Chronomancer - Boon Support Healer

This is a rough draft. Once adequately written, it will progress to the testing stage, where it can be rated by the community. You can help by proposing changes with a comment.

Focused on: Support and Utility

Designed for: Raids

Expansions required: Heart of Thorns builds



Due to the incredible range of utility and active defense that Chrono can bring, it remains a good choice of tank and boon support in raids.

However, many players will lean so hard into the defensive/utility aspects that they end up dealing no damage. If you find yourself DPS-racing a healmech, you might as well be a healer yourself!

Due to the difficulty providing key defensive boons such as Regeneration Regeneration and Protection Protection, this build may struggle to be a solo healer on some encounters but is a great choice for secondary healer.

Chronomancer provides EITHER 100% Quickness Quickness uptime or 100% Alacrity Alacrity uptime as well as Fury Fury and 25 Might Might. Both variants can dedicate multiple slots for utility skills, though the Quickness Quickness is slightly more flexible as its boons come from shatters rather than wells.

On the other hand, Alacrity Alacrity Chronomancer is one of the few builds that can provide its key boons at long-range, making it an excellent choice on encounters that require it to be a long way from the stack.

Due to the sheer range of options available, there is no "default" build for heal chrono, but rather a framework where you can slot in what you want for each encounter.

Skill Bar


Weapon Variants

Sceptre/Shield Should be considered mandatory, but the other set can be what you like:

  • Greatsword (coupled with the Domination traitline) provides some burst healing and boon rip.
  • Staff can provide similar burst healing to Greatsword without the need to trait into Domination. It can also be used to improve personal Regeneration Regeneration uptime and provide some random extra boons via Chaos Storm.
  • Offhand Focus can be taken if you need Temporal Curtain to pull adds into the boss.

Skill Variants


  • Well of Eternity is a massive group heal that can be boosted even further if using All's Well That Ends Well.
  • Mantra of Recovery provides more consistent healing, as well as being able to trigger Mender's Purity frequently. Crucially, as the charges are instant cast it can be used to provide an AoE condi cleanse to counter Fear Fear or Taunt Taunt.
  • Mirror doesn't provide any group healing, but does offer a short projectile reflect, and if running Chaos with Master of Manipulation it can also be used to provide AoE Aegis Aegis.
  • Healing Seed (Sylvari only) is the only way you have to reliable provide Regeneration Regeneration to allies, which will be very helpful if you're the only healer.


Well of Action provides ~12 average Might Might to your subgroup. Combined with Tides of Time, this is sufficient to provide over 20 average Might Might. Mantra of Pain is taken as standard to fill in any gaps, but can be swapped out if you have other sources of Might Might in the group.

Quickness variant
Only shatters are needed for Quickness Quickness so you can bring any utility skills you need.
Alacrity variant
You need 2 wells (other than Gravity Well) to maintain Alacrity Alacrity, otherwise you can bring whatever you need.
  • CC options:
    • Well of Senility does decent CC and also removes boons.
    • Mantra of Distraction is not as strong as Well of Senility but recharges on a much shorter cooldown, which may make it better on encounters that require very frequent CC. When charging the mantra, it also reduces the cooldown on Time Sink.
    • Signet of Domination has a long cooldown, but is instant cast and could be taken along with the above if you really want to go overboard on CC.
  • Aegis Aegis:
    • Blink if running Chaos with Master of Manipulation - short cooldown and instant cast, but be aware that the Aegis Aegis triggers at the location you activate the skill, not where you end up.
    • Well of Precognition can be used less frequently, but the duration of the Aegis Aegis is longer, which may be useful if you have concerns about your timing.
    • If running Blurred Inscriptions, any signet will also provide Aegis Aegis.
  • Feedback provides a long-duration reflect.
  • Mantra of Concentration provides Stability to your group.
  • Portal Entre if you need a portal.
  • Mimic allows you to get a second use out of a key skill if you'll need it more often than the cooldown. Often used together with Portal Entre.


  • Time Warp is not required to maintain quickness, but it provides an easy way to start fights with quickness and can be used to cover up any mistakes in the rotation.
  • Gravity Well should be used if an encounter requires heavy CC, and it can also be used to pad Alacrity Alacrity if running that variant.
  • Signet of Humility bigger and faster CC than Gravity Well but on a longer cooldown, which may be more suitable for some encounters.

Template Code

Quickness variant
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Alacrity variant
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Quickness variant
Use Seize the Moment.
Alacrity variant
Use Stretched Time.

Trait Variants

  • Warden's Feedback can be taken if running Focus and the reflect will be valuable.
  • Blurred Inscriptions gives you greater access to Distortion and Aegis Aegis, but you lose your main source of healing.
    • If taking this, you can constantly spam Mantra of Pain to trigger Restorative Mantras as your sustained healing instead.
  • Delayed Reactions - if not bringing any wells, you can slightly increase your CC with this.

Specialization Variants


Chaos offers more personal survivability, higher boon duration, and perhaps most usefully Master of Manipulation.

  • You could bring Bountiful Disillusionment to give yourself more Stability Stability.


With Bountiful Blades Greatsword has the highest illusion generation of any weapon and so can be used to rapidly trigger Illusionary Inspiration for burst healing on demand. You should be able to trigger this trait 12 times in a single weapon swap.


Any combination of Minstrel stats Minstrel stats or Harrier stats Harrier stats (or even Giver stats Giver stats) will provide more than enough concentration to maintain boons. The setup below is merely a suggestion.

  • This setup will hit ~100% boon duration with Chaos and +100 Concentration food, but neither of these is necessary.



  • or any Healing Power/Concentration ascended food with the 10% outgoing healing effect.



The usage section focuses on the quickness variant. If you are playing the alacrity variant, follow the same rotation but prioritise above everything else using all your wells off cooldown.



Start on Sword/Shield

  1. Echo of Memory (while engaging the boss. If the fight starts inmediately, use Time Warp first, then Echo of Memory, and cast one greatsword auto inbetween Mirror Blade and Phantasmal Berserker to ensure the Echo of Memory phantasm has enough time to become a clone)
  2. Tides of Time - to immediately get Quickness Quickness or Alacrity Alacrity out while you generate clones
  3. Illusionary Leap Weapon swap Weapon swap to cancel the aftercast animation.
  4. Mirror Blade
  5. Phantasmal Berserker Continuum Split with 3 clones at the end of the casting time. Cast one charge of Mantra of Pain
  6. Phantasmal Disenchanter
  7. Signet of the Ether and Time Sink during the cast
  8. Phantasmal Berserker
  9. Phantasmal Disenchanter and Split Second during the cast
  10. Well of Calamity Mind Stab Rewinder so Mind Stab cancels the long aftercast of Well of Calamity
  11. Mirror Blade
  12. Continuum Split ends during Mirror Blade
  13. Phantasmal Berserker and start spamming Mantra of Pain anytime it gets a charge
  14. Phantasmal Disenchanter
  15. Well of Calamity Signet of the Ether so Signet of Ether cancels the long aftercast of Well of Calamity.
  16. Phantasmal Berserker
  17. Mind Stab and Split Second when you hit 3 clones
  18. Mirror Blade
  19. Weapon Swap Weapon Swap


The loop is very simple. In the greatsword set, you will use Phantasmal Berserker 3 times thanks to Signet of the Ether. You use Phantasmal Disenchanter once per weapon set.

If you need a full breakdown, this is the full loop:

  1. Blurred Frenzy
  2. Autoattack (making sure to finish your auto chains) while using Phantasmal Disenchanter, Tides of Time and Well of Calamity as they come off cooldown
  3. Blurred Frenzy
  4. Weapon Swap Weapon Swap when available - make sure you use Tides of Time once per sword section, so delay the swap if necessary
  5. Phantasmal Berserker
  6. Mirror Blade
  7. Mind Stab
  8. Autoattack and use Mirror Blade when it comes off cooldown
  9. Mind Stab
  10. Phantasmal Berserker
  11. Mirror Blade
  12. Signet of the Ether
  13. Phantasmal Berserker
  14. Weapon Swap Weapon Swap
  15. Return to start of loop
  • Fill the gaps with auto attacks.
  • Use Mantra of Pain, Phantasmal Disenchanter and Well of Calamity off cooldown.
    • Use the last charge of Mantra of Pain just before the end of a phase and recharge it near the start of the next one to provide some Might Might to your subgroup.
  • Use a shatter whenever you reach three clones
    • Try to use Split Second off cooldown, so save clones for it if necessary
    • In a perfect world you never need to use Time Sink or Distortion for Quickness Quickness (outside of your Continuum Split), so you can save them for utility

Continuum Split

  • When Continuum Split is almost off cooldown, prepare 3 clones to use it on greatsword. You want to use Phantasmal Berserker and Phantasmal Disenchanter twice thanks to Signet of the Ether, plus Well of Calamity, and Mind Stab.

Video example of quickness rotation

Video example of alacrity rotation


  • Shield is the default weapon because it allows you to run lower boon duration, in turn doing more damage. But focus is still very good with Temporal Curtain Into the Void to pull adds onto the boss. Just remember that the quickness variants needs higher boon duration if you are going to use focus —check the gear section— while the alacrity variant will have to run 4 wells.
  • Time Warp is not necessary to maintain quickness. Once it comes off cooldown after the first use, just use it when your allies might not have quickness, for example when coming back from doing cannons on Sabetha, or when coming back from the demon realm on Deimos.
  • Blurred Frenzy and Illusionary Riposte can be used to avoid incoming damage with less of a DPS loss than dodging.

Clone Sources

The following skills summons clones

  • Illusionary Leap summons a clone on your target.
  • Illusionary Riposte summons a clone on your target if you successfully block.
  • Mirror Blade summons a clone on your target when the projectile hits.

The following skills summon phantasms than later become clones

  • Phantasmal Berserker summons 2 phantasms that later become 2 clones.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter summons a phantasm that later becomes a clone.
  • Echo of Memory sumons a phantasm that later becomes a clone.
    • If you block an attack with Echo of Memory, you can use Deja Vu, which summons a phantasm that later becomes a clone.

Shatter Usage

  • Split Second is your primary shatter and does by far the most damage. As you practice this build, you will always have 3 clones ready for it, so you're going to be using if off cooldown.
  • Rewinder should only be cast in the greatsword set shortly after Split Second, because the greatsword loop rotation generates enough clones to have 3 ready for the next Split Second.
  • Time Sink should be saved for emergencies to provide CC or cover quickness gaps.
  • Neither of your shatters line up perfectly in your loop, so they will drift, but you should be using Split Second at least once on each weapon set.

Crowd Control

  • Time Sink - daze.
  • Tides of Time - stun (shield only)
  • Temporal Curtain Into the Void - pull (focus only)
  • Illusionary Riposte Counterblade - daze.
  • Illusionary Wave - Knockback.

If you need more CC remember you can take Gravity Well, or Signet of Humility, or Mantra of Distraction, or Signet of Domination.

Encounter Specific Tips

Spirit Vale

Vale Guardian Toggle
  • If tanking, consider taking extra toughness as the boss's autoattacks hit fairly hard.
  • Bring Gravity Well for the breakbars.
  • Maintain a sword clone in the split phase to help with boon removal.
  • Use Temporal Curtain to help with seeker control.
  • Save Blurred Frenzy to evade through blue AOEs while keeping up DPS.
  • Save Distortion to negate the damage of a Green in high preasure situations. If it's really needed, take Inspiration with Blurred Inscriptions and Signet of Inspiration to negate the damage of all Greens.
Ghost events Toggle
  • Feel free to bring Feedback for some reflects. Blink and Portal Entre can be used for more mobility.
  • Abuse the adrenal mushrooms to reset your Blink and Portal Entre.
Gorseval the Multifarious Toggle
  • Bring Gravity Well for the breakbars.
  • You can use your signets (if you're using Blurred Inscriptions) to Aegis Aegis Gorseval's knockback or the black zones during the CC phase.
  • You can use Illusionary Leap and Swap to immobilize Charged Souls.
  • Use Temporal Curtain to pull the adds. The pull works best if you place the curtain just behind his hitbox.
Sabetha the Saboteur Toggle
  • Bring Time Warp as there is only one breakbar which your teammates can easily cover.
  • Use Temporal Curtain to pull the bandit adds for easier cleaving. You can do this when Sabetha starts her flamewall.
  • Be careful of teleporting into flamewalls with Continuum Shift. You might have to abort CS early or delay it to avoid this.
  • You might need to abort Continuum Split if you have to throw a bomb.

Salvation Pass

Slothasor Toggle
  • Bring Gravity Well for the breakbars.
  • Use Temporal Curtain to pull some slublings but always make sure you don't pull your friendly slubling.
  • You can use Temporal Curtain without the pull (or delay the pull) to provide more projectile defense.
  • If you are using Feedback keep in mind where your group will stand in the next few seconds. When you're about to move don't place it on your current position.
  • Distortion can be used to destroy the projectiles from the unblockable shake attack by jumping inside the boss when it shakes like a wet dog.
Bandit Trio Toggle
  • Bring Gravity Well for add control.
  • Use focus to pull mobs together.
Matthias Gabrel Toggle
  • Bring Gravity Well as failing to CC will result in a squad member's death.
  • Be careful with your reflects! You should only use Feedback to break Bloodstone Shield. If you reflect his slam attack Matthias will get a damage buff for each projectile you reflected.
    • Also be careful with Tides of Time as this skill will eat the shards needed to break Bloodstone Shield.

Stronghold of the Faithful

Siege the Stronghold (Escort) Toggle
  • Bring Gravity Well for add control.
  • The most popular strat for this encounter is "all up" or "insta cap", where one chronomancer solos the cave, tanks the tower mobs, and uses Portal Entre to taxi the group up to every tower. This lets you effectively have 9 people on both the main path and the towers. If you are filling this role consider running extra toughness to make it easier to survive the tower mobs on your own.
    • If your group is fast you might need to Mimic your Portal Entre, or ask another mesmer to bring Portal Entre and help you port the 4th tower.
    • If your team is okay with you not giving quickness in order to make sure you can reliably solo the skip part, you can bring Blink and Mass Invisibility.
  • Use focus to pull mobs together.
Keep Construct Toggle
  • Bring Gravity Well for the breakbars.
  • Make sure to have Quickness Quickness ready for the burn phase.
  • Use Temporal Curtain to help pull the core through the rifts. Coordinate with other players on who is going to pull and when.
Xera Toggle
  • If tanking, consider running extra toughness as there is a lot of random damage on this fight and your healer will have their hands full.
  • Bring Gravity Well for the breakbars.
  • Well of Eternity can be useful for condition cleanse and Rune of Superior Rune of the Scholar uptime.
  • Use your Temporal Curtain to pull adds into the boss.
  • You can use Temporal Curtain to pull orbs. Make sure to pull the last orb to make sure you're not pulling more than one orb.
  • If you're tanking, make sure to keep Xera facing away from your group as her Blurred Frenzy will deal massive damage to your DPS. You can use Blurred Frenzy or Echo of Memory to protect yourself from the attack while staying in place.

Bastion of the Penitent

Cairn the Indomitable Toggle
  • Bring Time Warp as there are no breakbars here.
  • You can use Blurred Frenzy to evade through red AOEs while keeping up DPS.
  • If doing greens, you should delay your Quickness Quickness until everyone is back in the center.
Mursaat Overseer Toggle
  • Bring Time Warp as there are no breakbars here.
  • You should take either Claim or Dispel to get Improved Alacrity on the special action key.
Samarog Toggle
  • Bring Gravity Well as Samarog has a huge breakbar and failing to CC will result in a squad member's death.
  • Coordinate your CC with your teammates; try not to burn too many big CCs on the same breakbar.
  • Use Into the Void to pull Rigom under Samarog during the split phases.
Deimos Toggle
  • Bring Time Warp as the breakbars are small and easily broken by your teammates.
  • You can block the pizza attacks and Mind Crush with Inspiring Distortion.
    • Note that a player standing in two pizza slices at the same time will still get hit.
  • If tanking, save Blurred Frenzy to dodge the pizza attack while staying in place.
  • You can use any of your blocks or Well of Precognition to block Mind Crush.

Hall of Chains

Soulless Horror Toggle
  • If tanking, consider taking extra toughness as the boss's autoattacks hit fairly hard.
  • Bring Signet of Humility as failing to CC will wipe the group and Gravity Well is risky with the Tormented Dead around.
  • Take care when using Tides of Time as it will freeze Tormented Dead in place and interrupt knockbacks.
  • Try to block the AoE attacks for your team with Inspiring Distortion.
  • If you're tanking, coordinate the aggro swap with the other tank. Aim to swap aggro as soon as your current stacks expire.
  • If you're tanking, move the boss near the wurms at the start so your DPS can cleave them down (with Epidemic or otherwise).
  • Make sure to stand behind Soulless Horror if possible. If you're the tank, keep her facing in the same direction as her attacks deal massive damage to anyone who isn't the tank.


This build has a rating of 5 stars based on 3 votes.
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5 stars
Nuo gave this build 5 stars • May 2024
With the ability to swap between granting quickness and granting alacrity with one trait, Chrono is the most versatile support. Between the very high healing output of Rifle and Mesmer's diverse utility toolkit, this build is an extremely strong healer.
5 stars
OfficerAndyGentleman gave this build 5 stars • April 2024
A safe way to introduce a player to the utility of chrono, without needing to worry about damage. Rifle adds an absurd amount of healing and boon provision for minimal effort, leaving the second set free for whatever utility is required.
5 stars
Tamnoro gave this build 5 stars • April 2023
i think the build is really strong. i play it a lot in strikes and fracs. i like the chaos traitline but sometimes i play it with illusions and scepter trait.


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