Skill|Arcing Arrow}} on Longbow.
==Crowd Control==
There are no diminishing returns on crowd control (CC) effects in GW2 and new CC always overwrites old CC, so in that regard combat is fairly straightforward.
What this means in practice is that if a target is stunning in a 4 second {{Tooltip|Stun}} then a 0.25 second {{Tooltip|Daze}} will essentially break the stun for them, so be careful not to accidentally help your enemies when you're using CC skills.
There are 2 groups of CC skill, hard-CC and soft-CC. The soft-CC effects tend to be conditions like {{Tooltip|Chill}} or {{Tooltip|Cripple}} that don't result in loss of control over your character and thus they DON'T overwrite hard-CC. Soft-CC effects stack with each other.
However SOME conditions are hard-CC effects, these are {{Tooltip|Fear}} and {{Tooltip|Taunt}}. These do not stack with one another or other hard-CC effects ike {{Tooltip|Stun}}.

Revision as of 13:22, 30 April 2023


A guide to GW2's most important PvP mechanics and tactics to help new players improve their gameplay and understand Conquest better.


Combat Reset

Out of combat (OOC) health regenaration in GW2 is extremely fast. If you're leaving a fight and you aren't scared of getting jumped on low HP then simply wait for OOC regen to kick in instead of blowing your healing skill.

You could even incorporate this into your game plan. Sometimes on low HP it's best to reset the fight by disengaging, if you put enough distance between you and your enemies and manage to drop combat you'll be back at max HP in a matter of seconds. Then you could head back into the fight.

Bleeding Out

Time is one of the most valuable resources in Conquest, so wasting the time of the enemy team could contribute to your victory.

The concept is simple: don't finish off the downed opponent after you win a fight, instead let them die slowly. By delaying their respawn you make things easier for your team as they don't have to prepare for the defeated enemy joining the next fight before you could get there.

It's not always the best idea however, so you need to factor in a couple of things:

  • Where's the downed opponent? If they died on the capture point and you don't have a CC that works on downed like Stomp then you have no choice but to finish them if you want to cap.
  • Is the fight still ongoing? If you were in a teamfight and they have allies around then don't take risks, finish them off as soon as you can.
  • Are their allies nearby? Even if it was a 1v1, if they are near their spawn their allies could soon come for them to pick them up.
  • How much damage or Stability Stability do you have? If your cleave is strong or you have access to Stability then you could take bigger risks because even with allies nearby you might be able to deny rez attempts if you have to.
  • Are they a Ranger Ranger? Rangers could use their pet to selfrez with Lick Wounds after spending a few seconds in downed state. This goes back to the previous point, if you have enough pressure or means to safe-stomp you might be able to stop this, but on many low damage builds you might not want to take risks with Rangers and just finish them off.

Tip: don't grief yourself as a Warrior Warrior. While getting back into the fight with Vengeance might seem like a good idea at first, do keep in mind that this skill prevents capture point contribution! In a 1v1 your opponent could simply cap the point and leave, in which case you're just delaying your own respawn for no reason. Of course there are exceptions where Vengeance could be useful, like getting up to stomp a downed enemy in a teamfight and sometimes taking a risk in a duel to get a kill on a low HP enemy who got greedy trying to bleed you out could work, you should think twice before using this skill.


Most builds have some blast finishers, even those that don't have any combo fields. When there are players on your team with access to Smoke Fields you should be prepared to contribute to Stealth Stealth stacking before teamfights.

Here are some common blast finishers for each profession, just to mention a few:

  • Elementalist Elementalist: Frozen Burst on mainhand Dagger, Earthquake on offhand Dagger, Phoenix on Scepter, Magnetic Wave on Focus, Ice Spike on Staff.
  • Engineer Engineer: Magnetic Inversion on Shield, Holographic Shockwave on Holosmith's Photon Forge.
  • Guardian Guardian: Holy Strike on Staff, Shield of Wrath on Focus, Glacial Blow on Hammer.
  • Mesmer Mesmer: The Prestige on Torch.
  • Necromancer Necromancer: Necromancer isn't known for its combo potential and its tools are extremely limited. Most builds don't have any combo finishers that are suitable for out of combat blasting with the exception of Minion Masters and their Putrid Explosion.
  • Ranger Ranger: Call of the Wild on Warhorn, Rending Vines on Untamed (unleashed pet skill).
  • Thief Thief: Cluster Bomb on Shortbow. Thieves are especially good at providing and blasting fields with weapon skills as they aren't restricted by cooldowns and most of them run Shortbow.
  • Warrior Warrior: Charge (warrior) on Warhorn, Arcing Arrow on Longbow.

Crowd Control

There are no diminishing returns on crowd control (CC) effects in GW2 and new CC always overwrites old CC, so in that regard combat is fairly straightforward.

What this means in practice is that if a target is stunning in a 4 second Stun Stun then a 0.25 second Daze Daze will essentially break the stun for them, so be careful not to accidentally help your enemies when you're using CC skills.

There are 2 groups of CC skill, hard-CC and soft-CC. The soft-CC effects tend to be conditions like Chill Chill or Cripple Cripple that don't result in loss of control over your character and thus they DON'T overwrite hard-CC. Soft-CC effects stack with each other.

However SOME conditions are hard-CC effects, these are Fear Fear and Taunt Taunt. These do not stack with one another or other hard-CC effects ike Stun Stun.

Move, move, move

Using the terrain

Condition cleansing

Cleave vs stomp

About face

This is yet another keybind that could optimize your gameplay.


You don't always want your skills to lock onto a target in GW2, especially when it comes to mobility skills. If you want something to take you in any direction other than your target simply click off to a neutral part of your screen (any part of the terrain that isn't interactable) before using a mobility skill like Burning Speed or Leap of Faith. Having the wrong settings however could quickly ruin things for you.

Go to Options General Options Combat Options.

Disable "Autotargeting". This is option is notorious for selecting a new enemy even if you had no target, which prevents you from using mobility skills for things like disengaging. You don't want to be in a sitution where you detarget, use a mobility skill at 5% HP to run away, but Autotargeting reselects the enemy and takes you right to them instead of away from them.

Now that you know how to properly detarget, let's talk about retargeting.

Still under Combat Options check the box for "Allow Skill Retargeting". This enables you to do things like switching targets in the middle of the cast so that the skill can go off on someone other than the initial target or even hiding windup animations.

Some examples of retargeting:

  • Engineer's Magnet has a skill effect that connects you to the target, which gives enemies a chance to avoid the pull before the skill goes off. You could confuse enemies by casting it on the wrong target, make them dodge and then switch to the real target at the last moment. Or throw in some detargeting to the mix by using the skill without the target so nobody sees it coming and then target an enemy in the last moment to pull them in, giving them very little chance to avoid the CC.
  • You're using Rapid Fire but the target goes behind a pillar to block your line of sight. Instead of wasting half the skill shooting arrows into a structure simply select a new target (assuming there is one) to get the most damage out of Rapid Fire (and other channeled abilities in general).

Call target is bound to Ctrl + T and Take Target is T by default. These are important communication tools, allowing teams to focus targets more efficiently even if they're not in voice chat.

  • Builds with teleport skill that require a target could get the most out of this feature. For example on Battle of Kyhlo a Guardian Guardian could press T to take a target inside the building (which they otherwise couldn't select due to the lack of proper line of sight) and jump them with Judge's Intervention + Whirling Wrath from outside. This not only results in them getting to the fight faster but also makes their burst more unexpected for enemies.

Fake cast/cancel cast

Go to Options Keybinds and set up a bind for "Stow Weapon". There's no "cancel cast" option in GW2 so this is the next best thing, players use weapon stowing to interrupt skill animations for various reasons.

The most common reason is to save interrupt their own skills in case it would miss. That way the skill doesn't go on full CD and they can try again in a few seconds. You don't want an important elite skill like "Chilled to the Bone!" to miss because of a Blind Blind.

The other reason could be more strategic: fake casting. In this scenario the player's looking to exploit how telegraphed an elite like "Chilled to the Bone!" is by cancelling the cast right at the start with no intention of completing the channeling. The goal here is to bait enemies into wasting their dodges and defensive CDs without spending any resources of your own.

Not every skill can be interrupted without reprecussions. If there are any benefits attached to channeling the skill, for example the block on Shelter then the skill will go on full CD when interrupted!


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