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This is a test build. You may comment and rate it.

Focused on: Healing and Support

Designed for: PvP Conquest



Shortbow Support Scrapper does high Barrier Barrier and 24px Healing while providing your team with Stability Stability.

Skill Bar

Med Kit
Elixir Gun
Elite Mortar Kit

Skill Variants

  • Elite Mortar Kit - Pulses Poison Poison, Chill Chill & Blind Blind. Provides Elixir Shell for water field healing combos.
  • Supply Crate - Ranged burst healing + CC option. Will also trigger Relic of Karakosa. Simplifies build but loses soft CC.

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Trait Variant



Equipment Variants

  • Rune of Dolyak
  • Rune of Guardian


How to play

This build makes use of Medical Dispersion Field.

  • Shortbow Shortbow, Med Kit & Relic of Karakosa is where most of your healing will come from.
  • Start off fights with Essence of Animated Sand. Throughout the fight use your blast finishers to combo into Cleansing Field.
  • Heal close by allies with Bandage Blast, Vital Burst, Bulwark Gyro Elixir Shell & Super Elixir.
  • Heal far away allies with Essence of Animated Sand, Essence of Living Shadows & Supply Crate.
  • Toss Elixir S - Can be used to prevent stomps & stealth res.


  • Elixir S & Toss Elixir S - These skills can be used to reposition once put into an unsustainable situation.
  • Elite Mortar Kit - This skill kit can caps with pulsing Poison Poison, Chill Chill & Blind Blind. Will help with surviability and pressuring enemies off cap.
  • Stability Stability - Your stability sources are Function Gyro & Defense Field. Cycle through using the two to maintain your teams stability. Just be aware when you may need to save your Function Gyro for a res.

Burst Healing

When you find an ally in desperate need of quick healing your fastest option is:

  • Vital Burst -> Cleansing Field -> Essence of Animated Sand -> Essence of Borrowed Time - Essence of Living Shadows -> Super Elixir

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