Scourge - Alacrity Support Healer
This is a rough draft. Once adequately written, it will progress to the testing stage, where it can be rated by the community. You can help by proposing changes with a comment.
Focused on: Healing and Utility
Designed for: Raids
A Scourge build that brings heavy support in raids. This build provides sustained healing and extreme resurrecting ability. In addition, it can provide some Might to its subgroup.
It should be noted that most of the healing is in the form of barrier, which isn't reduced by Agony (in fractals) and makes it easier to maintain uptime.
Skill Bar
Weapon Variants
generates enough life force to use any mainhand weapon:
- Use Axe if vulnerability is lacking.
- Use Scepter for range.
- Use Warhorn over Torch if you find yourself starved for life force, though this reduces your Might generation.
Skill Variants
- Alacrity), but you lose out on a ranged res. - Provides AoE barrier (and therefore more
Any of your utilities can be swapped out, with being the first choice
- - destroys projectiles.
- - for extra boon rip if is not enough.
- - 900 range portal, useful for mobility and skips.
- - 1200 range teleport. Can also bodyblock certain projectiles (e.g. Old Tom's poison whirl).
- - AoE swiftness and stability.
- - if stability and condition cleanse are needed.
- - excellent cleave damage if using the Hybrid DPS variant, and can be useful even in magi gear.
- - AoE pull.
- - a costly ranged res, but a complete one.
- Might. - if heavy AoE boonstrip is needed or for a little more
- - for soloing Thaumanova heat room with your massive health pool.
Template Code
Trait Variants
- - delayed burst heal.
- - if not running staff.
- - if you need more personal survivability.
Magi Variant (Heal Bot)
Use this for maximum healing and life force.
- if you find yourself often reviving - it will proc off and .
- can allow you to survive otherwise lethal mechanics and revive your entire squad, saving them from a wipe.
Equipment Variants
The above gear is only one possibility. Marshal stats, Plaguedoctor stats and Shaman stats can be mixed and matched to suit you, though you should keep the following guidelines in mind:
- 842 is about the minimum viable healing power. With ~1318 being recommended.
- You should try to keep your vitality above 1510 as this allows you to comfortably run Curses. If you will only ever be running Soul Reaping you can drop down to ~1300 without too much trouble.
- Note that increases your revive speed from and , so it has value beyond raw healing.
and only provide around 100 healing per second each.
- can be used if you find yourself often reviving. Note that this does grant 75 toughness, which may interfere with boss aggro in rare cases - eat different food if this is going to be an issue.
- Your healing is divided between refreshing barriers on your allies and slow healing over time.
- Switch to staff whenever Regeneration runs out and use three times before swapping back. You can also dodge to trigger .
- You can stack multiple barriers to preempt heavy damage, but keep in mind that barriers are capped at 50% of your ally's maximum health.
- Use off cooldown for AoE pulsing heals. Delay it if you anticipate that you might need to vacuum up downed allies.
- Use , , , , and off cooldown to provide might as required.
- Always have your Sand Shade up to get the 225 bonus concentration from .
- - note that this is also your primary sustained heal
General Tips
- Try to place your shade on one side of the group, and stand on the other side - this will help spread barrier more evenly.
- If lots of boonstrip is needed, remember that and strip boons as well.
- pierces; if there are multiple enemies, hit as many targets as possible to keep your life force up.
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